Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I walk the line

This morning I was running and my iPod switched over to Johnny Cash. The song playing was I Walk the Line.  I remember telling a friend long ago how awesome that must be that one would love another with that commitment.

As I listened to the words, I was reminded that someone does love  me that much. Someone loved me enough to give his live for me. the question here is MY dedication. Do I walk that line? Do I submit to God's will or do I fight it? Do I find other "loves" in life more enticing or satisfying?

I run with fervor asking myself why obedience is so hard, painful or just plain contrary to my plan? No one likes to be taken out of their comfort zone. As I run deep in the territory of broken trees, limbs, sweet gum balls and rocks, I think of all the things that could "trip me up" and ruin my venture of another half marathon.

I often find myself looking for things that will trip me up in my "walk" with Christ. As much as we want to "Walk that line" we may fail. The difference in the Johnny Cash song is that God will not disown us if we fall off track. Years ago, God called for the Isrealites or walk that line and obey Him giving them many opportunities.  In their disobedience, they worshipped other Gods, turned their backs on God and did everything but follow Him.

"I keep  a close watch on this heart of mine,
I keep my eyes wide open all the time..."

Yea! Guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life (Prov 4:23) , keep your eyes wide open for the tricks of the enemy and know that someone loves you enough to offer you eternal life. What a gift. My prayer is that I will succeed in walking that line!

This is what the Lord showed me; The Lord was standing by a wall that had been true to plumb with a plumb line in His hand. And the Lord asked "What do you see Amos?"  A plum line . Then the Lord said "Look, I am setting a plumb line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer. Amos 7:7

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