Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Six Words

Yesterday my devotion spoke about six words.  I love to talk and I could never say what I have to say in six words...or so I thought.  I read my devotion and realized just how many times only six words are used.  When God chose David, he referred to him as "A man after my own heart."  Paul described Timothy as "My true son in the faith" and regarding Mary, mother of Jesus, "The virgin shall be with child."

So, it took it upon myself to find the six words that spoke of me in my life-it wasn't easy!  Would they be "Not an easy person to love" or "Lost in my own little world" or even "In this world without a care."  I hoped not!   While those six word phrases might at some point describe me, I hoped for better. 

So I sought out my six words.  I came up with these there six word phrases:
  • Create in me a pure heart [Psalms 51:10]
  • Here am I, send me Lord. [Isaiah 6:8]
  • Her children will call her blessed. [Psalm 31]
What poignant words.  How do I represent those six words?  Do my actions reflect a pure heart?  Am I kind, caring, sensitive?  Am I really always ready to say "send me?"  Am I willing to leave the comforts of my own home, my family or my life, in order to follow God's command?  Am I willing?

Take time today to sit back and reflect on six words that describe you.  Are you "A shining light for the Lord?" or "Sitting back hoping things will happen."

The Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Our Daily Bread Devotion Collection (2014) Grand Rapids, MI: Discovery House Publishing

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