Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Peace and Joy

Yesterday I went to a local store to return a lawn mower.  We just bought it Friday so that my son could continue mowing my Father-in-law's yard and before the job was complete, it stopped working.  My husband was able to get it working again but soon after, it gave out. 

I decided that it was not worth the battle.  We have two but one is at our property and the other is being repaired so.....I made the trek to return it.  I figured that it would be no big deal.  When I purchased it 72 hours ago, I was assured that as long as I kept my receipt, there would not be a problem. 

When I arrived at the store, I asked a gentleman in the gardening department if he would help me unload it.  He was so friendly and kind.  He had a joyful spirit and a peace about him that I could not understand.   He willingly went to my vehicle and loaded the mower in a basket and brought it in.  I had it in the original box so we could not just roll it in.  It was early in the morning so foot traffic was very light and there were hardly any customers in the store-but you know....there always has to be one.

The gentleman told me "you can get a refund here [gardening] no problem."  I said thank you and got in line.  As I am waiting, I realize the customer in front of me is paying and she must have two hundred coupons!! Just kidding but it seemed like two hundred.

The poor cashier was scanning and scanning and scanning.  And of course, with coupons, there is often a question or challenge.  The customer turned to me and said "If you want a refund, you need to go up front."  I thought that was interesting since if that was the case, the cashier would have told me.  I replied that the gentleman had told me I could do it here.  "Well okay then" was her reply.  I had no where to go, I was not in a hurry so I waited. 

I did notice that the cashier was getting restless.  She had scanned so many coupons.  I also noticed that her name tag had her name prominently displayed....three little letters-Joy!  As I examined her face I thought, "She does not look like she is joyful right now." 

I wondered if that's what we look like when we say we are joyful serving Christ.  It looked like Joy had lost her joy.   There was no smile, there was only frustration and impatience.  I said a small prayer and asked God to give her peace and joy. 

When she was finally through scanning all those coupons, I let the gentleman behind me go first.  He only had a 9 volt battery to purchase and I had a return.  That seemed to cheer up Joy and she took care of me with absolutely no attitude and a smile. 

I told Joy to have a good day and as I walked out, I made it a point to find the gentleman who had assisted me with the mower.  I often look at name tags so that I can address individuals by name.  When I saw the gentleman, I said "Thank you Paz for helping me with the mower."  In his broken english he replied "You're welcome."

Paz....the spanish word for peace.  I had indeed met with Peace and Joy this morning. 

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:7

Monday, July 30, 2012

You Don't Know The Cost

The room grew still as she made her way to Jesus
She stumbled through the tears that made her blind.
She felt such pain, some spoke in anger
Heard folks whisper "there's no room here for her kind."
Still on she came through the shame that flushed her face
Until at last she knelt before his feet.
And though she spoke no words, everything she said was heard
As she poured her love for her master from her box of alabaster.

I've come to pour my praise on Him like oil from Mary's Alabaster box.
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears or I dry them with my hair-
You weren't there, the night He found me, you did not feel what I felt
When He wrapped his arms around me and you don't know the cost....
of the oil in my alabaster box.

This is an awesome song.  As I walked my dog yesterday, this played on my ipod.  I thought back to the day I came to Christ and how much this song rang true. 

When I came to Christ, Psalm 40 was much my testimony and that's why no one knows the cost.  When I read "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." [Psalm 40:2]  The truth is that I was in a slimy pit, in the mud and mire and he set me free!  No one can ever know the cost but it does not end there.

As I walked and listened I came to the realization that "you still don't know the cost."  Christ paid the price for our salvation and the chance at eternal life however;  even in our walk with Christ, we will be faced with sin. Our reaction to situations, our behavior with those outside of our church circle, our daily walk, all reflect the true "us."  We are all sinners and depend on God's grace to cleanse us and forgive us of that sin.  We always want to qualify sin.  I might say "Well, at least I'm not in that slimy pit" which was major sin.  Let me tell you, that issue is irrelevant.  When we go against God, when we violate his word, when we are disobedient....we sin!

This woman recognized that she was a sinner. But she also knew where to go for forgiveness.  A Pharisee looked down on her and saw her as a "sinner."  Despite the fact that others criticized her, Jesus welcomed her.  So it is with us, there will always be critics who think you aren't living up to their expectations but we don't serve them. 

Keeping the course can get difficult, it can be painful, it can wear you down.  You can try to do it all by yourself or you can go to the one true friend that will never leave you, never betray you, never give up on you.  He knows your sin, he knows your heart and he knows you.

I find myself having to go to the feet of my Savior daily.  You may know me, you may know my walk, but I can assure you....You Don't Know the Cost!

Now a Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, so he went to the Pharisee's house and reclined at  the table.  When a woman who had lived a sinful life in that town learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee's house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume, and as she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears.  The she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.  When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is-that she is a sinner. "  Luke 7:36-39

Alabaster Box, 1999-CeCe Winans

Friday, July 27, 2012

I can't save you

The other day I taught a Bible Study Class where we studied Gideon.  This class was a group of ladies that has a little more time in the Bible than I do and I love their wisdom.

I told them that in my years of policing, I prayed that I would never be put in a situation of a water rescue.  You see, there were many times when a child was lost in a lake or someone was caught in a river or even a case where another police officer accidentally drove his car into a bayou.  I have seen many media clips of officers taking off their gun belts and jumping in the water to assist someone, I would not be one of those.  Not because I lack courage, I lack skill. I never learned how to swim.

I love the beach, I love the sun and I love tropical settings.  I do not, however; like the water.  I have snorkled, boated, water skied [or attempted] but I have a tremendous fear of the water. 

When I was a senior in high school, my parents received a call in the middle of the night that my older brother had been found at the bottom of a pool.  The circumstances are still unclear to this day but twice, my brother had to be "shocked" into life.  I believe it was the mighty hand of God that allowed him a second chance for a purpose He had planned. 

I was afraid to learn how to swim.  I feared water too much even in a pool.  In one home we had a pool that was only 5' deep. When I waded my way there, I panicked.  When on the boat, I am fine but just put me in the water to ski and I begin to hypervenelate.  I really have to control my breathing and the act of "getting in the water" can be time consuming.

So, if we are ever in a scenario involving water and you need rescue....I can't save you.  If it was my child that needed rescuing, I would die trying.  I can throw you a rope but it if isn't long enough, I can't save you, I can throw you a life saving device but if it doesn't reach you, I can't save you.  Bottom line is I can call 911.

What a loss it would have been to each of us if God had said "I don't want to give my only son so...I can't save you."  As that thought crossed my mind, I was and am grateful that Christ took my place on the cross.  He was human as we are.  He had feelings, He hurt, He felt the sting of painful words, yet He loved us so much that He willingly went to the cross to allow us a chance at eternal life. 

There is no other way to have the gift of eternal life than to accept and follow Jesus Christ.  Feel like you're drowing in the weight of the world?  I can't save you....but He can!

Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.  Acts 4:12

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rockadilly Days

Wow, we are in to the third day of Vacation Bible School at the North Campus of Second Baptist Church.  This is my second time to work with Pre-Schoolers under the direction of Ms. Brenda Schafer since I retired.

I have a whole new group of kids but I have to admit, I was expecting to see some from last year and to date have not.  I don't know why I thought I would, they're a year older and have moved on.  I have some really special children all around the age of 4.  I forgot what that was like.

I taugh 4 year olds when I first came to this church in the late 90's.  Mainly because I wanted to be a part of teaching my son.  He is now a senior.  I often see those kids of the 90's because alot of them go to his school and they are all grown.

I have one child in my current class that is a hoot.  He is great.  I think everyone has one of these.  He's "too cool" to do the kiddie stuff yet still a "little boy."  He had me in stitches today....He showed up with a mustache painted on!  I loved it.  Our theme is Rockadilly so alot of people are in cowboy boots, bandanas, cowboy hats and such attire so he decided to wear his western shirt, jeans, boots and mustache. 

What I love most about this week is having the opportunity to share the Word of God with these little ones.  I say that because I hope that in some way, something we say this week sticks with those children as it has with me.  I can remember being taught a Bible verse that has stuck with me all these years and I can remember who my teacher was that taught it to me. 

I pray that these children will learn about God and leave this week completely filled with the knowledge of his love.  We can wash away painted on mustaches,  but the Word of God stays in our hearts forever!

Tomorrow....on to Rockadilly!

Jesus said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdon of heaven belongs to such as these.  Matthew 19:14

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Out with the Old...In with the New

I got a new car!  I have not had a brand new vehicle in fifteen years.  I also have not had a car payment in that long either.  I am not one that believes in long and drawn out debt.  Buy it, pay for it, keep it.  That's me.  I had always said that I would get a brand new vehicle when I retired...and so I have.

My least favorite thing in the whole wide world is shopping for a car.  I tried to bribe my husband into doing it himself but, since this was going to be mine, he would have nothing of it.  I had to go and I had to sit through two torturous hours of choosing options, colors, gadgets.....ugh!

My husband drove it home two days later because I had to get to a class and we were already rushed.  When I arrived later that evening, I saw it sitting in my driveway.  There it was...brand new, shiny, and ready to go.  I parked my car behind it and walked past it peeking inside. 

The next morning, I had class again so I got in my old car and drove away.  Nice, comfortable, relaxing!  That's my car.  I have had this car since 2003 and from day one, the seat never reached far enough for me to comfortably reach the pedals so....I have always driven with a small leather pillow tucked at my lower back so I could reach the pedals.  All that said, the biggest thing about the car I currently drive is that it is  familiar!  I like my car.  I did not want to let go.  The next day, my husband was sick and we had a family event scheduled after church so I had to "go it alone." 

I had to drive the new car because I was driving some family members.  It took me 15 minutes to park this thing in the church parking spot I had chosen.  I tried to back it in but it has some fancy picture that shows you what you're backing into and boy was it distracting.  I didn't know whether to look at the screen or my mirrors.  We are so conditioned to do things one way.  At sixteen I had to work hard to learn how to use those mirrors to my benefit now some computer was telling me how to back in relying on it and not the mirrors!

Oh and remember that chair that would not allow me to reach the pedals, in this new car the pedals come to me.  I merely touch a button and the pedals move out without me having to adjust my seat.  Everything you could ask for right? After the event I came straight home and parked it.

About an hour later I had to be at the VBS Open House at church so I packed my car, got in it and drove to church.  No problems parking that "old" car.  I have driven it to VBS, dinner with friends, shopping and have had no problems.  I like my old familiar car but just in case....that brand new car sits in the driveway. 

Isn't that just like us.  When we come to Christ, we are a new creation.  We have a new way of thinking, talking, behaving, and it is so to our benefit.  But what do we often do?  Go back to the old.  We go back to the familiar, what we know best, what feels good.  When God offers better, we still tend to gravitate to the old....to the familiar....to what feels good. 

It's been four days now and my husband drove our car to lunch.  He showed me all the gadgets and taught me how to use them.  I have a manual I can read but that means I have to take the time to actually read it.  God gives us a guide also but it does us no good on the shelf.  I can tap into many gadgets but they won't come to me, I have to learn how to use them.  So it is with God's Word.  My choices are read, learn, and benefit or keep slipping back to the old and familiar.

I think it's time to be Out With the Old and In with the New!

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, and the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Temporary Accolades

This morning I heard that Penn State is removing the statue of former Coach Joe Paterno from its campus stadium.  The news is bitter sweet. 

While my position on the issue is irrelevant, my position on world accolades is the issue.  We strive and work so hard to build a legacy that will remain long after we are gone and in this instance, it was lost in an instant. 

The issue here is not the legacy, it is responsibility.  The article read "Paterno's statue and legacy came under fire..."  The things and accomplishments of this world are excatly that...of this world.  Joe Paterno lost his life to cancer a few months ago never fully knowing the demise of his legacy. 

He coached five undefeated teams, won major bowl games was inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame as a coach, but in 2011 he make a fateful mistake that cost much more than the loss of a statue.

In 1987, I won the 100 Club Officer of the Year award.  I received a Rolex as the award.  Eight years later, the watch was missing from my own home.  While I have my suspicions as to what came of the watch, it does not lessen the saddness of having lost it.  The individual that "took" it has no idea what that meant to me.  Not necessarily the watch, but the work, the reputation and the affirmation it represented for me.

So many times we focus on the things of this world.  We work hard to build up our legacy, our reputation, our record, our name only to find that at the end, it can leave us empty.  In the process, there is always a cost.  Whether that cost is something we have to give up, or the cost is at someone else's expense.  To some, it is a cost that can never be compensated.

In 1998, I gave my life over to Christ.  I began a relationship with Him and walk in the Light of His Word.  My priorities changes when I realized "I am His" and my worth and affirmation come through Him. I pray that the legacy I leave is one not of worldy accomplishments but of a love for the God I serve. 

It is time to take our eyes off the temporary pleasures, accomplishments, and satisfactions of life.  One day we will come before our God and have to answer for our actions, how we used our gifts, and what we contributed to society.  Showing a Rolex watch won't mean a thing.

Jesus said in Matthew 16:24-26 If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross  and follow me.  For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.  What good would it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done

When that happens, no one can tarnish our name....for we are His!  While recognition of accomplishments are validating, remember...they are temporary accolades, we aim for permanent eternal residency.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.  2 Corinthians 4:18

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Just say no!

It's summer, days are long and hot and we are bored!  If you haven't heard that yet...you will. Kids are always looking for something to do.  They don't mean mow the lawn, or paint the dog house or clean the garage, they mean fun stuff.

The problem is that their gague of fun is quite different from us as parents.  It might be fun to hang out at the mall but malls aren't what they use to be; or it might be fun to go to someone else's home but there has to be a parent present.  So many things our kids classify as fun make me a "bad guy" when I just say NO.

Having a blended family, we haven't had many of these issues but when they get older, their social circle expands and anxiety for me can set in.  I recall my mother losing many hours of sleep waiting until all her children were tucked in.  My brother, one year older than me always pushed the limit after graduation.  There were days mom would pace the floors waiting on him and she would not go to bed until she heard the door open and lock behind him. 

She feared one day she would get that fateful call...and then one day she did.  "I'm sorry to tell you ma'am that there's been an accident and your son is being transported to Herman Hospital."  What a horror that was to see my parents, as my eyes saw them in slow motion trying to get dressed at three in the morning only to find that they had already recessitated my brother once. 

The other day youngest my son asked to go to the beach with friends.  He is with his dad so he asked me if he could go....kind of be his support in the issue.  As much as I miss my son, as much as I love him, I just said no.  I gave a thousand reasons to his two. 

Sometimes as parents, we just have to say no.  There were way too many issues:  unfamiliar beach waters, currents, no adults present, too much sun already, driving down south alone or with a group of seventeen year olds...the answer is still no.  

I felt good at that decision and later heard from his father who told our son that it was a mutual no.  I took him to an ortho appointed and while there, I overheard my son purchasing tickets to the midnight showing of the Batman movie.   We had a discussion of the dangers of a midnight movie but he of course dispelled them all. 

I went to bed uneasy knowing that he was going but like most parents we feel safe in our community. Since he was at his dad's,   I sent him a text telling him to be careful.  I told him park by the door, be alert when you walk out, stay close to a buddy and all the other warnings.  I was awakened at one in the morning thinking of my son and how he must be at the movie now. I stayed awake until two thirty and felt compelled to pray for protection at that show. 

Little did I know that in Aurora, Colorado a massacre was taking place at a showing of the very same movie.  I have often told my son "I don't say no because I don't trust you....I often say know because everthing else is out of our control."  It is often the actions of others that put us in danger or fear or terror. We can not control the actions of individuals fighting their own issues.

It is important to protect our children.  Under our roof, we still get to call the shots and sometimes, the hardest thing in the world to do is just say no!  Saying no to one unacceptable does not mean they get to present another unacceptable option.  Parents experience that also and I can "No" all day long. 

Having only one at home, I try to emphasize that he is our gift from God...the next generation...the future leaders.  You won't be able to do it a few years from now so if that's what it takes to protect them now...just say no!

For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men.  It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope-the glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own eager to do what is good.  These then are the things you should teach.  Encourage and rebuke with all authority.  Titus 2:11-15

I love you son!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Let there be peace

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.  Let there be peace on earth, the peace that was meant to be...

I was reminded of that song this evening as I meditate on a situation that has finally taken it's toll.  I am an individual that strives to have peace.  All my life I have listened to and settled conflicts.  My degree is in conflict resolution, I am a mediator where I am trained to use specific skills in an effort to bring peace to individuals and families. 

Today, I feel like I have lost the battle.  I am saddened at the conflict in the homes of many today.  So many issues but the prominent one is personal.  It is my belief that every personal conflict results from a deep rooted issue. 

Either something has been left unsettled, a comment was made, gossip, someone's pride was injured, someone lied about something, a fight for control or significance, or something to that effect. There is no greater grievance than conflict involving families.  Mothers, fathers, in-laws, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents. 

There are many good books on the market that address conflict resolution and peace.  However, when a family member is involved in conflict, they don't want to have to read a book for an answer.  God's Word however, is a book you can read daily for direction. 

For the past two weeks, I have dealt with an issue that has pierced my heart.  Without elaborating, I stood firm on my position of peace.  I made every effort to convince family members that peace was possible if we all focused on the Word of God and not on our self centeredness. 

I disputed the ideas of anger and animosity and plead for peace.  I quoted scripture, led prayers, offered direction...in the end, there was no peace and I felt defeated. 

God was quick to reassure me that I had done what He had called me to do in offering peace.  I was comforted in reading:

Therefore as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these virtues, put on love that binds them all together in perfect unity.  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body, you were called to peace.  Colossians 3:12-15

I can not control others and I can not convince others but I can be an example.  I can "let the peace of Christ rule in my heart" and as such I can live out the song:  Let there be peace on earth...and let it begin with me. 

If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.  Romans 12:18

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

To a "T"

The other weekend we were out with our friends and got into a discussion.  My friend Tracy Vetitoe was telling me how she was going to bake a carrot cake for her husband's birthday.  He on the other hand spoke of how delicious this cake was and how she did not make it often enough.

We began talking of how I baked a peach cobbler and my husband spoke of what a good job I had done on my first attempt.  I told Tracy that I tried a new receipe.  I also told her that I don't normally like to bake or cook because the flavor and final product don't turn out like the picture.

She in turn asked me if I followed the receipe and I responded "of course not." Sometimes I may add a little extra oil or another egg, or just a tad more milk.  She laughed and said "well, there's your problem-you have to follow the receipe to a T!"

In an effort to test her theory once again I made another cobbler [because Fredericksburg peaches are the best!].  What I found is that for me, it is impossible to follow a receipe to a "T"  You see, when I put the corn starch in the measuring cup, I could not get an even 1/4 cup.  There was corn starch on the sides, I couldn't get the amount level, so I just poured it all in there.  I find it impossible to follow a receipe to at "T"

In our life with Christ, some find it difficult to follow the Word of God to a "T" also.  We deviate from what it says, we try to justify our moves, we make efforts to convince others of the meaning, and we add our own interpretation. 

God's Word says in Colossians to "...set our minds on things above, not on earthly things." [3:2] It also says to "Put to death, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed which is idolatry...you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips.  Do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices..." Colossians 3:5, 10

It is a clear receipe for what is required of us yet like me.....we often veer off the road and don't follow it to a "T" the results can be a disaster.  Like a receipe, we are to follow God's direction to a "T" for a good result.  Yes, we may fail and we may find ourselves on a familiar road but it will not be the road God has called us to. 

A few days after that conversation with Tracy I received a letter in the mail from her.  It was her receipe for the carrot cake with a note attached that read "Follow receipe to a 'T'"

We can not substitute or deviate from what God has called us to.  Following God's Word to a "T" begins with being in it!

So be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left.  Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you. so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will posses.  Deuteronomy 5:32-33

Monday, July 16, 2012

No Shades of Gray

The other day I saw a long line of women waiting on a sale.  The line went out the door, along the sidewalk, around the building and then some.  These ladies had smiles as wide as the Hudson.  They were excited, eager and some had waited for hours.  No, this was not a black Friday sale, a 20% off sale or even a shoe sale!  This was the Fifty Shades of Gray book sale. 

I have never understood that.  In my career I often heard "You are so black and white."  Either/Or with no in between.  So when I hear "there's a gray area" I think that someone is trying to justify their position or decision.

Rules would never have been made if there were the possibility of "extending" their boundary.  Yet I have often heard things like "It's not always black and white"...yes it is!  There are some cases where there just isn't any gray area.

You may wonder how I know of this book or it's contents.  Well, this weekend in my practicum class of Biblical Counseling, a scenario was used from this book with the language cleaned up a little. 

I have not read the book nor do I intend to.  I would not judge anyone who does.  Each of us is responsible for our own actions.  Each of us has their own relationship with Christ and therefore, we search our hearts and make that decision on our own.  There was so much hoop-la about this book, it aroused much curiousity in women, and even though it was advertised as a "hot, steamy" book and that alone drew alot of women to it.

In the Old Testament, Daniel was chosen for King Nebuchadnezzar's royal court.  As a stipulation, Daniel was to eat thier food and drink from the royal table.  But the Bible tells us that "...Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food or wine..." [Daniel 1:8]

That not only relates to Daniel or to food but to us and what we put in our hearts and mind.  If we are willing to submit to gray areas in life, what other area will  we justify as gray?  We are children of God and while many of us will fall, there is forgiveness in Christ.  We must however "resolve not to defile" our thoughts, our actions or our walk with the ways of man.   Paul said in 1 Corthians 7:23 "You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of man."

So how do we know if we are stepping into a gray area?  Look into God's Word.  It is very clear about our life as we are to live it being new in Christ. 

God's Word is black and white...no shades of gray.

Be careful not to forget the covenant of the Lord your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the Lord your God has forbidden.  For the Lord is a consuming fire, a jealous God.  Deuteronomy 4:23-24

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Life in the fast lane

Wow.  I checked my blog this morning only to discover my last entry was a week ago.  So much has gone on in that week. 

I had lunch with a friend from high school, a cousin lost his battle to cancer, an uncle had a stroke, we had a family reunion, I spent much needed time with my son, we made a trip back to Fredericksburg....and that's just the major stuff. 

My cousin lived in Alvin and after his mother's death, we didn't see much of them.  He was a minister and had two children.  Two second cousins whose names we didn't even know.  Two charming, intelligent grown boys with a love for the Lord and service.

My uncle is a war veternan.  His branch of service was the Navy.   Two weeks ago, he and my father-in-law shared stories of Pearl Harbor...a week later he had a stroke and we haven't heard him speak clearly since. 

Each day I would say "I am blogging today" and there was never enough time in "today." I would sometimes check Facebook only enough to see that for everyone else, life went on.  We were surrounded by tears and fears, as well as questions.  Today, my uncle remains in the hospital awaiting decisions on the next step. 

I failed to mention that I woke up yesterday, saw a face book entry from Selina Hendrix and realized that I even missed my Wednesday Night Bible Study, I missed my Thursday night neighbor get together, I missed so much that I didn't even give a second thought to because of all that was going on.  To that I say "forgive me" ladies. 

Despite all that was going on, I received a phone call to teach a class today.  I could not say no to these dear ladies...yet, where was I going to find the time?  Fortunately for me, I had begun reading Joshua weeks before in preparation for teaching another class next week. 

I was blessed that God had already spoken to my heart by allowing me to read and prepare notes several weeks before.  I know I am not the only one with "every minute accounted for" but how did we go from normal speed to "life in the fast lane?"

I've tried to move over, I've put my signal light on and tried to ease over into the slow lane and maybe even get off this fast track but I have discovered that "Life" just won't let me.  I am praying it will slow down soon but I have come to the conclusion that it truly is out of my control.  Despite being on this fast lane, I know where my hope lies and it is upon that hope on which I lean.

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.  1 Peter 3:15

Monday, July 9, 2012


I learned several lessons during our stay at the Hill Country this week.  First and foremost is that it is hard work.  Second, it has to be done. 

One of our major tasks this week was to remove furniture from the home and replace and activate the electric gate.  We decided that on the second day, we would load up the truck and I would travel to Goodwill to drop it off.  We are about 15 minutes from main street which is where Goodwill is located. 

I travelled down the winding road loaded to capacity.  I was singing and driving right along.  I got to the store where they unloaded the furniture and I was on my way.  I made a stop at the local hardware store to purchase some padlocks for the gate then I made my way back.  Total travel time was one hour exactly.

As I pulled in, I can see my husband is frustrated.  He is having problems with a metal box that encases the electrical parts of the gate.  It does not fit.  He proceedes to tell me that he needs another cover or an opinion from someone at the hardware store as to how to make it fit. 

Of course I'm looking at him asking...."and you want me to go back to town to do that?" You guessed it. His response was yes.  "I need you to go back into to town and ask."  My response was "I just came from there."  Well, there was no getting out of it-it had to be done and I was the logical one to do it.  So, I did. 

As I drove away, I couldn't help but think of God's words "I will make him a helper suitable for him." My mood immediately changed.  I am my husband's helper.  He needed my help because he was in the middle of something that he could not leave.  It was only logical that I go and so it was.  I made the decision that I would go and I would enjoy the trip.  After all, it did keep me from mowing.  So I went.

I started thinking...if my mom asked me to drive to the pharmacy to get her medicine, I'd do it.  If my son asked me to deposit his check, I'd do it.  If my sister asked me to drive to the mall for a special lotion, I'd do it....then why do some of us have such a hard time with our husbands?

This is not a role we created, this is a role God designated for us as wives.  We live in a society where we split alot of duties.  We ourselves have a deal in our household "whoever cooks, the other washes dishes."   [I wash alot of dishes.] The point being that no one individual can do it all and as our Spirtual Leader, our husbands have a role, as wives, we are to be their helper. 

As I saw my husband sweating from the heat having spent a couple of hours fighting this gate opener, I headed off into town with a new attitude and a new spirit.  After all, this day, I had the "safe" job-driving into town, even if I had just returned from there.  My husband needed my help and this was such a small thing in the big scheme of things.  So...with a smile on my face and a skip in my step, I headed off to be the helper.

The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone, I will make a helper suitable for him."  So the Lord caused the man to fall into a deep sleep,  and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh.  Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.  Genesis 2:18, 21-22


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Green Acres

Well Good Morning. I started the day off with a short run...two miles. Let me tell you this, they don't call it "Hill Country" for nothing! Oh those inclines.  My husband and I came to the hill country to work on our property but I decided on a short run first.

So after the run we head out.   Yesterday we tried to start our mower so that we could "touch up" around the house and cut some of that tall grass. It was up to my knees. We tried and tried to start that mower and after several hours of trying, we gave up. We moved on to other projects. In the afternoon, we went to the local Walmart and bought a new mower. Today, we tried to put the new mower together and we ran into a glitch so.....travelled all this way to work on the yard and now- no mower!

As a last resort, I went back to the mower we brought with us and tried one more time and you guessed it- it started! I said " Thank You Jesus" and began mowing. I mowed and mowed and mowed. At one point I found myself saying "Neeeew York is where I'd rather stay. I get allergic smelling hay. I just adore the pent house view....darlin I love you but give me Park Avenue."

For those of you that were around then, those are words sung by Zsa Zsa Gabor to the theme song from the series Green Acres.  I was telling myself  "I was not made for this."  All the while, I pushed that mower.  It stopped often but each time, it restarted and again....I said "Thank you Jesus."  Each turn of the blade was a success for me.

I am a city girl at heart.  I love manicures and pedicures, massages and facials.  I don't like dirty nails or course skin.  So you can imagine me in pink rubber boots mowing this "yard"  all of one acre!  While I had a tendency to want to complain, I remember the words of a friend who said that God often calls us out of our comfort zone.  Well that makes sense.  If God kept me in my comfort zone, how would I grow?

This was quite a stretch. In a time when alot of individuals pay to have their lawns manicured, I found this to be hard work.  I often laugh at my sister [the country girl] telling her that I could out do her any day and believe me this day I ate my words.  It was hot, the dust and grass were turning, I had blisters on my hands, scrapes on my legs, sweat in my eyes, matted hair....all for the sake of making this place look decent.  We tore down walls, disinfected rooms, moved furniture...all in three days. 

My husband was doing the hard labor.  I figured I did good to mow so each of us had their own responsibilities equally as difficult.  I don't have to tell you that each night we were hard pressed to stay awake past eight o'clock.  We were tired individuals but oh the reward of seeing the yard look so good.  What a satisfaction of knowing that God gave us this property and that we will use it for His glory.  Even of greater satisfaction that each one of us has a role in God's plan and none of it can be accomplished without each of those responsibilities being fulfilled.  Whether great or small, each one had to be done. 

This morning as we returned to lock it up, we stood side by side, looked around at our accomplishments and thanked God for the blue sky, the bright sun and our Green Acres!

The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each one will be rewarded according to his own labor.  For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building.  By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it.  But each one should be careful how he builds.  For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:8-11

Friday, July 6, 2012

Hang in there

Aughhhhhh! Haven't had computer access and posting is difficult on iPad so please....Hang in there with me. Tomorrow I will post "Green Acres". Be still and know that I am God. psalm 46:10

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

What Nation is so great...

I have been reading Judges this week and am soaking it in.  I am amazed at the Israelites and thier disobedience.  So much whining and crying and complaining and God continually shows himself as a God of love and compassion. 

The Israelites have long been brought out from the arm of Egypt.  Unfortunately, the Israelites did not care that there is a cost to their freedom.  That cost is obedience.  Today, that has not changed.

This is my country.  I was born here, raised here and would venture to guess I will finish my life here.   I am honored beyond words to have the freedom that has been paid by many along the way.  From past generations to today, many have laid down their life to protect that freedom.

I graduated from High School on the bicentennial birthday of our country.  Our school colors were red, white and gray so we were two thirds of the way there for our country's colors.  We got to wear red, white and blue medallions in our graduation pictures.  I can assure you that in 1976, the birthday of our country was the last thing on my mind.

Today however, I am more grounded both in life and in my Christian walk.  I am often saddened at the parallels between our country today and the Israelites

They were lost in their worship of false gods, attention to man-made idols and a love and desire for temporary satisfactions. They called on gods that neither heard nor answered but today, we live in a country that allows us the freedom to worship the one true God. A God who hears our cries and gives us the promise forgive our sins and to heal our land if we turn from our wicked ways. (2 Chronicles 7:14) So today, as you take advantage of a day off or grilling time or fireworks, ask yourself this..."What other nation is this great?" God Bless America!! What other nation is so great as to have such righteous decrees and laws as this body of laws I am setting before you today? Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Deuteronomy 4:8-9

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Level Ground

This morning I headed out for a small run.  I suddenly found myself crying out for oxygen.  My head hurt, my legs felt heavy, and my lungs were crying out.  That was after a half mile lol.

I have a three mile path laid out and felt great on the way down.  It was the turn around that got me.  As I was headed back home, those inclines killed me.  As I saw them coming, I was already negotiating avoiding them.  I found myself saying "Please God, no inclines." 

However, in life, it can not all be downhill so I proceeded to tackle the incline.  There were two other ladies on the path and they were walking.  I was thinking "Please get out of my way."  Once I got my momentum going I did not want to slow down.  I wanted to get past that incline and get back on level ground. 

As I got past the obvious incline, I thought I was done.  That was not true.  Although my eyes saw "level" my legs could feel that the ground was still at a slight, deceiving rise.  I know this because my legs told me and I could see that at the end was that level ground I so desired. 

As I sought that end, I looked over to my left and saw the street in our neighborhood.  I found myself pointing and saying "There! That's where I want to be level!"  It was then that it hit me.  We can not grow in strength if we stay on level ground.  There is no challenge, no push, no growth in endurance. 

I believe Christ would have liked to stay on level ground but instead, he endured the suffering he did so that you and I would have a chance at eternal life. 

Perhaps todays economy, family situations, jobs or lack of, have you on an incline you think you'll never get past.  There is hope.  Even Christ cried out as he was having to endure the suffering...and He is our hope. 

So if you find yourself on an incline in life, don't give up.  Hang on to the hope that Christ offers and keep your eye out for that level ground.  

Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, "My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me.  Yet not as I will, but as you will
Matthew 26:39    

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
 1 Peter 5:10

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Triple D

I told my husband that I was going to blog today on "Triple D."  Of course I had to put him to the test and asked "What do you think of when I say Triple D?" I asked.  True to form he responded like I expected.  He replied "Diners, Drive Inns and Dives." 

That is a popular television program that airs on the cooking channel.  I just knew that would be his response because we often watch the show.  But he was wrong! 

This morning as I travelled home from Dallas, I headed out at 4:30am.  I programmed my GPS to get me to the freeway so that I could head home.  The problem is that that GPS is still looking for a satelite long after I have headed out. 

I proceeded to head the direction I knew was right.  How did I know it was right?  I had travelled it the day before when I went to Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship so I knew I was right!  The GPS however kept repeating "re-calculating" turn around "re-calculating."

Well, I didn't recalculate and I did not turn around.  I just knew I was taking the correct route.  The problem was however; it seemed like I had travelled quite a bit and still no I-45.  I didn't care, I was not giving up.  I felt like I was right, I had done this the day before and I was not giving up. 

On the other hand, if I kept going and by some fluke I was wrong....I had wasted time that was precious this morning.  No!  I stuck by what I knew and continued my route.  Still the GPS kept repeating "re-calculating" and by this time it sounded like a dare, a challenge, a "really girl, turn around."  I did not listen. I continued to drive forward. 

In an effort to silence the voice, I picked up the GPS and looked at the destination because it was clearly trying to lead me in a wrong direction.  When I saw the destination, I realized the mistake.  I went to "recent locations" and instead of hitting home, I hit the last location which was a mall I had been at yesterday.  The GPS was trying to take me to the mall. 

It was then that I remembered something my pastor said to our teenagers during Beach Retreat 2012.  He said "Direction Determines Destination."  Triple D to me! 

I knew where I was going.  I knew I was right yet I had this voice in my vehicle saying "Turn Around!"  I insisted that I knew where I was going and if I listened to that voice, I was going to lose ground getting to my destination.  If I went the other direction, I would lose time and I could not afford that this morning. 

The rest of that story, you guessed it!  As soon as I found my mistake, I saw the big sign mounted on the freeway that read 45 South. 

So I stayed the course believing what my heart knew rather than listening to the voice that was insisting I turn around. Four hours later...I was home.   Don't get distracted by the noise and remember Triple D-Direction Determines Destination (Dr. Ed Young)

We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
2 Thessalonians 3:4-5