Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The President's Coming?

Yesterday as I drove, I pulled an old choir CD that I found in my console.  The CD was from years past and contained songs that I sang with the choir back then.  Both were so touching.  First I sang Lord, You're Holy then I sang Something Happens.   To my surprise I remembered all the words.  Perhaps it's because that is one way that we were taught to memorize the music and not use folders as we sang.  We learned it through repetition.

I was so touched and so felt God's presence after I repeatedly sang those songs back to Him.  I removed the CD and listened to the sermon that was on.  It was one of my favorite pastors.  Adrian Rogers has long been deceased but I was introduced to him by my father-in-law.  Rogers has always been a favorite of his because he tells it like it is.  He does not water down the word of God or the message.

Sometimes we need to hear it just like he presents it.  No excuses, no covering up the truth, no sugar coating. Rogers got my attention when he told a story about the President of the United States coming to a local church.  He said that there had been much hype about the President being in town and since it was an election year, the possibility existed that he would be at this church to address the members.

This particular pastor received a call from a woman.  She was arrogant and abrasive in her question to the pastor asking if the president was coming to their church.  She asked "Pastor, is the President of the United States coming to your church and do I need to reserve a seat?"  The pastor replied "The President of the United States will not be here Sunday but the King of Kings will be and that ought to be good enough for you."

How many times do we do to church just to be seen; or to see who is there?  What others are wearing, what others are doing, in what capacity are they working, or are they participating at all?  The worst question, like this woman....if they are at church "can they see that I'm here too and what can they do for me!"

It loses the point of being in His presence.  It loses the idea of Lord, You're Holy, it loses the idea of worship with the King of Kings.  Where is the integrity of worship and who do you worship?  My question would be "If the President of the United States was coming, what would change?"  Would this woman want a seat next to him, would she sing better, carry a big bible or pray louder?

The President may be impressed with her but I guarantee you, the King of Kings would not be.  I must remember much like this blog, that I follow His footsteps.  I must guard my steps when I go to the house of God and go in with an attitude of worship. 

Guard your steps when you go to the house of God.  Go near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools, who do not know that they do wrong.  Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God.  God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.  Ecclesiastes 5:1-2

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