Pay Attention. I have found myself saying those words often. Sometimes with an exclamation point at the end of the two words. Pay attention when you cross the street, pay attention in class, pay attention to the instructions. It has brought me to ask myself "What area am I not paying attention in?"
My youngest son is embarking on a journey that is new to me. He has generated a letter that I want to change. I want to add, change, correct, and then send. Yet, I have found that I simply need to pay attention in this area. This morning while reading God's Word, I was hit with this:
My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ears to my words. [Proverbs 4:20] know what I did? I took a picture and sent it to my son. I sent it to him because it said my son and I wanted him to remember that we often get distracted and we need to pay attention. We need to remain faithful and in God's Word. Yet as I continued reading, I realized that the pay attention message was for me!
It was like God was telling me "Pay Attention Dee. This is your son's journey not yours. I gave him the words for that letter so don't change it!" Wow! What an eye opener. As I have watched moms in the past years post their son's transition from high school to college or real life, I walked that walk with them. I call them my KPark moms. We had to let go.
Today, that son has completed his junior year in college. As I watch my friend Shelly West post pictures of her beautiful daughter, I have seen "momma proud pictures" of her amazing art work and journey as a senior in high school. The tears flow as I recall being there three years ago. To Shelly I say "we have been there, we stand with you."
Today God tells me Pay Attention Momma! I need to pay attention and remember that this is HIS journey. I couldn't be more proud that he has chosen to serve God. I will continue to pray that I will pay attention and not interfere with God's plan.
I ask that you join me in praying for all our sons and daughters that have left home or will be leaving home and that we as parents pay attention in being faithful to seriously lifting up to our Savior. Oh and Pay Attention-don't get in their way...especially if they are following Christ!
My son, pay attention to what I say, turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one's whole body. Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:20-23