Friday I was by myself. I decided I would surprise my parents and have lunch with them. I woke up, got ready and put on a nice shirt and pants. I applied my make up and put on some nice perfume. They have really been on my heart lately and I just wanted to sit with them a while.
As you may know, my husband and I are in the middle of major projects restoring my father-in-law's house. We have made major changes to the house itself. This week we spent an entire day removing wall paper from five rooms as well as removing crown molding, paneling, and floors. We worked all week and Friday was my day to rest.
As I proceeded to drive to my parents home, I just had to stop and do "one little thing" at the house. When I walked in (with my made-up self) I saw that we still had paneling in the living room that needed to be removed guessed it! I picked up a hammer and began removing nails...just a couple! Thankfully I had a change of clothes in the car so I changed clothes because after all, I didn't want to get dust on my black pants.
Before I knew it, I was calling a friend who sent her son over to help with some other things. I soon came to the realization that I was knee deep, it was one o'clock, my make-up was melted and my once nice smelling perfume had worn off. Oh, and lunch with my parents wasn't happening! It was 4:00 before we left that place.
What a major interruption to my planned out day. While I missed out on lunch, the accomplishments made in four hours were amazing. I didn't really want to do it but it had to be done. One day it will have granite counter tops and wood floors and it will be amazing!
Today, our church is going through some renovations. It also requires a major interruption to a "planned out" day. Our normal Woman's Ministry event called Table Top Tapestry has been interrupted due to those renovations. However, we are still having an event to kick off Ladies Fall Bible studies but it will be a little different.
My problem....our problem is that often, we get in a routine and anytime that routine is disrupted, we fail to keep an open mind and consider the goal.
I was going to have lunch with my parents! I did not welcome the interruption but I know that our end goal is to sell it. I know that these few months of sacrifice will profit us in the end on the sale price.
So it is with this time in our church. These few months of renovation may interrupt our "regularly scheduled Table Top" but in the end, it will create a larger space for more women to come to future events and hear the word of God and that's the goal!
Things may not always go as we planned but we have to remember that despite our best intended plans-God has the ultimate plan. So this year I commit to making this a successful event with the goal of reaching many women and leading them to personal worship through our Ladies Bible studies!
Oh by the way, I did not let the interruption deter me. I went home and cleaned up again and had a wonderful dinner with my parents. Another goal met!
In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. Proverbs 16:9
Women's Ministry Fall Event
August 12, 2014 - 6:pm
Speaker: Author and Teacher Lorainne Hill
Music: Michael O'Brien
Find out more about our Ladies Bible Studies at [North Campus]
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