Thursday, May 21, 2015

Be Careful

Be careful! Two words that I use often as I'm sure every parent does.

I recall when my youngest son was two years old and wanted the independence of riding his tricycle.  He ran his wobble run and jumped on to his tricycle and rode round and round the cul-d-sac.  I was wearing on-line skates to keep up with him.

 "Be careful" I cautioned him, "don't go too fast, don't hit that curb, don't go on the trail."  All these were cautions to keep him on track and keep him safe.  I followed him on my skates but even at two, he tried me.  He took off and I picked up my pace.  He stopped suddenly and I could not.  I hit the curb, fell down and eventually discovered I had a fractured elbow. "Be careful" seemed to be more a caution I should have practiced.

That never ends.  Today he is 20 and to him, our 21 year old and our 22 year old, we still say those words.  We live in a world that offers many things that are contrary to God.  We live in a world of violence, thievery, and corruption.  We live in a world that competes for our children.  In fact, it competes for all of us.  God's word says that the enemy comes to "kill, steal and destroy"  [John 10:10] and that's reason enough to be careful.

We go out into a world that is saturated with sex, violence, technology and so many other things.  It takes a Christ filled person to stand against the world and even then, we can fail.  The pull of the the world can be  so enticing.  It can look good, feel good, feel right but it is just a masquerade, a facade that will eventually wear off leaving us empty and regretful.

God told the Israelites to be careful.  Paul told the church to be careful, and I will continue to tell our kids to be careful.  We must be careful to not put ourselves in a position that will entice us.  It is much easier if we stand firm on the Word of God as we are often not strong enough to resist temptation.  We fail when we allow our desires to give in to that temptation. [James 1:4]

So, when you may think that you'll never fall, or you think you can't be taken in by a theory or idol, you really need to "be careful."  Measure how much time you spend in God's Word versus television viewing time.  Whatever it is, remember your intake is society's version.  Be careful when it goes off into inappropriate relationships, [1 Corinthians 6:18] unwholesome talk,  [Ephesians 4:29] deception or lying,
 [Matthew 19:18] or false teachings [Galatians 1:9]

When you go out into the world....
be careful!
Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them.
Deuteronomy 11:16

Be very careful then, how you live, not as unwise but as wise, making every opportunity because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.  Ephesians 5:15

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