Sunday, October 12, 2014

Dual Lesson

This week was a terrible, horrible, dog gone long week.  On top of that, I had a Bible Study Lesson to teach today [Sunday].  Although I reviewed the lesson throughout the week, I felt like I was rushing through it.

I was subbing for a kindergarten teacher at a local school and they were a handful.  It was all I could do to get those papers graded, lessons taught and get them on the bus for the last time Friday.  After Friday I would have relief as my assignment would be over. 

On Saturday morning I woke up early and said to God "Okay God, do your work.  I only have today to prepare this lesson."  I also thought that if he could possibly make it happen before 4:30PM that afternoon it would be great because my husband and I worship on Saturdays at 5:00PM due to his work schedule.

Then I got to work.  I prayed, read my bible and put on some worship music.  I then let the Holy Spirit lead as God just provided the words straight from His Holy Word.  When it was complete, I was satisfied that those were not wasted hours. 

I proceeded to clean up and wait for my husband and then we headed to church.  I felt good about the lesson I would be presenting in the morning. 

This morning, as I awoke again early, I reviewed the lesson and the excitement was building.  I was excited about what God was going to do in class.  I went to the worship service which was again awesome and headed to class.

When I arrived, I saw a familiar face-also a sub who was preparing for a power-point presentation.  "Oh, are you teaching this morning?" I asked.  He replied "Yes, the teacher asked me to teach today."  Funny, she had asked me to teach also.  I told him "I wish I would have known, I had a hectic week and the lesson was difficult to prepare in the little time I had."  He responded in the same manner as he continued to search for a working laptop.

Immediately, I said "Well, you go ahead and teach-I'll sit in on the class."  What confusion.  I went to the back of the class and took the seat in the row furthest back and in the furthest corner closest to the door.

I can't say that I wasn't disappointed, I was but I sat through the lesson silently praying that God would use him all the while feeling like I had a good lesson to teach also.

Within minutes, my attitude took a turn.  I thought "I just wish I had known! I wouldn't have spent all that time preparing!"   Then it hit me...."all that time preparing?"  I had limited God to one day!  Not that He can't do it but I limited God!  I put him on my schedule.

As I prayed that attitude away, I discovered that I did not have one regret.  I went back to those hours of preparation and remembered my amazing time with God.  I remembered the heart touching,  soul piercing, spirit filled time I spent with Him.  As I prepared, I worshiped like I had not had time to worship in a long time!  I felt like I had truly been in His presence and you can not regret anything about that!

Yes, I worked hard, I prepared this lesson and it was indeed a dual lesson.  Not because two people had prepared the same lesson and only one could teach but because this girl prepared the lesson and learned the lesson all in the same day!

God's plan was for me to meet with Him.  I limited Him to speak to me and He used every moment to speak His truth through worship and His word and that in itself is quite the lesson for me. The sub taught a good lesson as I knew he would but I am every grateful that God taught me my own lesson long before I got to class.

What lesson are you missing? 

God is not unjust, He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.  We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure.  We do not want you to become lazy , but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.  Hebrews 6: 10-12

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