Sunday, June 29, 2014

Major Interruption

Friday I was by myself.  I decided I would surprise my parents and have lunch with them.  I woke up, got ready and put on a nice shirt and pants.  I applied my make up and put on some nice perfume.  They have really been on my heart lately and I just wanted to sit with them a while.

As you may know, my husband and I are in the middle of major projects restoring my father-in-law's house.  We have made major changes to the house itself.  This week we spent an entire day removing wall paper from five rooms as well as removing crown molding, paneling, and floors. We worked all week and Friday was my day to rest.

As I proceeded to drive to my parents home, I just had to stop and do "one little thing" at the house.  When I walked in (with my made-up self)  I saw that we still had paneling in the living room that needed to be removed guessed it! I picked up a hammer and began removing nails...just a couple! Thankfully I had a change of clothes in the car so I changed clothes because after all, I didn't want to get dust on my black pants.

Before I knew it, I was calling a friend who sent her son over to help with some other things.  I soon came to the realization that I was knee deep, it was one o'clock, my make-up was melted and my once nice smelling perfume had worn off.  Oh, and lunch with my parents wasn't happening! It was 4:00 before we left that place.

What a major interruption to my planned out day.  While I missed out on lunch, the accomplishments made in four hours were amazing.  I didn't really want to do it but it had to be done. One day it will have granite counter tops and wood floors and it will be amazing!

Today, our church is going through some renovations.  It also requires a major interruption to a "planned out" day.  Our normal Woman's Ministry event called Table Top Tapestry has been interrupted due to those renovations.   However, we are still having an event to kick off  Ladies Fall Bible studies but it will be a little different. 

My problem....our problem is that often, we get in a routine and anytime that routine is disrupted, we fail to keep an open mind and consider the goal.  

I was going to have lunch with my parents! I did not welcome the interruption but I know that our end goal is to sell it.  I know that these few months of sacrifice will profit us in the end on the sale price. 

So it is with this time in our church.  These few months of renovation may interrupt our "regularly scheduled Table Top" but in the end, it will create a larger space for more women to come to future events and hear the word of God and that's the goal! 

Things may not always go as we planned but we have to remember that despite our best intended plans-God has the ultimate plan.  So this year I commit to making this a successful event with the goal of reaching many women and leading them to personal worship through our Ladies Bible studies! 

Oh by the way, I did not let the interruption deter me. I went home and cleaned up again and had a wonderful dinner with my parents.  Another goal met!

In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9

Women's Ministry Fall Event
August 12, 2014  -  6:pm
Speaker: Author and Teacher Lorainne Hill
Music: Michael O'Brien 

Find out more about our Ladies Bible Studies at [North Campus]

Saturday, June 28, 2014

You knew I was coming!

Beginning a sentence with the words "I have very little tolerance for....." does not even sound like it's going to be reflective of a Christian walk.  However, the other day, my tolerance level was very low!

I was driving in an area of our community called Kings Manor.  As I came around a subdivision, I noticed a car in a driveway with reverse lights on.  The driver turned, saw me (eye to eye) and still proceeded to back out.  Of course the first thing I thought was "the audacity of that woman! She saw me coming.....she knew I was headed towards her on the street and she pulled out anyway!"

I was not happy! Of course I had to brake and slow down from my own course but it really irritated me that she knew I was coming.  As soon as those words came out of my mouth, this thought entered.  We all know that Jesus is coming again.  It is no secret. Mark 13:26-27 says "At that time, man will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory and He will send His angels and gather His elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth..." yet, we don't turn from our sinful ways.

We live in a society that knows God will return but that thought does little to change or deter some people's behavior. Why? Is it because we think a living, loving God will not hold it against us? Is it because we expect He loves us too much to discipline us? Like that woman in the driveway, she knew I was coming but her belief that I would stop allowed her to continue to pull out despite the possible consequences.

Don't get me wrong, God is a loving, forgiving God but we know He's coming and the time to remember that is now! If I knew you were coming to my house today, I might fluff the pillows, wash the dishes, and dust,  but if I didn't think I would have visitors, I would continue to live comfortably behind closed doors. (Matthew 24:43)

So even if you never heard that before, now you know. He is coming again to take His people home. Will you be ready or will you continue to "take your chances?"

At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:27-28

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hold on grasshopper

Yesterday we were down to one car. Well, by choice, we were down to one car. I needed a ride to the gym so my husband dropped me off while he went to run an errand.  When we pulled out of the driveway and proceeded to  Kingwood Drive, he noticed a green spot on the hood of our truck. It was a grasshopper.

As we drove and picked up speed, we noticed the grasshopper trying to hold on.  The wind was strong on this small creature but it kept holding on.  When we stopped at the red light, I yelled out as if it could hear me "Get off grasshopper, get off!"

We laughed at the persistence of this green thing that chose to hold on tight.   He was safe at the red light but soon it turned green and we were off again.  I kept my eye on the little thing and changed my thinking from "get off" to "hold on grasshopper, hold on!"

Within seconds, the had turned his body and was facing the very wind that threatened him but he never let go.  It became a game to see how long the grasshopper would survive.  Isn't it funny the things that will amuse us sometimes.

The drive to the gym is not too far and as some might have guessed, the grasshopper survived the ride.  It made me think of a couple of things. First, when I see or hear of a friend hitting a storm or a strong wind in their life, am I encouraging by telling them to hold on or do I hope they let go and just give up on the situation?

Second, how do I handle the strong winds.  It is very clear that we are going to experience storms in our lives.  The issue is not the storm but survival.  God's Word says that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5)

So many times I have experienced a strong wind or storm in my life where I myself have just said "God, pull me out of this!" In hindsight, the storm was for me to learn a lesson of total reliance in Jesus Christ despite the pain.

If you feel like that grasshopper on the hood of a truck with a strong wind threatening, I say to you  "Hold on!" there is a power behind you that will not let you fall in fact, that very power will allow you to turn towards the wind and face it head on!

Do not be afraid and do not be discouraged.  There is a lesson to be learned but through it, God will not let go of you.  Hold on grasshopper!

He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me. Psalms 18:16-19

Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Weakest Link

The Weakest  Link is a game show which aired early in the millennium. It was hosted by a staunch moderator who made the line "You are the weakest link" famous.  It was not so much the line as how she said it. "You arrrrrrrrrre ........ The weakest link-Goodbye!!"

I loved that show.  It wasn't always about who knew the most either.  In fact strategy would dictate that you get rid of the knowledgeable one in order for you to win the game.  During a cruise we took a few years back, I talked (more like pushed) my husband into competing in the game.  Of course he was weak but he was Well Educated And Knowledgeable so he got voted out for fear of competition.  He out answered everyone there.

I don't like to show my weakness.  In fact if you want me to accomplish something, just tell me I can't do it and watch the results.  Okay, so that being said, examine  yourself and determine what your weakness is.  Physically I may have weaknesses-but it's just the idea of someone calling me out on them.

I remember reading the book of Job and not understanding why God gave Satan "permission" to taunt Job.

The Lord said to Satan "Very well, then, everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger." [Job 1:12]

Why?  Because when we are weak, God's power shines though [2 Corinthians 12:9].

God will allow Satan permission to show you a weakness and a prime example of that was Peter.  Peter, the one who vowed to love and follow Jesus, saying "Even if I have to die for you, I will never disown you." [Mark 14:31] yet Peter had a weakness.

Jesus told Peter "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat but I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail." [Luke 22:31]. The enemy is going to "sift" you to see what rises to the top.

A prominent preacher from Dallas, Dr Tony Evans said it best when he said "Satan said 'I'm gonna jack-you-up AND I'm gonna get God's permission to do it.'"

Although the enemy was going to "sift Peter as wheat" I love Jesus' next line "I have prayed for you Simon that your faith may not fail."

Perhaps you feel like you are being "sifted" right now. Maybe an illness, a bad relationship, an unexpected life situation, wayward kids, or financial burdens.  Remember that even if God gave permission, Jesus prayed that his faith would not fail Peter.  Today I pray that if you are being sifted, your faith will not fail. I pray that you will find your strength in Him [Philippians 4:13] and that you will not be "the weakest link!"

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. Matthew 16:18

The time came when Peter did deny Jesus [Luke 22:54-62] Verse 62 says that after he did, Peter wept bitterly. Peter then went on to be the "rock" on which the church was built.  If you have a weakness, recognize it, go before God, announce it, cry bitterly if you need to then become a rock for His kingdom.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Gold Medal

Many years ago I competed in the Police Olympics.  I made the decision to create a relay team that had no possibility of losing.  I would get the best runners, train hard and come home with the gold medal. 

I found the perfect starter and the perfect anchor.  Of course I would take the third leg and our second leg was great.  We had the perfect team, that is until our second leg became ineligible.  What would we do now?  We had a team minus one girl.  I recruited a friend who I knew liked to run and thought she would be the right fit for our vacancy.  Boy was I wrong.  I discovered she could run but she was a distance competitor and ran at a slower pace than a relay.

I knew as the third leg, I would have my work cut out for me.  Day after day I would go to the track with my father and he would time me and encourage me as I ran.  "Faster, faster, faster" he would say.  The sun was beaming but I would do just as my dad said...faster! 

The day of the race, our second leg had a slow run.  We were in fourth place when she handed me the baton.  I took that baton and ran for my life.  I would not let my father down!  I would make my father proud of me and all the work he had done.  I was determined to come home with that gold medal.  With sheer determination and will, we were in first place when I handed the baton to our anchor.  We had won the gold medal.

To see the expression of joy on my father's face was all worth it.  When our eyes met, I ran to him and hugged him knowing I had made him proud.  I knew that whether we won or lost, he would still love me but in my mind,  a win would validate his work.  

So many times we want to please God by our performance.  We want to be better, do better, do more and God just wants our hearts.  Our "performance" does not dictate how much he loves us.  There is nothing we can do to make God love us more than He already does.   

God wants a relationship based on grace not performance.  He wants us to genuinely seek His face and not put on airs of being this "good Christian girl."  I could work day and night to be the best in God's eyes and if I stopped just for a minute to think on that, I would realize that I already am. I have already won the Gold Medal.  I am God's best work.

For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith-and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-not by works, so that no one can boast.  For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus...  Ephesians 2:8-10

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pleasing to the Eye

Yesterday I approached our gate and saw a beautiful purple round flower on a tall stem.  Purple is one of my favorite colors so it caught my eye.  I passed it up because we had a full schedule.  However, I love fresh flowers and every time I passed the gate, my eye went back to the flower. 

Not long after the first couple of glances, I realized that the flower was beautiful but the leaves were thorny.  We have a many thorny plants on the property and I had just removed a lot of it but none had a flower like this one. 

Finally, as we prepared to leave, I paid closer attention and realized it was nettle thorn.  Despite it's beautiful flower,  I "whacked" the plant at the root and proceeded to pick it up.  No where on the plant or flower could I touch without being stuck. 

It reminded me of how the enemy often tempts us with things that are pleasing to the eye. Behind the most beautiful, sexy, wealthy, temptation [that is something that is forbidden]  is a rope that leads to the enemy.   The enemy will not tempt you with mediocre, he will tempt you with what grabs your eye for if he has your eye, then he will aim for your heart. 

I found that there was no way I could pick up that flower, there was no way I could keep it in a vase, and there was no way I could have it.   When I realized what it was, I also discovered that I did not want it. 

There are many things in life that seem like they are good, or bring pleasure, or fulfill us for the moment but in reality, it is a facade for truth.  The truth is that the only thing that will fill us to the fullest is Jesus Christ.

Don't be fooled by the surface.  The enemy specializes in getting our attention by enticing us with the pleasing to the eye.

The woman said to the serpent "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, 'You must not eat from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it or you will die.'"  Genesis 3:2-3

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. Genesis 3:6

Monday, June 9, 2014

It's just a little hole

For weeks now when we have traveled to Fredericksburg, we have stayed at a cabin on the property.  when we first purchased the property we found scorpions on the premises.  The cabin is really a "hunters" cabin but it suits us just fine.

Having a fear of things that sting, I asked my husband Mark to cover a hole in the wall where the kitchen drain pipe was.  I didn't want outdoor insects or things to crawl through the hole and enter the cabin.  I don't like those kind of surprises.

Mark used some kind of expanding foam that was great.  It expanded to the area and covered the entire hole.  I felt a little better.  Unfortunately, on our next visit, we had problems with our kitchen water draining.  If the sink was full of water and you released it, it drained slowly and caused a backup in the restroom sink.

We dealt with it for weeks until it finally made its way to the top of our to-do list.  Mark had used a coil to attempt to clear it but the coil always made it through.  With this being the case, we  had no reason to believe he hadn't  cleared it.

His thought process was that perhaps the foam was too strong and it had bent the pipe impeding the flow of water. This time, we were going to get to the bottom of it.

He proceeded to clear out the foam with a small saw [no easy task].  An electrical wire had hardened in the foam so it was important that he not slip.  He was meticulously prying away at the foam until he could finally see clearly that the pipe was in tact and not bent.  His next step was to remove that section of pipe.

He cut it from the inside, then the outside and removed the section.  When he pulled it out, he discovered that foam had indeed made its way to the inside of the pipe.  It had blocked the entire pipe except a tiny portion which is where the coil was able to make its way through,  allowing us to believe all was clear.

When he examined it carefully, he was then able to see that the pipe itself had a little hole about the size of a pea.  That little hole was enough to let in an entire amount of foam through causing the blocking of the pipe.  That thing described as "just a little hole" wreaked havoc on our ability to  use the water in the cabin.  How can a little hole allow enough in to stop progress?

That's what often happens in life.  We walk along serving Christ, living a godly life and because we slip, we make little holes in our walk and that is all the enemy needs.  He will take a little hole and begin to penetrate our life until little by little our walk with Christ suffers.  We don't pray as often, we make excuses for not going to church, we don't read our bible....and all because we slipped and allowed the enemy in.

Perhaps that little hole is anger, bitterness, untruthfulness, or someone trying to mislead us into thinking there is a better life.  We sulk in that until we allow the enemy to penetrate through and before we know it, he has completely filled our soul impeding our walk with Christ.  Don't believe it!

When my husband discovered that hole, he replaced that section pipe with new and better pipe.  He secured it so that no foam, insect, or debris could make its way through it again and God can do the same for you. He can take the area that enemy taunts you with and make it new.  Only God can restore what has been broken, lied to, deceived, or betrayed.

Don't let a little hole destroy your world.  Trust God!  The truth is you belong to Him!

Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the enemy a foothold.
Ephesians 4:26-27

Let no one deceive you with empty words...Ephesians 5:6

Submit yourselves then to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  James 4:7

Friday, June 6, 2014

Give it up

The other day we were at our property.  As we drove into the path leading to the cabin, we noticed that our neighbor was clearing out some of his land.  He has been doing this for weeks and we are finally beginning to see a difference.

As we traveled up, we noticed the vast number of trees and branches on our property that need to be removed.  Some fell to the drought a couple of years ago, some just fell due to the lack of attention. There are also numerous cactus and cedars that need to be removed.

My husband and I made it up to our cabin and saw the successes of two individuals wanting to clean a large piece of property.  This time, the grass needed to be mowed, weeds needed to be dealt with, a drain pipe needed to be replaced-that's another story-and MY project... a tin roof from a carport needed to be taken down.

We did a lot of work! We trimmed and hauled and burned and everything else in between.  We cleared out weeds knee high and finally, we were at the tin roof-my project.  I say "my project" because my husband's projects usually have to do with "functionality" mine have to do with "appearance."

That tin roof was an eyesore! I didn't like pulling into the drive and seeing that tin roof dangling from the side of the workshop.  Oh don't get me wrong, I like tin roofs but this one was falling in on one side, the wood that held it up was rotten and it had no purpose but to distract the eyes.

So I began my mission of taking it down.  I pulled nails from the bottom row thinking "that was easy!" then I moved on to the next row....easy again. I found that it had loosened up enough to just pull it right off so I tugged, pulled, jerked and finally decided that one single nail held it at the top close to the roof.  It didn't matter how much I tried, it was not going to give. As much as I wanted to do this myself, I would reluctantly need my husband's help. The nail was close to the top and out of my reach. I had to resign to the idea that I simply could not do it alone.  I had to give it up.

Be at as it may, when my husband finally started taking the tin roof down, I began stacking it in a neat pile.  My husband asked what I was going to do with it and I said "keep it of course!"  Being the DIY restoration project individual that I am, I saw purpose for this rusted broken tin.  My husband said "just get rid of it we can always get brand new tin" but not wanting to do that, I stacked it neatly in a pile.

The tugging and pulling continued with my husband taking down and me piling up the tin and burning the rotten wood.  You see, my husband was now doing all the work, but I still had the choice of what stayed and what I gave up.

We often want that role.  When we are knee deep in things that distract our eyes, affect our life, and interfere with our walk with Christ, we want God to step in and help us but we want to make the decisions as to what stays and what goes.  God's word is very clear about what is expected for a Godly life.

We often come up against things that are an "eyesore" or offensive in God's eyes.  We may need cleaning and may need removal of certain things in our life.  Unfortunately too many times we try to do it ourselves and fail.  Rather than turn it over to God, we try in our own human efforts to remove the offensive but due to our weaknesses may find it impossible to do. 

We want to rid ourselves of these offenses, we want to walk a Godly life but we hesitate in asking God for help because we think we can do it ourselves and we may fear He might make us get rid of all of it with no choice of what we get to "keep."  We choose to keep the "old stuff" when God stands ready to replace it with a brand new life,  if we only call out to Him.  In my case, pride stood in the way. I didn't want my husband to think that this "girlie-girl" couldn't do it. Such is the case with God....we often think we can handle our own life and live a pure and holy life ( 2 Peter 3:11)  as He calls us to do but that is impossible without the hand of God leading us.

After several hours, we stepped back to look at the work and were pleased that the area was now cleared of weeds, the tin roof was down and the rotten had been discarded.  What a relief to see the beauty of the place now and it began with me recognizing that I was incapable of doing it on my own,  I could not do it without the help of my husband.

Let God tear down the sin in your life that you are incapable of doing on your own strength.  Give it up!   Merely call out to Him and watch the work that He will do in your life for a clean heart and a pure walk. 

In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help.  From His temple, He heard my voice my cry came before Him into His ears.  Psalm 18:6

You were taught with regard to your former way of life; to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitudes of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.  Ephesians 4:22-24 

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Shadow

My husband and I often "play with shadows." Silly as it may seem, we amuse ourselves with this silly game.  Often when we are in bed reading, our nightstand lights are on often creating silhouettes and shadows.

He will form a shadow with his hand, usually a rabbit or dog or some other animal and will approach me on the wall.  Sometimes the shadow throws me a kiss, sometimes it just waits for a response.   Every now and then I want to read and not deal with the shadows so....I take my fist and "ding" the shadow.  It slowly falls to its death.

We get bold!  It is amazing how in the shadows we take on lions and tigers and bears and like King David, slay them with one hit.

It is amazing how we are so bold in taking out shadows but in life, we let things that are insignificant overpower us.  If we approached issues as if they were shadows, we would feel the power in being able to conquer it.

I believe at the heart of the problem is that we feel the strength to succeed in knowing that  a shadow can not attack back.  When we approach "lions" in life, we have a tendency to cower down and let it overpower us when in reality, if we stand in the power of Christ, no lion can overpower us.  In fact, the things we consider lions, are insignificant to His power. 

In life, when you see those lions, remember that it can not hurt you in the power of Jesus Christ.  Whether that lion comes by way of finances, burdens, lack of employment, prodigal children, or anything else-you wouldn't run away from a shadow, don't run from the problem-turn it over to God.

I feel so confident in throwing a punch at the shadow but in reality, I need to remember this advice myself. I need to remember that when I rest in the power of Jesus Christ, all that comes against me is but a shadow that will not over power me. 

How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalms 36:7