Sunday, September 10, 2017

Fly Your Flag

I have a flag.  It is a beautiful flag still in the wrapper.  I have had it since Christmas 2016.  I have every intention of flying this flag, but  to this date, I have not.  The other day I pulled it out and looked it saying to myself "I am going to fly that flag!"

Several weeks ago, I heard about a a friend that also has a flag.  He chose to display his flag and attached it to a pole near his window in his home.  That is where my American flag flies.  I figured I would display this flag along side my American flag.  My friend found that his Home Owners Association (HOA) did not like the idea and they sent him a letter asking him to remove it.  That decision was instrumental to me holding mine in its wrapper a little bit longer.

I am also apprehensive about flying my flag because it will immediately label me.  It will identify my household by one solid line.  It could very well make me or my home a target and for safety reasons, I have not flown it by my home.

Today, I came home and contemplated on the sermon our pastor gave.  We will be known by our actions.  We will be known by acts of service-others will only see Christ in us if we step out and fly our flag!

You see, my flag is the law enforcement flag.  It is basically a black tinted American Flag with a single blue line going through it.  I have been apprehensive of flying it because I don't want anyone telling me I can't hang it near my house.  I haven't flown it because it would identify me as a supporter of one of the greatest organzations in the city of Houston.  I haven't flown it because I don't want my house to become a target.

We have to make a choice as to whether or not to fly our flags for Christ.  We might be criticized, we might be ostrichsized, and we might be told to bring it down....but we must still fly our flag for Christ.

Let your flag fly high and identify yourself as a follower of Christ.  Don't hesitate to let others know who you belong to!

I am not ashamed of the gospel for it is the power of salvation through Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16

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