Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Karina, Karina

Sunday as I taught my lesson, I told a Beach Retreat story.  You see, my son had just returned from our church's annual beach retreat for High Schoolers. 

I told the story of having a heavy burden for these kids all week.  Particularly on Wednesday.  My husband and I were travelling and I woke up with such a burden to pray for them.  I prayed that morning during devotion, I prayed for them as I was getting dressed and I prayed for them on the road. 

It is not too often that I feel this way but when I do, I listen.  I prayed for my son Matthew and the two boys that I thought he was rooming with....Bryce and Michael.  I prayed all morning and also included a little girl.  Her name is Karina Butchee. 

You see, I have never met Karina, never seen her....don't know who she is.  I shared this in my Bible Study Class telling them that I prayed for these three boys and Karina.  I explained that the reason I prayed for Karina is because I had been given her name on a bracelet that our church distributes.  Each bracelet has an attendees' name so I know someone got my son's name as well.  As for me, I was praying for Karina.

I explained to the class that I did not know her.  When I completed my story telling of how God worked in my son during the week, a man sitting way at the back of our class raised his hand.  I called on him and he told me that he knew Karina.  What are the chances of that.  This big church and someone who knows Karina is in this very class.

He explained that Karina is a friend of his daughters.  She lives in the Woodlands and was adopted from Croatia.  His daughter invivte her to Beach Retreat and that's how she got there. 
I felt blessed to be able to pray for this child during this week.  I am also thankful that she was invited to attend beach retreat and continue to pray that this experience made a difference in her life. 

I had not heard from my son so concern was creeping in related to this "feeling."  In the early afternoon my phone rang and it was my son.  He explained how he had just had this awesome service with the North group and how God had really spoken to him.  I could tell he was "full"  then, I rested.  I once again prayed a prayer of thanks for our leaders and all our kids.

Sometimes we see prayer requests or we hear of a prayer request and say we will pray.  Often times we may forget.  It is so important to follow through with our prayers as enevitably someone will be affected. 

I am thankful God gave me this child and I am thankful for  the opportunity he and Karina had to attend Beach Retreat. I thank God that our church offers such an opportunity to pray for these kids by name. Hope to meet you soon Karina, Karina!

He answered their prayers because they trusted Him.  1 Chronicles 5:20


Dennis said...

Thank you for praying for my daughter. I have forgotten about those bracelets. I would have loved to known you were also praying for her safe return. Karina has been my daughter for a bit over five years now. You can see some pics of our trip to Ukraine on youtube....adopting251

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your prayers. Karina is actually from a small town in Ukraine. I have three youtube videos showing our trip five years ago. My youtube name is adopting251. Dennis (Karina's father)