Friday, June 21, 2013

Daisy's by the tree

Today, as I sit at my desk to write, I realize it has been two weeks since my last post.  I sit to write, with a sad heart.  For weeks, I have been praying along with other ladies in a team that is specifically praying for an event.  I have come to love these ladies.  I have found them to be faithful and committed. 

I have also found that enemy loves to make us targets.  We have prayed for ailing fathers, adoption of children, husbands leading, newborn preemies, cousins, nieces, endurance, mission trips.....and the list goes on.  Oh and we have prayed those things along with praying for our event.

Our family, like some of the others, has sufferred much.  It is difficult to teach Bible Study with so much going on.  It is difficult because it requires much preparation and we have had many trials lately.   

Yesterday when we arrived home, my husband found our four year old dog [pom] dead by our fence.  She had been sick the day before and he immediately got her to the vet.  The vet gave her a shot for nausea and told us if she was not better to bring her back in 24 hours.  Daisy did not have 24 hours. Unbeknownst to any of us it was discovered that she had blood clots in her kidneys and an enlarged heart.   

We just lived this with our 14 year old chihuahua that we lost in January.  Sammy had been with us since our son was 4 and we expected he would leave us but we lost Daisy so suddenly. Today, Daisy's next to Sammy by our large tree.  I do not have to tell you that there were many tears.  I remember telling my husband that I had been quoting John 10:10 alot lately but that was little comfort. 

In Sunday Bible Study we are covering the book of Job.  Next week in Ladies Bible Study I will cover the book of Job, today....we feel like Job.  My husband left for work earlier than usual this morning for an assignment and I received an early text that simply said "I am so sad, please pray for me."  Of course I immediately prayed and completely understood his heart.  We have had had several friends and family members lose a pet and have so felt their pain.  Pets truly do love unconditionally.

Daisy was our comfort, but she loved my husband.  She would go to him before she even knew I was in the room.  The reason for that is that he would get on the floor with her, he would play with her, he would let her pounce on him in bed, he would let her lick his face, he would pet her and hold her for hours, and he would let her help tie his boots without shooing her away.  I would not, my biggest enemy being time. 

I woke up this morning expecting to hear the ding, ding of her collar and I was sad when I did not.  I expected the daily "race" of going down the stairs and Daisy always winning, I expected to see the throw rug moving when she landed so hard at the foot of the stairs that it slid from under her, but none of those things happened today.  This was going to be our "country" dog, she was going to lead us into retirement, she was going to run the acres of the hill country but it was not to be.

As I thought of Daisy I thought of how God is much the same way. He wants us to spend time with him, he wants us to make him a priority in our life, he wants us to be joyful at being in his presence, and he wants us to smile when we think back and remember the time we spent with Him, instead, many shoo him away-especially during trying times. 

The enemy is a liar, he has come to kill steal and destroy.  He will use whatever tools, tactics, weapons, individuals, circumstances, he does not care because his goal is to destroy! If he can destroy the spirit then he has accomplished a great victory, if he can destroy the will and the soul even better.  But I have news for that enemy....the God we serve is no wimp and He will not only take him on, He will take him on and win! We are God's children and although we may hurt and we may lose things or loved ones, God will not leave us and no one can take us from Him!

Do not let that broken heart override what God's word says...You are a child of God and no one regardless of what tactic they use, can snatch you out of His hand!

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  I give them eternal life and they shall never perish: no one can snatch them out of my hand.  My Father who has given them to me is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father's hand.  I and the Father are one."
John 10:27-29

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