Friday, July 27, 2012

I can't save you

The other day I taught a Bible Study Class where we studied Gideon.  This class was a group of ladies that has a little more time in the Bible than I do and I love their wisdom.

I told them that in my years of policing, I prayed that I would never be put in a situation of a water rescue.  You see, there were many times when a child was lost in a lake or someone was caught in a river or even a case where another police officer accidentally drove his car into a bayou.  I have seen many media clips of officers taking off their gun belts and jumping in the water to assist someone, I would not be one of those.  Not because I lack courage, I lack skill. I never learned how to swim.

I love the beach, I love the sun and I love tropical settings.  I do not, however; like the water.  I have snorkled, boated, water skied [or attempted] but I have a tremendous fear of the water. 

When I was a senior in high school, my parents received a call in the middle of the night that my older brother had been found at the bottom of a pool.  The circumstances are still unclear to this day but twice, my brother had to be "shocked" into life.  I believe it was the mighty hand of God that allowed him a second chance for a purpose He had planned. 

I was afraid to learn how to swim.  I feared water too much even in a pool.  In one home we had a pool that was only 5' deep. When I waded my way there, I panicked.  When on the boat, I am fine but just put me in the water to ski and I begin to hypervenelate.  I really have to control my breathing and the act of "getting in the water" can be time consuming.

So, if we are ever in a scenario involving water and you need rescue....I can't save you.  If it was my child that needed rescuing, I would die trying.  I can throw you a rope but it if isn't long enough, I can't save you, I can throw you a life saving device but if it doesn't reach you, I can't save you.  Bottom line is I can call 911.

What a loss it would have been to each of us if God had said "I don't want to give my only son so...I can't save you."  As that thought crossed my mind, I was and am grateful that Christ took my place on the cross.  He was human as we are.  He had feelings, He hurt, He felt the sting of painful words, yet He loved us so much that He willingly went to the cross to allow us a chance at eternal life. 

There is no other way to have the gift of eternal life than to accept and follow Jesus Christ.  Feel like you're drowing in the weight of the world?  I can't save you....but He can!

Salvation is found in no one else for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.  Acts 4:12

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