Sunday, September 8, 2013

I wish I had known

I ran into a friend after the worship service today.  After the alter call, our pastor called for all the Bible Study teachers to come to the front and be recognized.  I saw my friend standing there.

Afterwards, I saw her walking down the aisle and I said "I didn't know you were teaching."  She then told me that she wished she had known that they were recognizing teachers.  She said "I wish I had known they were going to do that, I would have dressed up."

My friend was not dressed badly but we often set a standard for ourselves.  Sometimes, we just don't feel like meeting that standard and we come to church comfortably. I told my friend that she looked just fine and we moved on. 

As I thought about it, I realized that God's Word is clear that no one knows the day or time when Christ shall come.  We can not wake up one day and say "I think I'll be ready today because Jesus is coming."

We will not get an advance notice, there will not be a color coded flag -yellow for caution or red for
"He's here ."   When Christ comes to take his people home, He will simply appear.  God's Word is very clear that we are to keep watch and treat every day as if it was that day.

So don't let down your guard.  Walk wisely and clothe yourself as if today were the day.  Don't get caught saying "I wish I had known!"

No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father...Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come
Matthew 24:36, 42

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