Sunday, December 30, 2012

Woman of

Well here I am again.  Bet some of you thought I fell off the face of the earth...I did not!  I was without my computer for a few days and have done some traveling too.  We just got back from a trip to the hill country.  My second in two weeks and it was fun. Before that was a trip to San Diego and I have to tell's been fun!

I was recently thinking of a very dear friend of mine that called me a couple of weeks ago.  She is a former co-worker who retired a few years prior to me.  She wanted some direction on a woman's event that she was putting together at her church. 

I was super excited...right up my alley.  We both loooove the color purple and her theme colors were purple and gold.  She wanted direction on a "give away" for the ladies.  All she knew was she wanted some kind of "box" to give away....the rest was up to me.  The theme was Woman of Virtue. 

I decided I would meet her at her home and we could "discuss" the particulars of the box.  I thought "I'll go to Pappasitos, pick up some lunch, drive to her home and we'll talk."  Upon having that thought, I told myself ...."No-I don't want to "pick-up" Pappasitos...I want to be served!"  I wanted someone to serve me so I didn't have to "bother" with picking up, delivering it to my friend's house, setting up, and then the mess.

I was so honored that my friend would call me and then...I wanted to be served! The nerve!  You see, the irony in this is that my friend suffers from macular degeneration.  She is in later stages and has difficulty getting around.  If we were to go out, I would have to go get her, drive her and the inconvienence would be on her and I wanted to be served......was I reflecting a woman of virtue?

In the end, she gave me card blanche on the idea anyway.  She said "Just put it together and whatever you come up with is what we'll go with."  The idea was not that I be served but that I serve! Not only my friend, but the women that were going to be honored. 

I recruited my sister and we got to work. I assumed the responsibility of putting together the give away.  I purchased white small boxes and filled them with a gold acrylic shoe, a small purple tea light candle, a mint wrapped in shiny gold wrapping, and a purple or gold ornament with "Woman of Virtue" written on it. 

My reasoning for using those items was this:

The Shoe:  A Woman of Virtue should have a godly walk.  "The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights." Habakkuk 3:19

The Mint: A Woman of Virtue should be filled with the sweet word of the Lord. "Then he said to me, 'Son of man, eat this scroll I am giving you and fill your stomach with it.' So I ate it, and it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth." Ezekiel 3:3

The Candle: A Woman of Virtue should be a light in a dark world.  "You are the light of the world.  A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Matthew 5:14

The Ornament: As we display an ornament, so should a Woman of Virtue display a godly life. "In everything set them an example by doing what is good." Titus 2:7

The box was then wrapped in purple velvet ribbon with gold piping and it looked beautiful.  I also wrote a poem titled Woman of Virtue..something only God could do, and gave each lady a copy.

I delivered the 25 boxes to her and received a call in San Diego the day of the event.  My friend stated that the women were elated and knowing the passion that my friend has for Christ, there is no doubt she presented a "Holy Spirit" message. 

I am honored to call her friend and am honored that God would use me to walk this journey with her.  Being! Serving others is what makes a Woman of Virtue.  I pray that God will use me and that I will walk in the light of his word displaying a life that is reflective of the Word of God.

Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Thank you to my sister Cynthia Garza for her hard work and creativity on the bows for the boxes!

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