Monday, April 28, 2014

Where are you going?

I remember watching our youngest as he began to walk.  When they find their walking legs, they take off.  I would always ask "Where are you going son?"  It was fun to watch him as he experienced a new found freedom. 

In adulthood, that becomes a deeper question not only for our children but for adults as well.  We quickly discover the power of peer pressure. We have all fallen to it at one time or another.  Oh some might say "not me" but think about the time you committed to something and someone said "oh come on...just one!'

Why is it that we fall to something we are so strongly against?  I grew up in a time when peer pressure was intense and yet today, I always hear kids say "But you don't know what it's like."  Oh I beg to differ. 

I did not know that I would one day be in law enforcement and make it a thirty year career.  I did not know that I would see death and destruction due to violence and bad choices, I did not know how children would lose in life because of irresponsible parents and how I might impact them. 

What I did know was that I was going to make something of my life.  I knew where I was going!

Michael Strahan of Kelly and Michael was telling a story one day about his high school days right here in Houston, Texas.  He told of how his friends would always try to persuade him into a different life outside of football.  Football was his passion and the direction some of his peers were heading would not have been conducive to a possible NFL career.

Michael said he told his friends " go ahead and do what you're gonna do without me 'cause you haven't seen where I'm going!"

It is important to know "where you are going."  The actions we take in this life will determine how we spend eternity.  So when others try to convince you that what you believe about Christ is wrong or that Christianity has too many rules or that Heaven and Hell are figments of your imagination you could surely say "you go ahead and believe what your gonna believe 'cause you haven't seen where I'm going!"

I plan on spending eternity with the one who died in my place, the one who shed his blood to save me from my sins, the one who loves me unconditionally...where are you going?

Now brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand.  By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you.  Otherwise you have believed in vain.  For what I received, I passed on to you as of first importance:  that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day.  1 Corinthians 15:1-3

God has given us eternal life and this life is in his Son.  Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.  1 John 5:11-12

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Burn, baby burn!

Well as you well know, when I work I do not have the opportunity to blog every day and that is the case this week.  However, I have to tell you this one.

My husband and I went out to the country this week and we found things much like we left them.  We did a lot of work in a short amount of time and I was determined that I was going to complete one task that has been on my "list" for a while.

It has been too windy to burn anything but this week, we had a good day and I was going to burn something!  Not just anything, I knew exactly what I was going to burn...a ladder.  Yes, a ladder.  It was an old maroon wooden, rotted, falling apart ladder. 

I got that fire going and with my husband occupied on something else, I decided I was going to stick that baby in the burn barrel.  I chuckled inside as I thought "Finally we will be rid of this thing that causes me to trip often.  I have tripped on it, pinched my hand in it, broken a nail on it and I finally said "I'm done with you-burn baby burn!"

So I got the fire burning good!  The flame came above the barrel and I tossed that "A frame" ladder in point first.  As it burned, it went further down the barrel.  I had to be careful not to let any burning wood  fall out of the barrel and risk a fire so with a long stick, I would push it into the intense fire.  At one point, I lost control of it and I had to yell out to my husband who immediately became the hero. 

As I stood there, I took pleasure in myself and in the fire that was "destroying" this old ladder that was to be no more, the ladder that was often my thorn.  Alas, we were done and off to a nice evening.  I had gotten the best of that old ladder-I burned it!

The next morning as we planned to head out, I had to take one good look at that burn barrel.  I was so proud of myself for getting rid of it.  I felt like a kid waking up Christmas morning to open her gifts.  To my surprise, I took one look and I saw something that completely changed my outlook.

The old wooden, rotting ladder had metal rungs.  Each rung was supported by a metal piece that would not allow the user to fall suddenly.  The wooden frame was supported by metal pieces that ensured it would hold up despite rotting. 

I reached into that burn barrel and pulled out the metal rungs and thought...."sometimes God allows us to go through the fire but he always sustains us through it."  He allows it so that what we are made of will rise to the top. 
I questioned how many times I have tested God much like that ladder tested me.  How many times had I changed God's plan or broken a promise much like that ladder. How many times had I just "gotten in God's way?"
Perhaps today you are feeling the heat or you may feel like you are going through a fire of trails in your life, take comfort in knowing that you will not burn!  God often allows the heat to be turned up but it is only to refine us.  It is often to do away with the bad but allow the solid to remain. 
You are His...He knows your name.... He will not say "Burn baby burn!"

Fear not for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.  When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, Your Savior.  Isaiah 43:2-3

Thursday, April 24, 2014

New Daddy

Because I was second in line and the first born girl, I had alot of perks. I was five years older than my sister so I always got to call the shots with them.   They got to play with my things but they were mine first!

There were things I got to do that they didn't. I got to go to camp first, I got to go to the movies first and yes.... I got a bike first. That could not have made them happy but I was not sharing my brand new bike.

I am reminded of the two sisters who were several years apart.  The dad surprised the older sister with a brand new bike. The younger sister being too young to ride, began yelling "I want a new bike, daddy can I have a new bike?"  The dad being older and wiser said "honey, you can not have a bike yet." the younger daughter cried out "Daddy pleeeease! I want a bike!!!" the dad again said "You can not have a bike yet-you are not ready! Trust me on this one." The little girl looked into his eyes and simply said "Then I want a new daddy!"

There times that we may really want something and God is saying "You're not ready for this-trust me on this one!" We may not necessarily say "I want a new daddy" but we do it our way anyway.  Instead of listening to God, we do it our way and end up falling, scabbing our knees or just plain "wrecking out."

Our daddy does not steer us wrong. He is trying to protect us from what He can see ahead. So next time you are really wanting something and You know God is saying no, don't ask for a different answer or for a "new daddy."  Thank God that He knows what's best for you and trust his final answer.

For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. 1Thessalonians 2:11

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What's the forecast?

Before my husband got his early morning shift, we would always wake up and immediately turn the television on to check the forecast. We wanted to know what to expect, what to pack for the day and how to prepare for what was to come.

We had a particularly cold and long winter and there were many days of "Should I pack a jacket? Can I wear a scarf?  Do I wear boots?"   All those questions depended on the forecast for the day.  I worked at a school with a open courtyard and every time I left the classroom, I entered into a frosty environment so I had to be prepared.

Today I checked the forecast and it is going up to the eighties. I am wearing shorts.  It would not be wise to pack jeans or a heavy jacket.  There won't be any scarves or boots and while I might wear a hat, it will be a lightweight summer hat. I will certainly take sunglasses as I do dislike the sun in my eyes.

One morning as we checked the forecast, my husband asked the question "Wouldn't it be great if we knew the forecast for our life?"

I got to thinking, what that would look like and how we would prepare for it.

Forecast: You're going to be in a scary situation today
Me: Better go to Psalm 91
Forecast: Enemies will rise up against you
Me: Better go to Psalm 37
Forecast: You will need wisdom today
Me: Better go to James 1:5

Always prepared! That's the idea. But what happens when we don't know the forecast? We end up wet when it rains, cold when it freezes and sunburned when it's sunny.

We don't know the forecast for our life but we do not have to end up unprepared.  We can always be prepared for any forecast, any situation, or any circumstance by knowing the Word of God!

So...what's the forecast for today?

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

Monday, April 21, 2014

Stumble? Get up!

Last year as I ran while training for a half marathon I tripped on the sidewalk and fell.  I was blessed to have friends with me that cared for me until my husband arrived to take me to the emergency room.  It all happened in "one split second!" before I knew it, I was in it, and it all started because I took my eyes off the sidewalk for literally one second! I looked for just "one second" and bam!

I wonder how many times we stumble and fall because we took our eyes off God for just "one second?"

In that one second, someone talked us into sin, or we walked into sin, or we just  simply got "caught up" in sin?  It's that one second that we so wish we could change, a second that perhaps changed our entire life or the rest of our life.

We live with the regret and shame of what we did or what we allowed to happen and we allow the weight of that to consume us.

Good News:  that's what this whole "He is Risen" thing is all about!  While we walk around carrying this "thing" with us, God has said "I already forgave you for that! I already forgot it!" yet YOU can't forget what happened or what you did or what someone did to you! That is not God, that is the enemy!

The enemy loves nothing more than to keep that thing on your mind to distract you from the Word of God.  I speak from experience  and no one knows better than me that the enemy taunts! He does that because that is the only power he has....the one we give him!

Sometimes he gets me in the ring and we"duke it out!" sometimes he wins but only because I let him. I have the potential to win every time because God has given me the weapon I need. When the enemy gets me in the ring and attempts to "beat me up" I have boxing gloves that I call the Word of God that can knock him out!

So if you have stumbled, if you have taken a fall, do not fall again to the lies of the enemy.  Jesus told the adulterous woman "I do not condemn you...go and sin no more." (John 8:11)

You must decide if you will believe the lies of the enemy or the promises of God!  You must also surround yourself with those who will encourage you that this "fall" can not keep you down. I had a friend encourage me to train again for another half marathon. I have had others say "Do not do it-you are too old to get hurt again!" what voice do you think I will listen to?"

If you have stumbled, perhaps taken a fall....get up! Start over and believe the Word of God! I have another half marathon to train for.

See I lay a stone in Zion, a precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in Him will never be put to shame. Now to you who believe, the stone is precious...[Others] stumble because they disobey the message which is what they were destined for. But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:6-9

Sunday, April 20, 2014

He got up

This weekend I heard the phrase "He has risen" several time.  It got me to thinking what that action really involves. 

*Rise- /riz/ verb
1. to move from a lower position to a higher one; come or get up
2. get up from lying, sitting, or kneeling
3. to get up [Dee definition]

Jesus rose, or  "got up" to go and meet his disciples.  He walked on the sand of the sea of Galilee and met Peter and his brother Andrew.  [Matthew 4:18]

When the disciples were caught up in the storm, they called a resting Jesus and he "got up" and rebuked he winds and waves and the storm was completely calmed. [Matthew 8:26]

In the final hours, Jesus had an evening meal with the disciples.  After the meal, he "got up" poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples' feet.  [John 13:5]

Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray and after he prayed, he rose or "got up" from prayer and went back to the disciples. [Mark 22:45]

When Christ was crucified He was buried in the tomb.  the women went to look for him and the angel said to the women "He is not here, he has risen just as he said."  [Mark 28:6]

Jesus would not be held down in that tomb! He got up, and went to meet His Father in heaven.  That action is what gives us the opportunity at eternal life. 

Week after week I sit in church listening to our pastor offer an invitation to eternal life through Jesus Christ.  The question is will you "get up" and take that walk accepting eternal life?

He has risen! He has risen indeed!

The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.  Luke 24:7

Friday, April 18, 2014

Who's daughter

Last night I was working Stations of the Cross at our church.  It is a moving tour that highlights the last steps of Christ on his way to the cross. 

I was scheduled to work the very first station, Hand Washing,  I was working with a gentleman who co-teaches one of  the bible study classes we attend. 

There were three hand washing stations and the other was attended by a young lady.  We must have been there for an hour when the young lady stepped away from her station.  The gentleman then asked me "Do you know who that is?"  "Yes" I said, "that's *Pastor Jim's daughter.

He said "oh yeah...she sings at church.  I didn't know that was his daughter."

It got me to thinking, if people saw me for who I am and who I represent, would they know who my Father is?  Would they know that my Father is Jesus Christ based on my language, my manner of dress, my walk?  Or would they say "that's His daughter? I would have never guessed!"

Today we acknowledge that day...the day that Christ took that walk to the cross and gave up his life for us. 

Today, will others know whose daughter you are? 

Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull [which in Aramaic is called Golgotha] There they crucified him, and with him two others-one on each side and Jesus in the middle.  John 19:17

It was nine in the morning when they crucified him.  The written notice of the charge against him read: THE KING OF THE JEWS.  Mark 15:25

*Fictitious name used for pastor.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Give it to My Father

We have all done it...held on to something we intend to give away. We clean our closet and weed out our clothes, we clean out our bookshelves to weed out the books we have read, or we weed out the movies we no longer want.

The other day as my husband and I were cleaning the garage we pulled out some tools that we thought my dad might use.  I said "put it in the back of the truck and I'll give them to my father." so we did just that.

I don't normally visit my father during the week, I usually see him on Sunday afternoons when everybody gets together. My intentions were good. At least I had taken the first step, I had identified what I was going to give him. I just hadn't gotten around to it.

So on my next visit, I had the tools in the back of my truck but I didn't give them to them. I didn't give them to him because I had forgotten about them for the moment. However, as soon as I got on the freeway, I was reminded that they were in the back of the truck. Again, I said "I should have given them to my father." but I didn't, I figured I would do it next time I saw him.

We do that too often in our life! We hold on to things we "intend" to give to our Father.  We identify what it is we need to give to our Father but instead of releasing it, we continue to hold on to it.

We may not think about it during the week because we don't visit our Father  except on Sundays. During the week when something prompts us to think about it, we may say "I really need to give that to my Father" but Sunday comes around and we continue to hold on to it.

This Sunday I gave my Father the tools. He was very pleased.  Had I known how much it would please him, I would have given them to him much sinner.

What are you holding on to that you need to "give to your Father?"

Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.
Psalm 55:22

Monday, April 14, 2014

Hate sin not the sinner

We recently got two brand new puppies.  We got them from a shelter.  One is a male Chihuahua about 6 pounds and is brown in color.  The other is a Chihuahua Dachshund mix female and weighs about 7 pounds.

Their names are Lucy and Desi and they are adorable.  When we first got them home, they were reluctant to accept freedom beyond the four cage walls they had recently been released from.  They would not venture out from the patio whose cement foundation felt familiar to their most recent home.

Within a couple of days, they had the run of the yard. They quickly adapted to "house rules" and knew certain things were off limits and they quickly picked sides.  Lucy runs in the house, jumps on the bed and snuggles in next to my husband.  As a daily routine, Desi crawl under the sheets and settles in at my feet.

We love our little puppies (6 months old) but we have had to say "no" on more than one occasion. Thankfully, we have not had any accidents in the house in a couple of weeks. They are settling into a routine.  However, when that routine changes, we have to address it.

The other day I spent the entire day weeding and re-doing our flower beds in one corner.  It is the corner where our much loved dogs Sammy and Daisy are buried.  I was meticulous in maintaining that area. I planted new plants and added new soil and mulch.  I placed a new painted rock with their names on the site.  I was really proud of the work and felt sure they would have liked it.  

I then went inside often peeking out the window to make sure Desi and Lucy stayed away. Three days later, when my husband and I walked outside, I saw it! I saw what my precious puppies had done. 

No longer did I have blooms, all the flowers were gone from my two Hisbiscus plants. The other flowers I had planted were completely gone and the area where I had planted  soil and mulch was dug down to the root of the tree that stands in that corner. 

I was not happy and I let those pups know it! They both made a bee line for the patio table and hid so that I could not reach them.  I gave them a good scolding! I was mad! Period! I had put alot of time into that corner and in minutes they destroyed it.  

I went back, collected the destroyed flowers, filled the holes in with soil and added mulch but I was still mad at these pups.  Lucy eventually came out and I scolded her again which led her to a more gentle voice, my husband. I think I felt the offense more because I gave up more! I put hours into this project! 

I hoped they had learned their lesson.  We went to have lunch with my family and when we returned guess what I wasn't enough that they took my flowers, they had now gnawed my hibiscus plant and had gotten into the bag of soil. Beyond mad!  I went inside.

When the time came, I asked my husband if he was going to let them inside.  He said "yes, only because I don't want to disrupt their routine."  he let them in and Desi immediately took his place under the sheets by my feet but to my surprise, instead of going to m husband, Lucy also went under the covers and rested at my side. 

This tugged at my heart and prompted me to say to my husband "I hope they know I do not hate them, I hate what they did." 

Yup! I said it and yes I thought it.  God does not "hate" us when we sin.  He hates the sin.  Day after day we do things that go against the will of God. I often make the same mistakes. All though I said it, I can't imagine God saying "You continue to do wrong because it didn't cost you what it cost me."  The loving God I serve would not say that he would simply say "You are forgiven."

I hope my puppies know that I hated what they did...I still love them.  And I hope this is a lesson to us that God hates the sin...not the sinner. 

The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!" John 1:29

Sunday, April 13, 2014

I just can't!

I have a friend who has a daughter who also writes a blog.  I love her blog.  What I love about this girl is that she is young and loves the Lord.  What I love most is her transparency.

I always said that is the type of blog I would write so today, I will be transparent so that no one thinks I don't have struggles in my walk. 

The other day I was at the house alone.  I looked out the back yard and decided to take on weeding one of our flower beds at the corner of our yard.  As I began raking I saw a rope hanging from the tree.  I was immediately brought to tears at all the "get off that tree" "you guys are gonna fall and break a leg" "take that rope off, your going to hang yourself."

I was taken into a nostalgic time of small children now lost forever.  As I knelt to begin weeding, I prayed for our children, my family, my husband then my friends.

I prayed for my friends with the job issues for there is more than one friend that needs a job or has one but the circumstances are not good.

I prayed for my friend with health issues. I have friends with cancer, Alzheimer's, chronic illnesses and I continue to pray for them.

I prayed for my friends with prodigal children for the enemy rages and if he can't get to us, he will strike those we love dearly.

I prayed for my single friends that long to be in a relationship.  I prayed that they would find their relationship in Jesus Christ.

I prayed for my friends whose husband just walked in and said "I'm done" leaving her with house and home and small scared children wondering what just happened. 

I found that as I prayed, the tears flowed.  I knew my husband would not be home for hours and I had all day to pour myself before God.  Openly and freely I prayed and cried as worship music played in the background. 

Now for the transparency I prayed and cried, I audibly said "God help me!! I want to help everyone, I want to pull them out of their situations, I want them to see you as I see you but I just can not take on everybody's burdens! "

The moment those words came out of my mouth I was grieved at what I perceived to be my own selfishness.

The story in all that is that at that moment, the moment I said "I just can't take on everybody's burdens" I clearly felt a presence and heard "You don't have to, I already have!"

I had my answer.

This Jesus who loves me so much...when he went to the cross, he did it for me, he did it for my friends, he did it for you.  God's word is very clear that we are to cast our cares and burdens on him.  [1Peter 5:7] So when I pray, I can take my cares, my burdens and my prayers to Jesus and He can!

This week, beginning Wednesday, April 15th.  Our church will be celebrating Passion Week with Stations of the Cross.  One of those stations is the Garden of Gethsemane.

As I think of Jesus going off by himself to pray, I better understand his love for me, for us.

Love them as I may, I can't take on everybody's burden, but I know the one who can and does!

They went to a place called Gethsemane and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here as I pray"...."My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death."...Going a little farther he fell to he ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from him. "Abba Father," he said , "Everything is possible for you.  Take this cup from me.  Yet not what I will, but what you will." Mark 14:32-35

I invite you to visit my friend's blog.  Ruth Wilson is the daughter of a dear friend.
http//:Wrecked for the Ordinary
Her post on Confessions of a Christian who Still Struggles is amazing!

Friday, April 11, 2014

I need to...

This morning I woke up and said "I need to go to the gym." I really need to go. I should just get up, wash up, change clothes and go.  I will feel better, I will look better and it will set the tone for the day.

Twenty minutes I am! I have a routine.  Right after I wake up, I pour myself a cup of coffee, grab my bible, and begin my day with God.  So, the next words out of my mouth were "I need to read my bible." My immediate question was "do I break routine and go to to the gym or pick up my bible like usual?"

We all need to  read our bibles.  If we read our bible, we will feel better, look better and it will set the tone of the day.  I feel better for two reasons.  First, there is growth.  Much like I strengthen muscles at the gym, I am strengthened by the Word of God.  It helps me when I need to flex my spiritual muscles against the enemy. Second, when I read my bible and spend time in God's Word, I am comforted which equates to joy which is expressed on my face and in my life so I "look" better. Lastly, when I read the Word of God, I set the tone for the day!  

Some days I have woken up with things so heavy on my mind that I get consumed by them. I would rather say "I have read my bible and am confident in what today brings." rather than saying "I should have read my bible and maybe I could handle this situation better," 

God want us to be strong in the Lord, (Ephesians 6:10);  He wants us to delight in Him (Psalms 37:4); he wants us to be like-minded (Philippians 2:2) and walk as he does, care as he does and love as he does. 

It is important to be in the Word of God so that we know a lie when we see it. I need to be in the Word of God because the day is coming and in fact I beleive is here when some will not want to hear the Word. They will want to rely on what "society says" or "what feels good" or "what fits my life!" 

When I go to the gym I feel refreshed and renewed like I can take on the world. But when I'm in the word of God, I actually can take on the world! It is "strength" from  building spiritual muscles which will last much longer. Yes, I need to go to the gym but I don't need to go near as bad as I need to be in the Word of God.!

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
Hebrews 4:10

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What's inside?

The other day I woke up and got ready for an appointment.  I applied my make-up, selected a nice dress and was ready to go.  As I walked downstairs, my husband took one look and said "you look beautiful baby" to which I instinctively replied "you should see the inside!"

On the inside I was nervous, scared, stressed and feeling weak! All issues that I'm certain would have diluted the beauty he saw and I failed to see.

I wondered how some people look on the inside when they display cool, calm and collected on the outside.  So many friends, us included have experienced the loss of a parent, have a prodigal child, or may be on the brink of financial distress and yet when I see them, they manage to put on a happy face.

What about our spiritual life? Are we smiling, happy, beautiful,  bible carrying individuals that are falling apart on the inside?  If others could see us on the inside would they see a solid, secure  individual who believes God's promises or would they see an individual who reads the Word of God but falls prey to the lies of the enemy?

It's time to look in  the mirror and see what God sees.  So when you're getting ready to walk out the door, will you see a confident individual who is a person after God's own heart? Or will you see a weak, delicate, fearful individual?

I pray that next time my husband says "you're beautiful baby" I can say "you should see my heart" because it reflects my love and confidence in Jesus Christ!

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him.  The Lord does not look at the things people look at.  People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Wait until....

I went to pick up my mom for breakfast the other day and she said "Wait until I fold my laundry." I asked my sister if she wanted to go to Kohl's and she said "Wait until I put on my makeup."
I have asked my son if he wants to go eat lunch and he'll say "Can you wait until after the game?" 
I have done it myself..."Can you wait until I iron my shorts, or pick up my cleaning, or do my nails?"

Why do we do that?  We don't immediately accept the invitation because we feel like there is something more pressing. Most are things we can put off especially in light of the invitation.  I understand the laundry and the game- those don't really have anything to do with us, they are  personal decisions but the make-up, wrinkled shorts and nails....I get it!

I would never consider going out in public with chipped, half painted, broken fingernails.  Every time I placed my hands on the counter to sign a credit card receipt I would be reminded of their condition. And I rarely go out without any make-up fearing I would scare someone and lastly, you would be hard "pressed" to find me out in public in a wrinkled article of clothing.  

I, like many of you was just brought up like that.  My mother instilled a "wake up and be ready" attitude. "Never let someone catch you by surprise. You be made up, dressed up and ready." 

My older brother taught me my professional sense. "Make sure you are appropriately dressed, your shoes are shined and heels free of mud, nails done, hair combed and confidence in tact." 

So from an early age, I was taught not to present myself without being ready...even if I had to say "Wait until I..." 

Unfortunately, in adulthood, that has carried over to many, relative to accepting the message of Christ.  Many feel as I once did, that they have to "clean up" before accepting the invitation.  

The weight of our sins both past and present weigh us down and we feel like God could never accept someone so unworthy.  It doesn't help that the enemy preys on those feelings and with his mind games taunts us often suggesting that God is too pure to accept our sin. Like a broken or chipped nail, we are constantly reminded of our sin.

God is a holy God and God is too pure to tolerate sin but the truth is that He died for us while we were still sinners! He did not  "wait until" I changed. He died for me and as a result, I was changed! 

If we wait to accept Christ until we no longer sin, we will miss the opportunity for salvation. We all sin. Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned  and come short of the glory of God."  No where in that verse does it say we don't have hope. In fact verse 24 says "we are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came from Christ. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement through the shedding of his blood" and He did that while we were still sinners! 

So if you have not accepted Christ as your personal Savior because you are going to "wait until" you no longer sin...forget it! Do it now. He died for you!

You see, just at the right time when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person though for a good person one might dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! 
Romans 5:6-8

[Emphasis added]

Saturday, April 5, 2014


When I was growing up, I recall my mother telling us often that my grandmother and two of my uncles died in a house fire.  They lived downtown around Chartress and a fire station was within a few miles but they would not be saved.  Two other uncles managed to get out but the flames were to intense to make it back in and attempt to save them.

Last week, many of us saw a construction worker almost lose his life in a structure fire.  The fire was bad enough that he had to jump from one floor ledge to another, it got worse after he was rescued.  Once he was rescued the side wall of the building where he had been standing seconds before, collapsed.  The "fire wall" just missed the construction worker and the fireman.

The story here is that the fire, once it began,took a life of it's own.  Sure there were first responders attempting to put it out but it was so big, it was a five alarm fire.  What causes a fire to spread so quickly and get so out of control?  How is it that it becomes so intense that it changes the lives of families?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could destroy the sin in our life by setting it on fire? Burn! Destroy! Consume! Ashes!

I think of the references in God's Word to fire.  If you stop and think of Jeremiah 23:29 "Is not my word like fire" declares the Lord?

What if we got into the Word of God and allowed it to consume us, allowed it to spread into our life? What a difference it would it make.   If fire can destroy a dwelling or burn something to ashes, then what could happen if we allowed the "consuming fire" of God's Word to take hold of our life?

My grandmother met her demise because someone did not guard their house.  They allowed an open flame to burn as a gentle wind blew a curtain into the flame creating the house fire.

God wants us to guard our hearts. He wants us to fill it with His Word, His promises and His truth and allow that o spread
Ike a consuming fire.

Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol; in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden.  For the Lord your God is a consuming fire. Deuteronomy 4:24

Therefore since we are receiving a kingdom that can not be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire!" Hebrews 12:28-29

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Another Detour

Monday I decided that I would take a drive to Huntsville to have lunch with our youngest.  As I left the house around nine, I decided that instead of taking the freeway and cutting across to I-45, I would take a back road.

I had a lot to do as we planned on leaving for a trip the next day.  I thought "Ok, I'll get there at 11:00, we'll have lunch, I'll head back and be back by 1:00 max!  I was not counting on the "detours!"

The first detour was a school zone I had not counted on.  It was behind a local college and the kids were heading to class! I must have had to stop three times all the while thinking "I hadn't counted on this."

The blessing was that I saw a friend's son that I hadn't seen in a while.  I did continued my drive thinking I was good to go.  Until I got the text "Mom, can you make it noon instead of 11:00?" What do you say? "Of course honey."  So now I had an hour to kill.

Knowing he was eventually going to need a blue blazer, I stopped at a local Men's store.  Nothing in his size.  I then head to Macys.  When I told him what I was doing, he said "Wait for me-I want to go."  Hey- not a biggie, just a little detour.

While we were shopping for blazers he added "you know, Josh needs one too." I told him him to call him over.  While we waited for Josh, we went to eat then the three of us headed back to Macy's. The buying process took all of ten minutes, I was on two hours worth of detours.

After lunch, two blazers, two tanks of gas and the detours, it was now 2:00pm. I hugged Josh first and he was on his way. I hugged Matt and he said "Mom-you have to come to campus to sign some papers." Did I mention we had been at the Woodlands?

So off I go another 40 miles, another little detour.

As I think of my Christian walk, I have it planned one way and God definitely has it planned another way....His!

I could have missed everyone of those detours and kept on schedule but had I missed them, I would have also missed the time with our boys. I could miss all the detours God puts in front of me but what I would have missed is quality time with God. Nothing draws us closer to God than a detour we hadn't counted on.

So I got home a little late, it was worth it. I pray that in my detours of life I will honor God and rely on His plan rather than on my attempt to divert it because in life, there will always be another detour.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares The Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thought eps than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8

Lunch for three-50.00
Two blazers-400.00
Two tanks of gas-175.00

Time with our boys-PRICELESS!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Are you praying for me?

I heard a story one time of a little boy that was acting up in church.  His dad asked him to behave but the child continued misbehaving. The father again asked the child to behave or he would take him out and deal with his behavior. Even this did not deter the child who continued acting up.  Finally, the father had enough. He got up from his seat, picked the little boy up, draped him over his shoulder and began walking out. Knowing what was coming, the little boy yelled out "Somebody pray for meeeeeeeee!"

This morning asked my husband " are you praying for me?" he responded with "of course honey." The fact is, I know he's praying...I feel it! Why is it that we allow our insecurities to rob us of our peace?

Last week I asked my husband to pray about a situation and I immediately felt at peace.  I was relaxed, content, and satisfied.  Unfortunately, we often feel that if our circumstances don't change, someone must not be praying for us.  I have prayed for a friend's situation for weeks and nothing's changed. I hope she knows I'm still praying.

Our insecurities, lack of faith, and impatience prompt us to ask "Aren't you praying for me?" when all along, God is working at His own pace.  A pace that may cause us to draw closer to him, a pace that may be needed to demonstrate His power to others through our situation or maybe even a pace that will provide enough time for someone to accept and acknowledge Him.

What if God asked questions? Would he ask "why haven't you been tithing? Was the golf or baseball tournament worth giving up a day dedicated to me?  Why did you forget me after I answered your last prayer? What are you modeling to your kids about service?"

God doesn't ask those questions.  Notice I asked my husband "are you praying?" I did not ask God "are you listening?" there is an explanation for that- I know He's listening.  I would not feel this much peace if He wasn't.

So even if your circumstances haven't changed, don't think God isn't at work. The question is...are you praying?"

I urge you brothers and sisters, by our Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me. Romans 15:30

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.  With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.  Ephesians 6:18