Monday, March 31, 2014

Leave your country

Yesterday began a new era in our family. My family was brought up in a small wood frame church where the pastor served fifty years prior to his death. My parents would wake us up, ensure we had breakfast, get us dressed then march us down the street to church.

We attended Sunday School, then walked in to the sanctuary for Worship or as we called it..."the sermon." Many of you may remember Sunday night church or Training Union, we were there every Sunday night too. No complaining, no argument, it was a way of life for us and many of our neighbors. Our boys were Royal Ambassadors and us girls were Girls In Action (G A's).

We loved our pastor who quickly became a family friend.  His wife having a passion for children operated a preeschool which most of us attended.

My father first walked into that church when he was 33 years old. Today, he is 80. He has served as a deacon for over 40 years and as church treasure for at least that long.  He has a passion for the Word of God and teaches a Bible Study class in Spanish.  He has often filled the puplit and has been my spiritual mentor.

 That is the only church he has ever known. His children are now all adults, parents or grandparents and serve in their own way.

Every year, the church Christmas program always drew us back as a family.  All of us supporting the church that we are products of. As tradition would have it, after every Christmas program, they would hand out "goodie" bags. My family often sat and filled a hundred bags with fruit,  candy and other goodies, another tradition.

Each Sunday we meet at my sister's house for lunch after church.  One Sunday a couple of weeks ago, an unexpected announcement  changed everything for us.

My father prepared us for what was to Abraham, God was calling him to leave his country.  Not literally, but obediently. Dad was leaving the church that had been our family church for years.   It was not our place to ask why after so many years.  Although four of the five of us no longer served there, we still remember it as our little church.

Yesterday, I longed to be with my father, to stand alongside him as my sisters did when he delivered the news but that was not to be.  God had called me to a different mission, God called me to do what my father taught me to do, teach the Word of God and pray, take a back seat.

So as my father "leaves his country" to follow God's new direction my heart is heavy because this is his church, our church but bigger than that....this is OUR God and that is who we serve.  The reward is in obedience. God may be calling you to leave your job, a relationship, a vice or a bad situation.   The time has come to act as you seek to walk in obedience, despite how it may feel.....will you "leave your country?"

The Lord had said to Abraham "Go from your country, your people and your father's household to where I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and those who curse you, I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." Genesis 12:1-3

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The forgotten ten

Can you name four of the twelve disciples? Do you remember the name of the female judge in the Old Testament? What was the name of the child put in a basket and sent down the river to spare him from death? What about the name of King David's heir to the throne?

It's not that difficult to remember things that we hear about frequently. Yesterday I attended a woman's event and the speaker, Lorraine Hill spoke on faith.  The subject was the twelve spies sent to explore the land.  The subject of the presentation specifically was Caleb. I thought "How cool, Caleb-everyone knows Caleb and Joshua went to 'spy' the land." I was attentive to what she had to say and all of it rang true in my ears.

How amazing that Caleb was willing to stand up and be different.  When the other ten expressed concerns about the people who lived there, their fortified cities and their power, Caleb "silenced the people before Moses and said 'We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.'"
So now for the other ten.  They feared giants. There may be  many giants in our life but there's not one that God can't handle.  The question is do you trust Him to do that?  Will you be like of the twelve whose name man remember, or will you be on the list of ten who no one really thinks about?  Can you name one of those ten?  Just one?   I can't. I regret to say that I am one of those that remembers Joshua and Caleb.  I could not identify one of the other ten.  Yet their fear engulfed them and their opinion permeated throughout the group causing the Israelites to fear as well.

The punishment for that was their inability to see the land.  Caleb's obedience was honored by God. 

How will you impact the kingdom of God?  Will you be a Caleb serving God wholeheartedly, or one of those others whose name we can't ever remember?

The question for today is "What side do you want to be on?  Maybe God is calling you to go out, stand up for something, go against the grain, go with your heart and obey.  Only you know what He is calling you to do.  Don't be a part of the forgotten ten.

But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to and his descendants will inherit it.  Numbers 14:24

Shammua tribe of Reuben
Shaphat tribe of Simeon
Igal tribe of Issachar
Palti tribe of Benjamin
Gaddiel tribe of Zebulun
Gaddi  tribe of Manasseh
Ammiel tribe of Dan
Sethur tribe of Asher
Nahbi tribe of Naphtali
Geuel tribe of Maki.

*Hoshea [Joshua] tribe of Ephraim
*Caleb tribe of Judah
Numbers 13:3-16

Friday, March 28, 2014

Were it not for grace

Today is a special day.  It is my eleventh wedding anniversary. I remember that day and the need to have it flow perfectly.

I specifically remember the music.  I really needed to incorporate two songs into the ceremony.  One of those songs was:  Were It Not For Grace.

Time measured out my days
Life carried out me along
In my soul I yearned to follow God
But knew I'd never be so strong.
I looked hard at this world
To learn how heaven could be gained
Just to end where I began
Where human effort is all in vain.

This is where I had been.  I yearned to follow God but I couldn't find how to accomplish that.  My human efforts often failed me.  And then I discovered that regardless of how much I tried, I would never accomplish that with my own efforts. I discovered that all the trash, all the filth of the world that I carried from the past, and all my past actions, would forever haunt me if I didn't find a way to erase it. I discovered that I was measuring my failures on "man's opinion."  I knew no other way.

I knew no other way until I discovered "God's Grace."  It was important that I incorporate this song because so much was at stake and I needed this marriage to work.  I needed our children to see that a marriage based on God's grace makes allowances for mistakes and forgiveness.

A marriage is not an agreement, it's not a pact, it's not a pinky is a covenant made before God.  He is in the midst of that covenant.  When you enter into that covenant, you honor not only your spouse, you honor God.

Were it not for grace,
I can't tell you where I'd be,
Wandering down some pointless road to somewhere
With my salvation up to me.
I know how that would go-
The battles I would face
Forever running and losing the race
Were it not for grace.

Yesterday I heard a new term for leaving a marriage.  We are use to splitting up, leaving, separating, now there is a "gentle, soft, less impacting" term....consciously uncouple! I hate to tell you this- it all has the same meaning and the same impact.

So what do you do when you're caught up between "honor the covenant" and "consciously uncoupling?"  I no longer rely on man's opinion.  Our marriages can not be based on what society says. We must honor God.  Think you can't do it alone?  Neither can we-Were it not for grace......

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.  Ecclesiastes 4:12

In a man centered view we will maintain our marriage as long as our earthly comforts, desires and expectations are met.  In a God centered view, we perserve our marriage because it brings glory to God and points a sinful world to a reconciling Creator.

Gary Thomas
Sacred Marriage
(2000) Zondervan
P. 32

Monday, March 24, 2014

Open House

When I leave my house to head out, I usually take the back roads rather than the congested, busy road that runs through my area.

Lately, I have seen a lot of homes for sale.  There are signs throughout our neighborhood and the neighborhood where my father-in-law's house is.  Some signs go up but do not stay up long.  They are quickly accompanied by a second sign that simply reads SOLD. 

For the last few months we have seen a couple of houses that are across the street from each other.  One has been for sale for quite some time.  What is it about the house that wards buyers off?  Why can't they sell that house?

It is nice, has a pool, sits on almost an acre of land, good schools, quiet neighborhood, recently what is it?  The other day they had a new sign on that lot...Open House.   There were about three cars in the driveway [I'm assuming owner and maybe realtor].  A couple of them were rearranging things in the garage and cleaning up.

They must have wanted the place to look immaculate.  There were balloons, signs throughout the neighborhood leading you to the house, and the hours of the open house were listed to ensure that anyone who was interested would come by during those hours. 

What if God said "Today is your Open House."  I'm stopping by but I'm not telling you when.  What would your house look like?

Would there be unrepentant sin?  Inappropriate movies, magazines or pictures?  Would there be a Bible with no finger smudges or bent pages?  Would your devotion book sit next to your Bible collecting dust?  Would your closet represent the person that you are in Christ or would it be mistaken for something else?

God doesn't need to have an open house.  He sees your house every day.  Your Open House, in His eyes is open 24/7.   Are you ready for the Open House?

For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought into the open.  Mark 4:22

Sunday, March 23, 2014

God's not Dead

Today I went to watch this movie. God's not Dead is a movie that has created alot of buzz.  It has been in the forefront of Facebook for weeks now.  I couldn't wait to watch it.

I went with a couple of friends from a Ladies Bible Study class.  I was amazed that the theatre was at capacity and having gone to the matinee, the two time slots after our showing were sold out.

I sat through the movie making a mental note of the characters, the story line and the arguments.  A great majority of it takes place in a college atmosphere.  I was quickly taken to my own son's situation.  He is a freshman in college and was quickly taken in by a new freedom.  The question for all of us is this "When we are backed into a corner about our faith, will we proudly stand up and defend what we believe?"

Life is simple when everyone likes who we are, what we believe, and who we serve.  It gets a little more complicated when we disagree.  Despite differences in opinion or belief, I must be true to what I believe.  Adversity should not change that.  Being challenged should only fuel us to stand taller and stronger.

Unfortunately, that is not always the case.  When faced with pressure Peter denied Christ. He denied Christ when he was put on the spot. One could guess that fear caused the denial as Peter later went on to be a strong voice. 

It's one thing to repeat a phrase like "God is good ...,,all the time. All the time ...God is good" while we are in church, it's another to stand up against someone who has power over you, like a boss, a parent, or a college professor. 

We are coming up on a season where many who believe will say with no reservation "He is risen" with a response of "He is risen indeed!" 

I think this year I'll add "God's Not Dead!" 

He has risen from the dead. Matthew 28:7

Saturday, March 22, 2014


I love surprising my son.  Sometimes, he surprises me.  It is amazing how well my husband and I have acclimated as "empty nesters."  We get up and go! We just get up and go.  Before you know it, we're in San Antonio with no prior planning!

One day my son called and said he would be coming home.  I thought "Oh my goodness, whatever I have planned....drop it!"  That's what we do that for our kids.  The morning came and went and I had not heard for him and suddenly it was " Mom, can we meet at Manuel's for lunch?

I recall being on the other side of town but soon I was headed northbound to meet him.  I got there before him so I parked facing out.  I was able to see who came and went in traffic.  After a bit, I saw that all familiar white truck.  He passed the first entrance and went to the second entrance to turn into the restaurant.

Unfortunately for me, there was an SUV parked two spaces down from me and it blocked my view of my son.  I sat there and said "Come on son turn, I know you're there -turn."  I could feel the excitement of seeing him one again all the while saying "I know you're in that turn lane, I can't see you but I know you're there."

I thought of how true that statement is of Christ.  Sometimes we may think that we can't "feel" him near, but he is never far away.   Even though we can not "see" him, we know he is there.

What excitement when my son finally turned and I was able to see his face.  The hugs of joy left my spirit content.  I could not see him in the turn lane but I knew he was there.  God makes us that promise...althought you may not see him....He's there!

And you my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your Father and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought.  If you seek him, he will be found by you but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.  1 Chronicles 28:9

Sunday, March 16, 2014

She said/He said

Once again, we went to the Hill Country this week.  This time we actually stayed on our property. The small cabin is actually taking shape.  We had alot of cleaning to do. We went with the mission of donating old appliances, repairing old pieces and minor rearranging.

I woke up one morning realizing it was mom's birthday so I called her.  I was cheerful telling her "Happy Birthday mom!"  She asked where we were and I told her.  I also said we were the cleaning. Her next words haunted me the entire time.

Mom said "Watch out for snakes. You know they are everywhere in the country and if you are moving and cleaning, they hide and will surprise you. Be careful-they could be anywhere! I hate snakes!"

Wow! That's all I needed to hear.  My husband and I began our cleaning venture; however, i did not do it without reservations.  My husband asked "will you unplug the washer?" "No! I can't! I'm afraid of snakes and there might be a snake back there."

He then told me that I could leave the truck door open and I said "No! A snake could crawl in there and surprise us - might even kill us!"  My fear of snakes is so great, and it doesn't help that an uncle was bitten by a snake and spent weeks in ICU almost costing him his life.

No! I was not going in tall grass, into the woods, into the house without my husband-snakes could be anywhere!!! After all, that's what mom said and we know mom's word is golden. She would never steer us wrong and if she said it- it must be true.

It was overwhelming! It consumed my thoughts. I shook every sheet, blanket, pillow and towel.  I opened the small bathroom door with caution, turned on evey light- all the while thinking "there could be a snake in there."

One morning while having coffee I thought again mom said "snakes are everywhere" that's what SHE said.  I then asked myself. "What did HE say?" I immediately thought of the verse that says "...he has given you authority to trample snakes and scorpions. He has given you power..."

I realized that I was caught between He said/She said.  What I chose to believe would dictate my level, or lack of fear.  When I shared my level of "terror" with my husband, he said I had to trust what Jesus said and let it go!

I did just that. I realized that the entire trip had revolved around my fear of snakes.  I was focusing on something that might not even happen rather than on the power God gives us to handle it if it did happen.

I love my mom and this proved the power of her words however, I had to decide which voice I was going to listen to.  I could spend these few days in fear or in peace.  Despite my love for her, in this He said/She said case, I had to let it go. I had to listen to the voice of God. Don't get caught up on someone's opinion, direction, advice, or impacting words when you know what God has said on the subject.

[Jesus said] I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.  I gave given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  
Luke 10:18-19

Sunday, March 9, 2014

But I bought a ticket...

Today is a day I have been looking forward to for a while.  I am going to the theatre to watch The Wizard of Oz.  My date is my father.  We share a love for the theatre and I expect it will be a fun day.

I woke up this morning and found the printed confirmation, however,  in big letters it says "This is not a ticket" so I proceed to locate and print my tickets.  I open up my email and look for them.  I look through my current mail and found nothing.  I went to my trash file and again, no tickets.  As a last result, I went to my deleted file but I found no tickets.  I closed the files and picked up my phone to call.  Unfortunately, it was 8am and the box office does not open until 11.

I called my husband and he didn't know where they could be so I texted my dad.  It read something like "Hi dad, I can't find the tickets."  Of course dad being dad responded "Don't worry."  Don't worry?  How will we get in?  I have visions of getting to the door and saying "May I come in? I purchased a ticket but I don't have a ticket" to which I am sure I would hear "No ticket, no entry."  But I bought a ticket!!!

Again, I went to my email, junk mail, spam, recycle tickets anywhere.  I feared I deleted them when we went to the theatre last month mistaking them for those tickets.  At any rate, I have no tickets....but I did buy tickets!

I'm imagined someone trying to get into the kingdom of heaven saying "But Lord, I helped the needy" or "Lord, I helped in Vacation Bible School."  While we may do those things, they will not get us into to heaven.  I can holler all day long "I bought a ticket, I bought a ticket" but not having the ticket will not get me in.

We can say that we love God and we go attend church and we participate in Bible Studies but the Word of God is clear that unless we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we will not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

It doesn't matter that I purchased the ticket, if I don't present it, I will not get in.

Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.  Matthew 7:13-14

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


This morning my husband and I had back to back massages. He dropped me off and went to get a hair cut. Before I got out of the truck I took my necklace off and as he pulled away, I motioned that the necklace was on the seat. He nodded and drove off.  In an hour we switched places and I went to buy some paint. I stopped at two more places before I picked him up.

We went home, showered and headed out to vote. When I got in the truck I asked "Where's my necklace?"  He responded "I don't know, it was right there." you can only imagine the conversation from there.

"I told don't care.....why didn't you safeguard it?"  My last statement before I broke out in tears was "You know how much that necklace means to me!!!" it was met with dozen "I'm sorry" and a dejected look. I took out my mini flashligh and searched under the seats, the console, the glove box, the back seat and any other open area!  Not having located it in the truck, we made the decision  to go to each location and search parking lots in the event it might have fallen out of the truck.

As I walked into Alspaugh Hardware I was greeted by a nice man who appeared disturbed by my tears "Ma'am, may I help you?" "No sir, I'm just looking for my necklace" I responded.  He went out of his way to look and ask others as well.  I left there saddened and crying. We went to our next two stops tracing every step with no luck.  My husband then told me that it could have gotten caught in one of my bags to which I responded "No, that couldn't have happened." I silently prayed that I would find my beloved necklace.

The way I was carrying on, one would have thought it was a Harry Winston necklace displayed at the Oscars. It was a simple silver heart locket on a silver chain.  The value of the necklace was in the fact that my son Matthew gave it to me about 8 years ago and now he is off at college.  I have worn that necklace with his picture in it for a while.

When we got back in the truck to head home without it, I cried and cried and by now, going to vote was just out of the question.  I had resigned to the idea that I would spend the day crying for what was lost when it hit me...."how Christ must grieve and be saddened by the lost!" that was quite the awakening when I thought of the value of a soul.

I asked for forgiveness for my self self centered attitude.  While the necklace was precious and meant the world to me I saw my complacency in serving others and seeking the lost.  "Father help me to seek those who are lost." that should be my prayer. My heart should break for those who do no know Jesus Christ.  I understand God's love for us and for the lost.

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Luke 19:10

For those of you who are wondering, we did in fact locate the necklace in the crease of a bag from one of my stops.   Had my husband not suggested us checking the bags, I might have accidentally thrown it away. I once again have my priceless necklace around my neck.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Hear it?

This morning I am sitting in the bedroom upstairs. As I turn the television off, I sit for just a bit.  I listen as I can hear something.  I don't know what it is so I now listen intently.

First I hear a noise I don't recognize.  I hear sounds like the heater coming on. It is something  I ignore and take for granted because the house is warm.  Next, I hear a sound and determine that it is our grandfather clock, also a sound we have grown accustomed to and often ignore unless time is an issue for us.

Waiting just a few minutes later I hear a "thunk" and realize its trash day and they have just placed our trash can on the driveway.  I also hear some banging and realize that our neighbor somewhere down the street is hammering something.

These are sounds that take place however, I don't "hear" them unless I take the time to be still and listen.  So is it with the Word of God.  We can "read and read and read" but unless we are still and listen, we miss hearing what God has to say.  One reason may be because we have become complacement, another may be because we ignore it, or lastly we may cover it with our own noise.

It is important to get still and listen to God. We live in such fast paced world and are so impatient. Shhh  be still and know that He is God (Psalm 46:10). Take the time to get still and listen.  I promise you, God will speak if we take the time to listen.

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.  My Father, who has given them to me is greater than all! No one can snatch them out of my Father's hand. John 10:27-28

I heard that!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

What do they call you?

The other day I received a email addressed to Diana.  While that IS my given name, no one has called me that in years.  For almost 35 years I have used the name Dee.

When sending out formal correspondence, I always use the name Diana but with a short note, I will sign it as Dee.  The other day I sent out an email commending an individual visiting my church on a job well done.  In their response, it began "Diana- thank you for your kind words...."

It was clear that although I had signed the email "Dee," this individual did not really know me.  My family, my friends, those that "know" me call me Dee.   While some rely on the name on an email address or other formal correspondence, the deciding factor in how you address someone is relationship.

I have neard many use the name God but only the person using it knows who or what they are referring to. Do you have a relation with God? Do you call Him Father, Savior, Solid Rock, My Shepherd?

What I call God is dependent on my relationship with him. It is dependent on how much time I spend with Him. I have gotten to know Him, walk with Him, talk to Him daily and acknowledge that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to offer me eternal life ! That's how you build a relationship. That's  how you know you can call Him friend. What do you call Him?

...And He shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I won't tell

What are you doing? What are you hiding? What did you do that you kept hidden from your friends, your spouse, your family?

Back in the day, I was assigned to the Recruiting Division.  I was responsible for reviewing the files of applicants interested in a job with our department.  Applying for this sort of jobs opens you up for thorough investigations. There are no stones left unturned. 

In many cases, the individuals I saw come through were the result of "legacy." Their parent served or a grand parent served or a sibling was serving and the applicant wanted to keep the family legacy going.  

As expected, this application process is tedious and extensive.  Questions like "What have you done? What did you do? What are you doing?"  In many cases, there are shocks and surprises and in many cases, an interested parent (current employee) might ask what their son or daughter has been up to, or what was discovered.  In every case, the answer is "that information is confidential and will not be released." 

There may be things that you have done that you're not proud of, there may be mistakes you may have made in life, there may be things that would embarrass you or your family if  it got out; however, you have the option of going before the throne of God, confessing your sins, and walking away with the assurance that He will not tell anyone. 

When you go before God and ask for forgiveness of your sin, He will not hold it against you, He won't write it down, He won't put it in your file and He won't tell!  

So approach the throne of grace with confidence, confident that what you tell God, He won't tell. 

Blessed are those whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the one whose sin the Lord will never count against them. Romans 4:7