Friday, March 29, 2013

Incessant hammering

Whew, a morning off.  Thanking God for the big things!  Wednesday, my husband was assigned a "post" at Stations of the Cross at our church.  His assignment was at the last station...the cross.  We sign up for three hours at a time.

I did not even see him that day until after 9pm.  When he came home, he was somber and that went along with his black suit.  I didn't pay much attention knowing I would be up until midnight grading papers and preparing for the next day.

He had a different look....his countenance was different.  I put my things down and listened.  He said
" You know, as I listen to the hammering on the cross, I get it....I get it that it was my sin that put him there.  But as I continued to listen through the evening, it was the incessant hammering that gave me a whole different look on the sins that he carried-they were much more than mine, they were all of ours."

How do you follow that up?  I agreed and recalled even my own sin.  If I was at that cross, once would not be enough.  I would be a part of that incessant hammering day after day after day.  As I think of the significance of that action, I am reminded that our Christ died for everyone of those sins that we hammer into that cross. 

One of my favorite songs that we sing particularily during this season is How Deep the Father's Love for Me and has this phrase:

Behold the man upon the cross, 
My sin upon his shoulder
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that held him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished.

(c) 1995 Thank You Music, Stewart Townsend EMI CMG Publishing

With every strike of that hammer, He takes it on, and we walk away a new person free of that burden.  Some burdens that we may have carried for years.  You are free and the incessant hammering is proof because Christ took on your sin!

He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishnent that brought u peace was upon him and by His wounds we are healed. Isiah 53:5

There is still time to visit Stations of the Cross 6:30am- 9:45 and 1:30 until 9:00 PM.
Second Baptist Church Hwy 59 at Kingwood Drive

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