Saturday, September 26, 2015

That's My Child

The other day I was watching a program called  The Voice.  It is a reality show that allows people to come on stage and sing for 90 seconds.  In those 90 seconds you go before four judges whose back is to the singer.  The objective is to impress a judge enough to get him to turn.  In turning his seat to face you, the walkway lights up and his chair says I Want You.

As I sat and watched, they told the story of the next singer.  His name was Michael Woolery.  Some of you may remember Chuck Woolery of Love Connection.  It was a television show - what some might call today a "reality show."  Love Connection was around in the 70's and Chuck Woolery was the host.  Today, he stood in the shadows as the spot light was on his son.  Michael was auditioning for a spot on The Voice. 

As Michael sang, the cameras would pan back to his father Chuck who stood silently cheering for his son.  "Come on" he would say as he desperately wanted his son to gain a spot.  Michael was a skier and as he prepared for the Olympic tryouts, he was injured after a fall.  Unable to compete any longer, he turned to music. 

The 90 seconds came to an end and not a single chair turned for Michael.  You can imagine his disappointment.  Greater still, you can imagine his father's disappointment.  He wanted so much for his child.  He wanted to see his son succeed, He wanted his son to get a chance, he wanted the best for his son because that's his child. 

God wants the best for us too.  We don't have to wait for someone's approval.  We are children of the most high God and he wants us to live our dreams, be fulfilled, and find success in Him. We are his children and He will always say "I want you."   He waits for us in the background, cheering us on saying "That's my child."

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God.  And that's what we are.*  1 John 3:1

*This is one of my favorite verses.  When I think that our Father's love is so great and he has "lavished" that on us. According to the dictionary, lavished means to bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities. How great is the love of the Father that he lavished it on us, He poured out his love in generous quantity-what more do we need?  I am his child!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Move it!

When we were younger it was difficult to find a good spot to watch TV.  With five kids and only a 19" TV you did your best to secure a spot.  Every now and then, one of the siblings would pull rank and try to move you.  I was second in line so it was one of the tools I used.  If my brother tried to get my spot, I could tell him to go take a hike without too many repercussions.
However, if my mom came and told me to move, you better bet I did.  There was no argument, no fight-only compliance.  So why is it that we find ourselves wanting to argue with God when He tells us to move?  You know when you're in that comfy seat and you've already warmed it up and your body has formed that spot?  You're comfortable and you don't want to give your spot.  Then you ask the question that you think is going to make a difference..."Why can't he move?"  To which our mom would respond "Because I asked you to move."

That may be how it is in life.  Perhaps you are at the job you want to be  at, or the home you thought would be your lifetime home, or even the church you just love and God said "Move it."  Go!  I'm sure you just got up and went.  Not me.  Not gonna lie, I dug my heels in. That makes me human not obedient.  Some of you know the tricks "Why do I have to go, I have seniority" or "I was here first" or "Why can't you move so and so-I'm thriving."

It is easy for it to become about ME. I once had a work situation where personalities just did not mesh.  The ranks were equal but the personalities clashed.  Of course my first inclination was to say "Hey, I was here first!"  Rather than to allow this person to see Jesus in me, I became angry at the idea of having to work with this individual.  My superior would not listen and chalked it up to "competitive woman syndrome." When I lost that battle I went to God.  I first laid out my case saying "I have experience, I love this group, I have worked hard to get this unit where it is today" as if He didn't already know.  Then came the biggie-"Why don't you move her....take her out of my life" to which God responded "what if I move you?"  Uh uh that was not an option.  I needed someone to recognize that I was not the bad guy here, this was my territory!   I spoke to a friend who gave me the most poignant words.  She said:

"If God moves you instead of them, it might because God knows he can use you anywhere and He still has work to do on them."

Talk about humbling.  It becomes real when someone calls you on it.  How are you showing Jesus to that person by digging your heels in?  As difficult as it was for me to leave everything I lived for, everything I loved, I had to leave.  God had a different plan for me and I was resisting it. So when God calls you to move like he called Abraham to leave his country, even if you think you deserve better, don't argue, don't make your case to stay, don't fight...just move it!

The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you"...So Abram left as the Lord had told him.  Genesis 12:1,4
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts.  Isaiah 55:8-9

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A covered sin

One day recently I was travelling with my husband and a thought came to mind.  There is no WORSE sin than a covered sin!  That was my thought.  I drifted into verses that speak of "on that day we will have to give account or nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight."  I continued to think of how exactly people might think that God wouldn't know what they were up to in their hidden sin.  In my high and mighty attitude, I thought of those hurt by hidden sin and those hurt when this sin was discovered or revealed. My contempt went to those sinning under cover.

That happens you know....people often hide from others, their children, parents, church, even their spouse, just to  justify their sin.  In my judgmental moment I threw some whips hoping they landed on the backs of those hiding.   I even threw some scripture at those I knew were sinning in the cover of darkness. 

It was then that I questioned the audacity of those who hid.  Judas Iscariot hid.  He sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.  Peter hid, he denied Jesus three times even after Jesus said he would do it.  Adam and Eve hid when God asked them where they were.  Yup.  I found myself listing those who had or were sinning under cover of darkness and never once did my name come up.  Never once did anger or bitterness or gossip come up of which I know I'm guilty of in secret.

I said it again "There is no worse sin than a covered sin."  As I meditated on that, this came to mind "There is no better sin than that a covered sin."  Thought provoking right? 
Well, He did it again.  Jesus reminded me that He died on the cross to cover all our sins.  Here I was contemplating the worse sins one could commit under cover and Jesus had to remind that He covered all those sins when he went to the cross. 

Far be it from me to go there and judge anyone's sin.  I am grateful that regardless how secret, hidden, unexposed or covered the sin's covered by the blood of the Lamb!

If we claim we are without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.  I we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.  1 John 1:9

Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save him from death and cover over a multitude of sins. James 5:20

Saturday, September 12, 2015

I am my beloved's and he is mine

Yesterday I received word that a friend had received some "bad" news about a biopsy.  I have been out of sorts myself but was burdened about the news.  The news was actually about her husband.  She calls him "My Beloved."  They are an awesome couple full of love for each other, love for their family and a love for Christ. " I am my beloved and my beloved is mine" actually comes from God's Word.  It can be found in Song of Solomon 6:1. This is a couple that loves the Lord.  They could be an example to any married couple.  Every couple has their own niche and it doesn't always have to be agreeable to both.  For instance, she loves to bake and go bird watching.  Not the norm- would you say?

I often look at her creations on social media and envy her creativity and talent of baking.  She make some awesome looking sweets.  One might say "I wish I could bake like her" or "I wish my marriage was like hers.  The truth is she has just hit a crossroad.  Her beloved received some news that will completely change their daily life but not their walk.  I think of my dear friend's passion for the Lord and I know that they will be okay. Unbeknownst to him or her, several years ago my husband and I served at a High School Beach Retreat with our church.  Her beloved, Brendon was working in the food distribution capacity.  I did not know him by name and neither did my husband. 
One day we were receiving food from him and he began to talk about his wife.  I didn't know her very well either but I loved her spirit.  Her husband spoke so highly of her and in a gentle voice spoke of how he loved and missed her.  Later, when I saw him at church, I tell my husband "You know...the guy that loves his wife."  What a beautiful picture to paint of your beloved.  In Song of Solomon, the writer speaks of his beloved and says "How beautiful you are my darling! Your eyes behind your veil are doves.  Your hair is like a flock of goats...your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn..." (4:1-2).  Not quite what a wife wants to hear but for that time it was a compliment. They have survived kids leaving home, kids marrying, loss of relatives and so much more and they are still a pillar of strength.

She posted a picture on social media of her journal as she prayed for her husband.  I challenge any wife to do the same for your beloved.  God gave you the man you married and if he is not all that you imagined he would be, then take it to the Lord in prayer.  Let him be your encourager, your best friend, your man, your earthly rock, your groom, your one and only, your bird buddy or anything else you want him to be.  I love this girl, she is a friend and example to many.  Now we will see them in another phase of life that is again completely dependent on Christ for nothing is impossible with Him.
 (Matthew 19:26)
To my friend Deanna I say " hold on!"  We serve a mighty God who is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the present and the future the everlasting to everlasting-He is Lord and He will not let go!"

Where has your lover gone, most beautiful of women?  which way did your lover turn that we may look for him with you?  My lover has gone down to his garden, to the beds of spices, to browse in the gardens and to gather lilies. I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine. Song of Solomon 6:1-3

Please keep my friends Deanna and Bren in prayer as they love the Lord and walk this new journey.