Friday, January 18, 2013

Not now Lord...

My husband has been sick for a few days now.  It began with my sister, then my brother-in-law, them my mom.  Finally, my husband got it.  I fought it for days.  Last week I recall the sneezing, and all that goes with it.  I remember saying "No Lord, please....I can't get sick before the big run.  After the run, then I have time to get sick."

Of course as you know, I ran in forty degree weather with a steady rain.  I have been puney for days but this morning, after my devotion, I broke into what seemed to be a ten minute sneeze.  Well, you know what I said....same story different verse "No Lord, please....I just got an extended assignment and I can't afford to get sick."  The reality is that none of us can affort to get sick and there's really never a "good time."  It's not something we can plan. 

Why did I do that?  Why did I want to make a deal with God?  You do this for me and....and what?
What could I possibly give him in return because the "deal" was a selfish deal.  You do this for me so I can still run-or you do this for me so I can work and not let somebody down.

What about letting God down?  There didn't seem to be any concern about that in my request.  God is not one to make deals with.  Didn't I just talk about "denying self/selfishness" two days ago?  It got me to thinking which led to the point of today's message. 

How many are telling God "not now"? How many are putting off their salvation or a walk with Christ because they can't afford to do it right now?  There's too much to plan for, too much to do, too many friends to please, too much life to live or big a sacrifice. 

Unfortunately friend, if you don't have Christ in your heart, you are not living.  There is no "making deals" it's all or nothing.  My request will cost me nothing if I lose except maybe a bad case of bronchitis.  To those however, that say "No Lord..." it will cost and eternity. 

Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your heartsHebrews 4:7
I have a friend that tomorrow will be driving her child off to college.  That is a day that few of us look forward to, a day that will eventually come for all of us.  I feel fairly sure that my friend is approaching this day with apprehension.  Not because she isn't secure in the way they have brought up their daughter but because it is an issue of the heart.   I suppose my friend would want to say "Not now Lord" about having to drop her off and to her I say: Tracy, you and Mark have "done good."  You have raised a beautiful, godly young woman.  Our prayers are with you for a safe trip and a safe return as God leads your daughter on to her new venture in life.  Hugs!

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