Friday, November 7, 2014

Is it true?

Yesterday I heard a story about beanie babies.  I don't have a collection per say but I do have a few that are special.  I have a purple one embroidered with 70 X 7 representing Matthew 18:21-22.  I also have a brown bear given to me by a friend, a bear representing my favorite place-San Diego, California and a few others.

I was told by someone that they had heard "those beanie babies are filled with Brown Recluse spider eggs and they will all hatch at the same time [causing many deaths]." The first thing I thought was "that's not true."  One reason I thought that was because I have had those babies for years and they are still in tact.

The biggest reason I didn't believe it is because of the element of truth.  According to Orkin  "Brown Recluse eggs do not lay dormant for 20 years..."  Also the creator, Ty Warner used a "poseable lining and plastic pellets rather than conventional stuffing." This story was apparently a joke on a social media website that caused fear, but many  believed this story.  

I have written several times on truth and I will once again.  How do you know if what you hear is the truth?  Commit it to prayer and God will reveal it to you.  Often we believe a lie because it sounds so real, it sounds so true!  Perhaps the one who is telling you that lie is very believable.  My advise to you is to seek the truth in Christ. 

 In the times of Paul the Apostle, people were living in a very pagan society.  They were drowning in their sin and they like us, needed a Savior.   They did not want to hear the truth of Jesus Christ. Many today choose to have "selective belief" and follow their own desires rather than the truth of the Word of God.

We serve a God who has compassion on his people.  We have a God who is slow to anger and full of compassion. [Exodus 34:6]  However, we can not continue to test God.  We can not exchange the truth of God for a lie simply because it sounds right or sounds believable.

If you have a question about God, his goodness, his plan, eternal life or salvation, let me guide you to the truth!  It is found in the Word of God.  When you hear something that "just doesn't  sound right" don't fall for it....look for the truth.  Many people carry heavy burdens because they exchanged the truth for a lie!  Believe in the one who laid the path to truth... Jesus Christ.

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator- who is forever praised.  Romans 1:25

Orkin Pest Control
Ty Warner (c) Beanie Babies, Oakbrook, Il. 1986 

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