Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Do you know QVC?  I thought about that this morning.  I was doing a study on Daniel and let me tell you, there is a lot to be learned from that book in the Bible.  There is more to that story than a lion's den and a firey furnace.

As I studied, Beth Moore said "If satan can't keep you from being a good Christian, he will work hard to make you a hypocrite."  The reason for this of course is to tackle your walk.  Boy, that hit home like a ton of bricks!

It took me back to the study by Kay Arthur I am facilitating this Spring titled How to Walk the Walk you Talk.  Talk about QVC!  I thought about the Q...Qualified.  I am no more qualified to facilitate this class than the man in the moon.  If you want to know how to walk the walk....don't look at me!  I've had bumps and stumbles and even major falls. 

The enemy would say "Girl  you are qualified! Go on and make a fool out of yourself by talking about your walk."  I'm afraid that would shadow me to the point of crippling me.  The enemy has a loud voice and what a better failure than a hypocrite!  I could talk about what a Christian should look like-all the while having anger rages, or criticizing my leaders, or forgetting to read my Bible.

I left my study thinking "I'm not qualified, I'm not qualified, I'm not qualified!"  Then it hit me....I may not be qualified but I am called! That's where QVC came from Qualified vs Called.  I was sharing this with my son earlier and I told him that I had apprehensions about this class because in facilitating this class, I could not live in a glass house....but I do.  

Others will look at me and see how I live, how I act, how I talk and everything else.  I have always told my son "Remember who you represent" and I don't mean mom and dad.  I must remember who I represent.  I do not in the least bit feel qualified to teach on this subject but for some reason, I feel led to.  Perhaps I will learn something in the process as I feel God's presence more and more.  The walk I need to watch is not yours, it's mine.  While I do not feel qualified, I pray God will equip me as he has called me.

As a prisoner for the Lord, then I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.  Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.  Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  Thre is one body and one Spirit just as you were called to one hope when you were called.  Ephesians 4:1-4

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