Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It's stained

A couple of weeks ago I went to purchase my "Spring" lipstick colors.  Within a couple of hours, I had already lost one.  My lipsticks cost $15.00 a tube so to lose one was extremely disappointing.  I looked everywhere and traced my steps to ensure I covered every angle.

Thankfully I had two. I didn't actually pay for them- I got them free as part of the recycle program.  You return your empty lipstick tubes and get a new one free. It cost me 12 "empties" but was worth it.  That did not minimize the fact that I lost one!  These were my pretty pink colors.

I wondered where it was. Could it be in another purse? Did it fall out and roll under  the bed? Where could it be?  I resigned to the fact that it was lost.

The other day as I did my laundry, I tossed in my neon yellow workout favorite.  I went to run an errand and when I returned, I moved my clothes over to the dryer.  That's when I noticed it! My beautiful, favorite, most comfortable neon yellow running shirt was completely stained with lipstick. There was no saving this shirt, or my black pants, or my white socks.

As I continued to unload clothes I discovered the empty tube of lipstick and I remembered putting it in my jacket pocket.  The same jacket I had worn to the gym that was now in the washer.

I washed and rewashed that yellow shirt in hopes of removing the stains.  I added stain remover, soaked it, and then washed it again.  Unfortunately, it is still stained and in fact, ruined!

Somedays, we  may feel that way.  We may feel like our stains of our sin are permanent and can not be removed.  We may feel like a pure and true God does not want to be bored by our sin but it is quite the opposite! God wants to cleanse us from the filth of our sins.  Sins that separate us from him.  I may never get those stains out of that shirt but I am thankful for a God that has the power to cleanse me and make me new again!

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John 1:9

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