Sunday, July 19, 2015

You Lost?

Last night after a particularly stressful day I finally slept.  I dreamed that my youngest was son was a child and we were going on a church field trip.  It was a very large group with children from all over our city.

We met at a mall and many people took advantage of a t-shirt shop located in the square.  Moms waited  patiently until the store opened.  They were purchasing color coded  t-shirts for their children with their names ironed on the back of the shirt.

In my dream,  I joined the line of concerned mothers.  I also awaited for the doors to open when I could join the frenzy looking for the t shirt color that identified his group.  I had to find just the right blue and white t-shirt and have his name ironed on it.

When I finally paid for the shirt and gave it to my son he asked why he had to wear it.  I explained that I didn't want him to get lost but if he did, at least someone would know what group he was in and his name.

When I woke up, I remembered my dream and imagined God knowing my name. He doesn't want me to be lost either. The good news is that he knows everybody's name.  He knows that some of us will wander off in our own direction apart from Him.  He knows that in wandering off, we may get lost.

I was concerned about my son getting lost in a church group but God oversees the entire world and He knows your name.  You will never have to ask "Does God really know where I am?" There's never a question as to whether God will forgive you, or what your past sin is,  or even what your burdens are.

God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for each of us that were sinners and without hope. He took on our sins so that we would  live a full abundant life. Unfortunately, some choose to travel through life with no guide when we are lost.  Jesus is the best guide.

So the only thing left to ask is "Are you lost?"

For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost. Luke 19:10

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