Sunday, March 16, 2014

She said/He said

Once again, we went to the Hill Country this week.  This time we actually stayed on our property. The small cabin is actually taking shape.  We had alot of cleaning to do. We went with the mission of donating old appliances, repairing old pieces and minor rearranging.

I woke up one morning realizing it was mom's birthday so I called her.  I was cheerful telling her "Happy Birthday mom!"  She asked where we were and I told her.  I also said we were the cleaning. Her next words haunted me the entire time.

Mom said "Watch out for snakes. You know they are everywhere in the country and if you are moving and cleaning, they hide and will surprise you. Be careful-they could be anywhere! I hate snakes!"

Wow! That's all I needed to hear.  My husband and I began our cleaning venture; however, i did not do it without reservations.  My husband asked "will you unplug the washer?" "No! I can't! I'm afraid of snakes and there might be a snake back there."

He then told me that I could leave the truck door open and I said "No! A snake could crawl in there and surprise us - might even kill us!"  My fear of snakes is so great, and it doesn't help that an uncle was bitten by a snake and spent weeks in ICU almost costing him his life.

No! I was not going in tall grass, into the woods, into the house without my husband-snakes could be anywhere!!! After all, that's what mom said and we know mom's word is golden. She would never steer us wrong and if she said it- it must be true.

It was overwhelming! It consumed my thoughts. I shook every sheet, blanket, pillow and towel.  I opened the small bathroom door with caution, turned on evey light- all the while thinking "there could be a snake in there."

One morning while having coffee I thought again mom said "snakes are everywhere" that's what SHE said.  I then asked myself. "What did HE say?" I immediately thought of the verse that says "...he has given you authority to trample snakes and scorpions. He has given you power..."

I realized that I was caught between He said/She said.  What I chose to believe would dictate my level, or lack of fear.  When I shared my level of "terror" with my husband, he said I had to trust what Jesus said and let it go!

I did just that. I realized that the entire trip had revolved around my fear of snakes.  I was focusing on something that might not even happen rather than on the power God gives us to handle it if it did happen.

I love my mom and this proved the power of her words however, I had to decide which voice I was going to listen to.  I could spend these few days in fear or in peace.  Despite my love for her, in this He said/She said case, I had to let it go. I had to listen to the voice of God. Don't get caught up on someone's opinion, direction, advice, or impacting words when you know what God has said on the subject.

[Jesus said] I saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven.  I gave given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.  
Luke 10:18-19

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