I don't think I need to tell anyone how society has changed in the last 20 years or so. When I was growing up, my mom stayed home for most of the time. Today, a large number in our society consists of two working parents. It has only been in retirement that I have discovered how much time "life" really takes out of you.
I spend quite a bit of that time on my computer. I research, write, create, communicate and so on. I have not been as deligent as I would like in keeping up with this blog. I really believe the enemy rejoices in that.
Yesterday I found out that I have a "mega virus" that precludes me from doing things I need to do. It has affected my search engine and created a slow, slow, response time for my computer. For someone as energetic and task driven as I am...that is difficult.
I told the tech that I would drop it off Wednesday since I would be out of pocket for a couple of days and that would be perfect timing to "give it up" for a while. I did however, put up a fight. "Can't you do something here?" as if you could just give it an injection or a pill and make it better. "Do I have to give it up?" I ran the gamet from minor to extreme..."Well, I'll just go buy another one." (my husband didn't like that option.)
At any rate, the day is here....I must "pull every plug", dust it off, and drive it to the computer place. I can physically feel the pains of withdrawl. When I found out I had to give it up, I told the tech..."But I need it, you just don't understand, particularily these next few days, how will I keep in touch..." and so on and so on. The tech responded "You have and ipad and an iphone...can't use those?" Duh? Yes I can but it's still not my computer!
As the time gets closer and I get separation anxiety [ha ha] I have to think of one thing...."Would I react the same way if someone told me they were taking my Bible for a week?" So simple a question yet so profound. We [I speak for me] have made technology a lifeline. It is a way of communicating with our loved ones though we may be miles or states away, it is a way of researching anything in the world, it is even a way of "seeing" our loved ones through technology.
With my Bible, I can research anything also. I can communicate with God and actually feel his presence, I can respond to any question and know with certainty that there is truth in that response if it is found in His Word yet in being frank, many would not miss their Bible if it was misplaced from Sunday to Sunday.
I am grateful for my ipad because the tech was right...it serves the same purpose. It even has a Bible app that I rely on often. The biggest drawback to that is that I am a writer! You know what I think and how I feel by opening the pages of my Bible because I write it down!
So, in the big scheme of things, I will miss my computer for a few days and I will give it up willingly. However, if I have a choice....I will not give up my Bible and I will stand by my statement.."Don't take it away."
Do not let the Book of the Law depart from your mouth; mediate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8
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