Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Stop Kicking

The other morning I was trying to apply my make-up.  I have a circular magnified mirror attached to my vanity mirror in my bathroom.  As I began to apply it, I noticed that I had to lean my body to the right to access the magnified mirror.  Something on the floor was in my way.  I tried kicking it out of the way but it wouldn't budge.  I continued to apply mascara still leaning to my right because whatever was on the floor was getting in my way.  I would lean to the right then straighten up as my make-up was to my left.  I did this enough times that my side finally hurt doing it.  The way to avoid that was to move what was on the floor.  Instead, I continued to to kick without looking down to see what it was.

When I finally looked down to move it, I discovered what it was that was preventing me from properly using my mirror.  It was my bible.  My bible is no small thing.  It is a large print bible so it's double the size.  You see, in the morning when I wake up-especially when I am teaching, I go to the bathroom floor to do my devotion.  I turn on the light, close the door and proceed with my devotion so I don't wake my husband. I usually sit on the floor with a pillow at my back.  When I have prayed, I simply move my bible and jump in the shower.  This time, I must have moved the bible and it landed in front of the vanity.

When I discovered it was my bible, this thought emerged: "How many times do we kick our bible to the curb without physically kicking it?"  There are excuses like "It's too late, I'm too tired, I'll do it tomorrow, I went to church so I don't have to read the bible today."  I ask this because these are all excuses I have found myself using.

If we would only remember that the Word of God is our greatest weapon against the enemy, I think we would keep it close and learn it.  Don't make that mistake.  Don't go into battle without the weapon that can help defeat the enemy.  He is afraid of the one true God and when we fight him with "it is written" he can not win!

So if you're kicking your bible out of the way, either literally or mentally, consider that it is your weapon in spiritual warfare and stop kicking!

Jesus said to him "Away from me Satan!"For it is written: Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only." Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him. Matthew 4:10-11

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