Monday, June 2, 2014

The Shadow

My husband and I often "play with shadows." Silly as it may seem, we amuse ourselves with this silly game.  Often when we are in bed reading, our nightstand lights are on often creating silhouettes and shadows.

He will form a shadow with his hand, usually a rabbit or dog or some other animal and will approach me on the wall.  Sometimes the shadow throws me a kiss, sometimes it just waits for a response.   Every now and then I want to read and not deal with the shadows so....I take my fist and "ding" the shadow.  It slowly falls to its death.

We get bold!  It is amazing how in the shadows we take on lions and tigers and bears and like King David, slay them with one hit.

It is amazing how we are so bold in taking out shadows but in life, we let things that are insignificant overpower us.  If we approached issues as if they were shadows, we would feel the power in being able to conquer it.

I believe at the heart of the problem is that we feel the strength to succeed in knowing that  a shadow can not attack back.  When we approach "lions" in life, we have a tendency to cower down and let it overpower us when in reality, if we stand in the power of Christ, no lion can overpower us.  In fact, the things we consider lions, are insignificant to His power. 

In life, when you see those lions, remember that it can not hurt you in the power of Jesus Christ.  Whether that lion comes by way of finances, burdens, lack of employment, prodigal children, or anything else-you wouldn't run away from a shadow, don't run from the problem-turn it over to God.

I feel so confident in throwing a punch at the shadow but in reality, I need to remember this advice myself. I need to remember that when I rest in the power of Jesus Christ, all that comes against me is but a shadow that will not over power me. 

How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalms 36:7

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