Friday, October 16, 2015

First Question

I have often heard of individuals looking for a biological parent or siblings.  They are often asked "What will be your first question to them?"  That's fair.  I would also wonder what one's first question would be when they located their biological family.

Today, I was driving to the store when my thoughts went to a magazine.  It is a magazine that I have been receiving for about a year.  It comes with a 20% coupon or some promotional item for free.  I did not order this magazine but it arrived at my house every month.  In fact, it didn't even come to ME!  It came under a different individual's name.  When I first received it and I saw the name on it, I thought "Why would anyone do that?" 

It was a woman's magazine and every time I received it, I ripped it in pieces and threw it away.  Month after month I would shake my head in disgust and tear up the magazine.  I recognized the name on the magazine but it was sent to my address.  I just didn't understand someone's meanness in doing that.  I eventually called the company and asked them not to send any more magazines to my home.  I could have given them the address of the person whose name was on the label but that is not me.  I cancelled it weeks ago.

Today, as I drove to the store that came to my mind.   I thought to myself "When I get to heaven, my first question to God is going to be 'why did that person do that to me?"' I just wanted God to tell me why someone would be so mean spirited?  The more I thought of it, the more it ruled me.  My attitude changed and I found myself actually saying "I'm gonna ask God....I sure am!"

Then the gravity of what I was saying hit me.  I thought of that song I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy.  It talks of the artist seeing Abraham, Jacob and Isaac, he saw Paul and Timothy-but he said I want to see Jesus, the one who died for me. 

Really?  I finally get to see the one who died for me and my first question is "Who sent those magazines to my house?" It is amazing how we can be humbled when reality hits.  How superficial of me.  Does it matter who did that?  Not when I'm standing in the presence of my Savior.  Instead of asking that question, I am sure I will revel in the majesty of being surrounded by holiness. 

It doesn't matter who did it or what their intent was, it's done, it's cancelled, it's over.  So in re-grouping and thinking of a "first question" I thought of this.  If I have a first question for anyone it should be "Do you know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and will you meet Him when your life is over?"  Now that's an important first question!

When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples, "Who do people say the Son of Man is? They replied "Some say John the Baptist others say Elijah: and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets." "But what about you?" he asked, "Who do you say I am?"  Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."   Matthew 16:13-16

(c) 2001, Steve Emerson Music-I Bowed on My Knees and Cried Holy/Gaither Vocal

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