Sunday, December 29, 2013

He knows

Have you ever had a secret?  Perhaps some news that only you are privvy to?  Maybe it's a secret only you carry.  I had this discussion with my sister this weekend.  We were discussing Beth Moore's Bible Study Sacred Secrets*

I told her that I purchased the study and completed it myself.  What an amazing study! [I recommend it for everyone]!  I was telling her that I wanted my sisters to complete it.  It's crazy how you can look at someone and not know what they are carrying. 

One day I walked into a restaurant and saw a woman wearing a t-shirt that merely said "He Knows". that would floor me to no end to know that someone knew my secrets.   You see, the secrets only serve to wear us out!  They become a burden that can cause stress, cause us to become defensive, cause us to shy away even affect our health. 

I saw the t-shirt and the large picture under the infamous "He knows" was a picture of Santa Clause.  Okay so you can relax now because there really are no consequences in having Santa Clause know.  Regardless of what it is, Santa knowing won't hurt us. 

While we are worrying about who might find out, we are never hiding it from someone who really knows.  Often times we plan things avoiding certain individuals, certain places, certain things in order to protect our secret. We may have to put on a mask, a disguise, or just plain pretend in order to maintain our secret. 

David kept a secret from Uriah [2 Samuel 11]; Samson kept a secret from Delilah [Judges 16]; secrets have been kept for centuries.  Unfortunately, there is one who knows all...He knows and I'm not talking about Santa. Not only does God know every secret, He knows the consequences of those secrets. 

Many times the secret you carry impedes your walk with Christ.  Not because of Him but because of you.  You may feel like I did thinking I wasn't worthy because of my secret or struggling to cover the secrect I wanted no one to know. 

The time has come.  Let go of that secret.  You don't have to tell your mom, you don't have to tell your friend...tell the one who already knows!  I believe that deep down in our hearts, despite the fact that we may have carried that secret for years, despite the fact that it may have ruled us all this time, we know we must lay it down.  Open yourself up for the revelation of God's Word without anything holding you back. 

The time has come....lay it down before God because He already knows!

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever that we may know all the words of this law.  Deuteronomy 29:29

*(C) Sacred Secrets, 2013-Lifeway, Beth Moore Bible Study

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