Thursday, June 18, 2015

Forget it!

Tuesday I went to my local Christian bookstore to purchase an accompaniment CD.  I discovered that the one I wanted could be "burned" right there at the store.  I looked and looked and I sampled many songs until I found the right one.

I approached an employee who stated that she could have it done in ten minutes.  I told her that was fine I would just walk around and look through the store. I wandered and looked at several bible studies, I flipped through the latest novels, I searched for a book for my father and I spent about twenty five minutes just looking. 

I approached the counter and I asked the girl if my CD was ready.  She looked at me with that stunned "deer in the headlights" look and yelled out "I'm so sorry!"  She said that she had gotten busy with other customers and had completely forgotten the CD.  Having waited for almost thirty minutes now, I asked if I could just get a refund.  She returned my money and repeated "I'm sorry" at least five more times.  I assured her it was okay.  The incident in my mind was forgotten and chalked up to a mistake. 

I am not one to simply "forget."  My disappointment is often written all over my face but this time it wasn't.  I really just walked away with no CD and no anger.  

Yesterday I decided to try again.  I went back into the store and selected two CDs and both of them needed to be transferred on to CD form. She took one look and said "Oh I'm so sorry about yesterday-it won't happen again" and proceeded to continue to apologize. 

I truly had forgotten the situation yesterday and I just wanted my CD's.  I went back to the books and reviewed all the same books I had looked the day before.  After fifteen minutes I returned to the counter and both CD's were ready.  The girl said "I'm so sorry about yesterday."

It made me think of a statement I made years ago.  "God is forgiving.... but man so unforgiving!"

I told her the day before, "Forget it."  It has passed, it was a mistake and I've forgotten it.  For some reason, we can not let go.  God forgives all our sins, He does not qualify sins, we do!  He is ready and able to forgive us when we ask.

That is where we need to keep our focus.  Why keep bringing our faults back up by reminding us of or mistakes?  In this case, I didn't need to remind her that she had messed up the day before she couldn't let it go!

Are you caught up in something you can't forget about?  Perhaps some mistake made long ago? To you I say "Turn it over to God....then Forget it!"

The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. He will not always chide, nor will he keep his anger forever. He does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his steadfast love toward those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us. Psalm 103:8-12

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

It is Well

As I sit here listening to Kristene DeMarco sing It is Well, I wonder how it is....

How is it that I can be at peace at the death of a much loved uncle.  Yesterday I heard someone say that he left such a legacy.  I wondered if they knew all of the story. I recall being about five years old going to visit him and hearing so many stories.

My mom is the youngest and now only has one surviving brother. She was very close to my uncle Gilbert much like I am close to my own brothers but for different reasons. My uncle and I had many conversations in his last few weeks.  Most of them were of fishing-his earthly passion.  Some were caution related. You see, even having served as a law enforcement officer for thirty years, he would still say things like "be careful and lock your doors!" "Don't leave your purse in plain sight or always be aware of your surroundings!"

Two things have resonated with me the last few days. The first is his awesome testimony. He was a man that loved hard. He loved my aunt with a passion that surpassed words.  We didn't need words.  His actions were all we needed. She was a woman of faith that lived out 1 Corinthians 7:12-15.

I believe it was her example of faithfulness and dedication to Christ that led him to Christ.  A man that was a non- believer led the charge and spoke of the God that saved him. Words that might have never been spoken had she not remained faithful.

The second thing is my intense need to say I Love You. As I heard the news, I was in Miami and I longed to be with my family. I wondered if everyone that should have said "I Love you," got the chance to. Upon death, there won't be an opportunity to share those words.

Many are grieving, many are sad, many know the hope of eternal life but the pain still lingers. In my heart, I am forced to be strong for reasons known only to me but I find my peace and consolation in the arms of Christ.

Pray for our family as we return to God a husband, father, brother, grandfather, and uncle. We pray for peace and despite the motions we must go through we will know.......It Is Well!

Whosoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life. John 5:24

Gilbert R. Guzman

Thursday, June 4, 2015

What if the Prodigal Son is a girl?

There are so many stories in the Bible.  While I learned many of these when I was growing up, some 
I learned some in the last fifteen years.  Then there are those that I have heard over and over again. I know alot of them, and I know enough about some of them to know when something in the story has been changed.  

For instance, if you told me that it was David in the lion's den, I would argue the point because I know I can prove that it was Daniel.  If you told me Isaac was Abraham's first son, I would argue that as well because we all know his firstborn was Ishmael.

With that said, if you told me that the prodigal child was a girl I would dispute that as well.  Unless of course you were talking with my parents.  While God's word clearly says that the prodigal was a "son" [Luke 15:11-32], my parents had a prodigal girl.

You see, when I was at the ripe age of 27, I thought I knew it all.  I was in the midst in one of the largest organizations that gave me the authority to stop criminal behavior.  I was incarcerating thieves, murders, and burglars.  I was helping citizens to retain their property or making someone who took it-pay for it.  

I was loving my job and loving life.  Unlike my friend Mark Corona, I did not struggle with honoring God in patrol.  Although I was raised a Christian, I did not know enough about a "relationship with Christ" to honor Him.  

My idea of honoring God was to stand next to a jukebox singing Losing My Religion by REM hoping I didn't lose my soul.   I set out to live my life like I had never before been allowed to do.  I worked long hours and played long hours.  If any of my "today" friends could have seen me, they would not recognize me.  

While I did not take any worldly belongings from my parents and blow it like the prodigal son, I did live life to the extreme.  I loved it and no one could tell me different.  Yes I lived high and mighty, yes I flaunted material possessions, yes I hung with the best of them but like the prodigal son, it all came to an end.  

I must say I never ate leftovers from a troth but I was committing the same sins as those I was arresting.  I was stealing time from God, I was killing my spirit that longed for acceptance that could only be found in Him, and I was taking things like attention, that belonged to someone else.  I was no better than the thieves, murders and burglars. 

If you know the story of the prodigal son then you know that when he was on empty, he opted to come home.  He felt that being a servant in his fathers home was better than living life on the street.  He was down to nothing....He was empty.  

I know that feeling.  I was that kid.  I was the prodigal son-but a girl.  

It was my mother that once told me "if you shame your father, you will break his heart."  Being a daddy's girl all my life, the last thing I wanted to do was shame my father.  I immediately cried out to my heavenly Father and asked for forgiveness then I went to my earthly father.  

As I suspected, he welcomed me home [to the family of Christ] with open arms and gratitude.  God had answered his prayer.  Another prodigal had come home, but this time it was his girl!

Jesus continued "There was a man who had two sons.  The younger one said to his father 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them."  Not long after that the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.... when he came to his senses, he said "How many of my father's hired servants have food to spare and here I am starving to death!" ...So He got up and went to his father but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.  The son said to him "Father I have sinned against heaven and you I am no longer worthy to be called your son.  But the father said "...this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Let's celebrate.  Luke 15: 11-24

To parents: Never give up! Keep praying for your children and that child.  We serve a mighty God who has no boundaries.  

Taking God on Patrol by Mark S Caronna can be found at


Monday, June 1, 2015

Not Alone

A friend once told me "When God is all you have; God is all you need." In my darkest days I have found that to be true. Only God's presence in those moments brought me through.

 I have spoken and ministered to many individuals. I have heard stories of darkness and brokenness and no hope. The HOPE is in Jesus Christ, the HOPE is in His Word, the HOPE is in a relationship with Him.

We often hear stories of Paul who was flogged, imprisoned, shipwrecked yet through it all, he was not alone. Even when he was in the minority, he never gave up. He clung to the Lord and spread the gospel.

For some of us "dark days" can be a spouse leaving us, a prodigal child, or even a bad score on a college final.  God never moves! He remains ever present to walk you through it.

So when you feel like you are in the pit of darkness, remember "When God is all you have-God is all you need" - you are not alone!

At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all might hear it. And I was delivered from the Lion's mouth. The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom. To him be the glory forever and ever Amen. 2 Timothy 4:16-18