Tuesday, February 26, 2013

To hear his voice

I have a little boy in my class that is so cute.  Actually all of my kids are cute but a couple remind me of my own son when he was that age.  So much of what I am doing reminds me of my son.  Call it nostalgia if you will, maybe because he is now a senior. 

At any rate, part of this assignment calls for me to have these tiny tots read.  They are seven and eight years old so they are at their cutest! I just open a book, called out names and have them read.  Some of them read quite well. 

I would go up and down the row listening to parts of the story until we were finally done. At one point, I called on a little boy that really gripped me.  He began to read and I was taken by his "twees" and "twac-tows."

I giggled inside but found that I enjoyed hearing him read.  We'd open the books and you'd better believe this little one was going to get called on.  I would walk the aisle and when I was going to call on him I made sure I was right next to him.  I could just see my son in his khaki shorts and uniform shirt trying to read at that age.

He brought a smile to my face and made my heart leap.  I was so taken by him.  It was like a melodious sound that soothed me. 

When I got home and thought about it, I wondered if that is how God feels when we read His Word back to him.  I often pray "Father Search me and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts...see if there is any offensive way in me and deal with me on that."  That comes straight from the book of Psalms. 

Is my father pleased when I read back to him?  Does he smile and pull his ear close just to hear me?  I call on my student to read just so that I can hear his voice....I pray that my Father is pleased when he hears mine. 

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.  Psalms 139:13-14

Saturday, February 23, 2013

I have the power...

Ahhhh another great kid!  I was talking to a child that has a tendency to have "over the edge spunk" to say the least.  He is very active and can make things challenging.  I am drawn to some over others.  There are some that can just hold their own and often try to run the class.  This one is not one of them. 

After repeatedly telling him to settle down, I "changed his color."  Being in first grade, the teachers have a system that was used with my own son many years ago.  The teacher has a yard stick divided in thirds and painted red, yellow and green.  You do not want to be caught in the red!  Everyone starts off on green and then they can be moved according to their behavior.

Having thirty years in policing, I do not use it often-partially because I just forget.  I have never worked on "warning" I operate on "compliance" so it is difficult for me to remember this option of the color coded stick.

The other day, having said enough, I moved five children to yellow, this child being one of them.  I proceeded with my day seeing that some of those five had gloom on their faces and displayed their displeasure much like we as adults do by slumping in their chair with their arms crossed.  It did not hinder or bother me at all.

This child however, continued with his normal "spunk."  He is a child with much potential but he has to be prompted.  He requires additional praise and recognition.  With his behavior pattern continuing, I finally pulled him aside and asked "Will you please settle down!"  He responded "It's too late for me to change."  Baffled with his response I proceeded with the conversation by asking what he meant.  He simply responded "I'm already at yellow, changing my behavior now won't change that yellow-so it's too late for me because it won't change."

It was then that I knelt to his level and told him "I have the power to turn that yellow back into a green. Only I have that power but the first effort has to come from you.  Don't ever settle for where you are because you think it won't change....I can change that yellow and you can have a new start!"

What ensued next is what touched me.  He responded "Oh it's like Jesus Christ, he has the power to forgive."  "Yes" I said, "Jesus has the power to forgive us and make us new again."  I realized how important it was to this child to have a "new beginning."  The other lesson in this is that I made a new friend.  He has seen my heart as I have seen his. 

When we returned to the class, he kept his eye on me and me on him.  I was looking for that reaction.  I proceeded straight to the yard stick and move all of them back to green.  I felt like they had learned their lesson but the one that learned the greatest lesson was me.  His smile was priceless.

That child became my inspiration to remember that not everyone is at the same place.  Not everyone has the same knowledge and some are holding on to things and behavior believing that "it won't change."

I'm here to tell you that Jesus Christ has the power to change any situation....so you find yourself on yellow?  Don't fall for the lie....the enemy would have you believe that you are condemned to staying there...he might even convince you to continue your behavior because nothing will change.

I'm here to tell you the truth!  Jesus can turn an "it can't change" to "I have the power to change it!"

Let go and believe that He has the power!

Blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covred.  Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will never count against him.  Romans 4:7-8

Friday, February 22, 2013

The innocence of a child

This week has been quite the story.  I have been working with this group of kids for two weeks now.  I still don't have the other group of kids out of my system.  There is just something special about working with them. 

I have found that each teacher operates a little differently.  I am adamant about acknowledging that "moment of silence."  The kids know that when those announcements come on we are in for about three minutes of daily rituals and when that moment of silence is announced there is no action.

As we all know, prayer in the schools is not acknowledged publicly.  I wish I could just take these kids and share with them what I know.  I have to tell you though that they have taugh me some lessons which I will share.

At dismissal time there is a tendency to be chaos.  The kids know it is time to go home and they are soooo ready.  Children from all grades 1-4 that are car riders head for the parking lot.  We had them all lined up waiting on the car line to hand them over to their parent as they pulled up.

With each child we placed in a vehicle, the chaos died down.  There were only a few kids in my section and it was just quiet enough for me to be able to hear a sweet melodious voice.  It was the voice of a little girl singing "bless the Lord oh my soul..,O-O-O my soul, worship His holy name...sing like never before oh my soul...worship His holy name."

She then got involved in a conversation and I bent down close to her and I sang the exact same verse.  Her head spun around and she said "*You listen to that radio station?"  I simply smiled as her mom drove up to pick her and her brother up.  She smiled in return.

This morning I was going to blog about that but I ran out of time.  As I started to leave my house and head for school, I heard that song come over our intercom system.  I smiled and went my way.  Tonight, I told my husband "I'm going to blog" and as I sat at my desk, guess what song was playing on the intercom?  You got it!

The sun comes up there's a new day dawning, it's time to sing your song again,
Whatever may pass and whatever comes before me - let me be singing when the evening comes.

Bless the Lord Oh my soul, o-o-o- my soul, worship His holy name,
Sing like never before, oh my soul, worship His holy name.

You're rich in love and your slow to anger-your name is great and your heart is kind
for all your goodness I will keep on singing,
Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.

As I heard that verse, God really dealt with me as I had struggled with an anger issue.  I thought of how this innocent child sang only of worship and lifting her voice to God and yet the same song spoke to me in a manner God intended me to hear. 

I am grateful for the innocence of that child who delivered a message that I had missed. 

To parents I say "Keep doing it!"  Keep exposing your child to the Word of God, Worship and church.  The impact will be everlasting!

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.  These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children.  Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.  Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.  Deuteronomy 6:5-9

*She was making reference to "you" as in a teacher listening. 
Song: Ten thousand Reasons [Bless the Lord] Matt Redman

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where there is no vision...

I have a very dear friend that was diagnosed with macular degeneration several years ago.  This disease attacks the eyes and slowly takes your eyesight closing it from the sides to the middle until you can only see shapes.  Bright light is required in order to see anything at all. She requires large letters and dark print.  

When my son was little, he had a prayer box.  The innocence of a child as he came to me and asked about my friend.  In this prayer box, he had his special prayer requests and each night we would sit in his room and pull out a prayer request from his box.  He had heard me pray for my friend before and he asked if he could put her name in his box.  Of course I let him.

One day, he pulled out her name and I listened intently as he prayed that God would restore her sight.  I prayed with him as my friend is very dear to me.  After his prayer, my son asked "Mommy, what's wrong with her?"  I erroneously responded "She has lost her vision son!"  As soon as the words came out of my mouth I knew I had spoken in error.  You see, my friend is losing her eyesight...not her vision

She has not lost her zeal for Christ, her love to mentor women, her desire to lead in the church.  She has not lost her love for God's Word nor has she lost her ability to challenge me in my love and knowledge of the Word.  Yes, she is living through a trial of slowly losing her eyesight but today she and her husband are involved in a church called True Vision.  I did not understand the irony of it until I began to write.  She has not lost her vision....her vision is still directed at her love for serving her Savior. 

Many of us still have our eyesight but we have no direction, we have no vision, we have no church, we have no fellowship, we have no desire to read God's Word...in a sense, we remain blind.  Blind to the truth!  Don't close your eyes, don't stray, don't go your own way because "where there is no vision..."

Where there is no vision, the people perish.  But he that keeps the law, happy is he.  Proverbs 29:18

Monday, February 18, 2013

Did you miss it?

Today my husband and I were on a mission.  We both had the day off and we had it planned out.  We woke up, had our coffee and then I hit the shower.  We got to talking and lost track of time.  With that, we headed out. 

When we got to where we were going, I immediately noticed that I did not have my phone.  With my son being away, I felt very uneasy without it.  My son knows that if he can't reach me, he can always call Mark and has done so on many occassions so my "concern" was really self imposed and unfounded. 

You know how it is though....our phone is our lifeline!  I wondered all day if someone might need me and not be able to reach me.  I had my ipad but that didn't do me any good.  At no point was I ever alone.  I was with my husband all morning.  In fact, I used his phone to call and make a nail appointment.  Still I wondered "Had my sister tried to call me?  Had Mom? Would Matthew worry if I didn't answer?" 

I left for my nail appointment still wondering what I would do without my phone.  By now it was 3:00 in the afternoon and Mark and I went in different directions.  I took my ipad with me and willed it to make a phone call to no avail.  What I did discover however, was that I could text from my ipad and that eased the concern.  I texted Mark and my son so I wasn't completely without communication.

When we got home in the evening, I went straight upstairs to look for my phone.  I found it and you know how many phone calls I had missed?  One! My neighbor had called wanting to drop off something.  As I picked up my phone, I saw my Bible and devotion book.  I was immediately reminded that I had not done my devotion that morning. 

My mantra is "If I shower before I do my devotion, it won't get done." True to my own word, I got caught up in the conversation with my husband and I did not do my devotion.  The story behind that is that I never once gave thought to not doing my devotion that morning; but all day I thought of the phone call I might have missed. 

How is it that I missed my phone so much but I never missed what "charges me" up? My prayer is that if I should miss another devotion, I will really miss it!

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you.  Isaiah 26:9

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Your Father Loves You

I have two sisters that both have a birthday in August.  My two brothers have birthdays in September and November.  I am all alone with a birthday in February.  I have often spoken about being a daddy's girl and now having to share that with the other two.  I was the first girl!  I have not minded the other two until this year.....for their birthdays, one of my sister's got a fishing pole from dad, the other got a 243 rifle for hunting-both from dad!  They got gifts that connects each of them to dad. 

Needless to say, I was envious. I wasn't envious so much of the gifts- despite that the fishing pole had "My Princess" written on it in pink letters, as I was envious of the attention.  Today after a hard three weeks I finally made it to my family "lunch" as is customary after every church service.  Despite the fact that my birthday was three weeks ago, dad had a card for me. 

Dad had inserted a gift card with the inscription "Hope you can get a fishing pole at Macy's."  It was not the gift that drew me in as much as the card itself.  It read:

My Darling Daughter, Once upon a time I was your Hero....Now You're Mine.

When you were a little girl, you followed me around,
watched every move I made and tried to be just like me
No matter what I did, you were my little shadow.

I never quite felt worthy of the honor, but it made me smile all over. 
I guess it's one of the rights of parenthood, and I loved every minute of it.

But now, as I see the incredible woman you have become, it's clear how
great you turned out inspite of my example.  It's not supposed to happen
that way.  There definitely was an unseen hand in your life for which I am grateful.

You have grown into an amazing woman, exceeded all my expectations,
and left me in the dust.

Now the tables have turned...and I wish I could be just like you.

I love you, my daughter...with all my heart!

I read the card and looked at my father.  When our eyes met, they met with all the love and respect we have had for each other all these years.  My father patted his chest over his heart and simply said "It comes from here."   I can not tell you the warmth of knowing that my father loves me! Not that I ever doubted it, I just needed the reminder.

You see, it was he who taught me a love for the Word of God.  It was his detail to knowing the Bible that gave me a love for God's Word when I came to Christ.  I would often call dad and ask a question about scripture so you can imagine how humbled I felt when dad started calling me with a question or two.

You can't get anything over on him when it comes to God's Word.  His example was me seeing him at our dining room table pouring over scripture. 

Today, I have a desire to mentor women.  You see, I had a father in my life to show me the way and be my example many did not.  My word for those women is this:  Whether you had a father present in your life or not....You do have a father and He loves you.

Do not be discouraged if you do not get a card or you've never gotten a hug, or even heard a kind word from your earthly father.  You do have a Heavenly Father and your father loves you.

Thanks dad! Now I'm off to Macy's to look for a fishing pole! [yeah right.]  

How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called the chilfren of God! And that's what we are.  1 John 3:1

Saturday, February 16, 2013

But You He Loved!

I have spoken to many individuals that have told me they "don't feel loved."  In today's society with both parents working and the divorce rate so high, I can see how individuals might feel that way.  Some are children that grew up feeling like that and now as adults, the feeling lingers.

It reminds me of the story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel.  The story is found in Genesis 29.  Jacob sees this lovely girl and as was the custom back then, he had to work for her father for seven years in order to win her in marriage.  Jacob loved Rachel so much that he was willing to do that. 

He worked his seven years and prepared for his wedding.  The father prepared a large feast and as you can imagine a feast going into the wee hours of the morning, when Jabob woke up, he woke up next to his wife Leah.  He felt like he had been tricked.  You see, Leah was the older daughter and had "weak eyes."  Rachel in turn was "lovely in form and was beautiful."  Not much has changed relative to how society gagues women. 

The real issue is the love Jacob had for Rachel.  He was married to Leah but "Rachel he loved."  He loved her so much that he was willing to work another seven years to get her as well.  This is not just a story about two women and a man, this is the foundation for the nation of Israel.  Rachel was the mother of Joseph with the "coat of many colors."

I can't imagine Leah's heartache as she continues to have children with a man who loved her sister more.  Today, so much is based on how we look, how successful we are, who our connections or contacts and love can be the last thing factored in. 

I am so glad that when Christ took that walk to the cross he was thinking of each one of us as he gave himself so that we might have an opportunity at eternal life.   I'm glad he said of each one of us....I'm doing this because "you I love!"

So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because he loved her.  Genesis 29:20

Read the story of Rachel, Leah and Jacob in Genesis 29:15-30

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Sticking power

The other day I was writing names on some yellow "sticky notes" and affixing them to student's desks so that I could remember names.  It was not long before they were on the floor, on the closet doors, on notebooks, everywhere except where I intended them to be. I had to adhere them with tape. I thought of how useless they were to me and how they did not accomplish what I intended.

This morning however, I located a name tag from the hospital.  For three weeks my husband and I had to wear these when we visited my father in law.  Sometimes we would leave for dinner and come back so we had two or three in one day.  They were on our car console, on our restroom mirror, on our books, on our umbrella and yes, this morning I found one on my bible. 

What I found was that the yellow sticky notes had no sticking power...none!  You didn't have to peel them off, they slid off by themselves.  However, the hospital name tags had real sticking power.  When I removed it from the front of my bible, I saw some of the maroon of my bible peel right off with it.  It stuck right to that name tag.  When I looked at the adhesive on the name tag-you got it!  It was maroon! 

I thought of how sin has "sticking power." Some sin seems to just stick!  Someone, somewhere convinced us that our sin was unforgivable and in doing so, they gave "our sin" sticking power.  The thing to remember is that when we give that sin sticking power, it peels a little more of us away just like it did my bible cover. 

The bigger thing to remember is that if our sin was unforgivable, then Christ died in vain. Christ died to take our place, to free us from that sin, to give us an opportunity to receive eternal life. 

So you can believe that your sin has sticking power and allow it to tear away at you or like the yellow sticky notes, you can believe that the minute you ask for forgiveness, it is washed away with no sicking power at all. 

But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, teh benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.  For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eterlan life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:22-23

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How much do you weigh?

For two days I have been carrying extra weight.  It is self imposed, heavy, and boy does it weigh me down.  Someone, somewhere, made a comment that stuck like a twenty pound can of lard!  Why do I do that? 

I carry this weight as if it were true.  It wasn't a "terrible" comment but then again, comments don't have to be to weigh us down.  Once we hear it, we cling to it and allow it to consume our very being.  Someone may have said we were fat or stupid or worthless and we carry it forever. 

I had to remind myself that God said I am fearfully and wonderfully made [Psalm 139:14] I had to remind myself that God lifted me out ot the slimy pit and set my feet on solid ground [Psalm 40:2]. I had to remember that Christ died for me even when I was still a sinner [Romans 5:8].

When comments weigh us down, we need to remember who we are in Christ.  In all probablity the individuals that made the comments are oblivious to the feelings of others.

So, whether you are at work, home, school, church or anywhere else, remember who you are in Christ.  You are worthy, you are able, you are covered by the blood!  That makes you special. 

So, instead of carrying around that extra weight, let it go and watch your burden get lighter. 

Cast all your cares on him, because he cares for you.  Be self comtrolled and alert.  Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  1  Peter 5:7-8    

Monday, February 11, 2013

31 Days to Happiness

I was driving home today and had the radio set on one of my favorite stations.  This one features a pastor that I really like, and I love the city where his church is located.  In fact the last time we were in San Diego, we attempted to attend but were not able to make it. 

So I'm listening to this sermon and he says "Call today and ask for my new book 31 days to Happiness."

I immediately said out loud "Can you do in ten days?"  How silly but so like many of us.  I'm thinking "Why would I have to wait thirty one days if we could do it in ten?" Why is it so difficult to wait?  We make life easier by getting microwaves and I can't wait 2 minutes for my meal to heat up. 

Don't even ask about baking.  I don't do it often but if I'm baking, I always open the oven at least twenty times.  My husband is always telling me "leave the door closed-it won't bake any faster!"  I am not a "waiter."  I do not like to wait!  Period!

If I go pick my mom up for breakfast, I say "Mom wait for me at the sidewalk."  If my husband is pulling into the driveway, I start taking my seatbelt off at the corner [not recommended!] and if I can sneak through the express line.*...well, you get the picture. 

But honestly, if I get a book and it shows me how to get to "happiness" in thirty one days, why couldn't I read three chapters a day and do it in ten? 

I am so glad that Christ was not in a hurry.  In fact, patience is one of the fruits of the spirit.  He probably had me in mind!

I don't really need thirty one days.  I have the joy and happiness I need.  I have found it in Jesus Christ.  When times are tough, I will wait; when funds are light, I will wait; when health fails me, I will wait...because God is faithful!

31 days to happiness?  Why wait!

I waited patiently for the Lord; he turned to me and heard my cry.  Psalms 40:1

*I just think about it, I dont actually do it.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I do.....Until I don't!

I was again, driving right along and then I had a realization.  I love teaching.  I love kids, I love making a difference, I love doing what I love.  These last few weeks I have gained a much greater respect for teachers.  What a job.

In policing, if someone "bows up" you can at least lay hand on them [and I don't mean in the spiritual way] to bring them under control.  Unfortunately, in schools you can not.  I recall "back in the day" when dad would find out that we did wrong....boy did we get it. 

So, I'm driving with those thoughts in mind thinking "I need a break!"  When I was asked if I wanted to do this I said "I do, I do!" I did it with an expectation, joy and excitement.  I shined my shoes, lined out my clothes a week at a time, brushed up on geometry, reviewed my "school Spanish" and so on. 

I do! Until...reality came and paid us a visit. For almost three weeks I have been doing "double duty."  I have worked all day and then spent the evenings at the hospital.  Yes, that is reality.  

What happened to that excitement, that joy of getting up every morning and facing those kids?  While I have not lost it, I find myself a little more tired each morning.  I find that the evening gets longer the more papers there are to grade and the mornings come quicker.

We go into marriage with a certain expectation, joy and excitemement.  We want that "happily ever after."  The reality of it is that life does come and pay us a visit.  Things happen.  The biggest threat is the unexpected. 

We stand up there before our beloved and make all kinds of promises overlooking anything past today expecting that all will be sugary sweet for a lifetime.  I am not telling you anything new when I say that it's not always the case. 

Oh Yeah!  We said "I do" but somewhere along the way it started becoming "I really don't feel like it" or "I really don't want to" and the reality is that the "I do" becomes "I don't!"    We may hate what our marriage has become and may preface our sentences with "I don't."
I don't like my marriage
  • I don't like the responsibiliby
  • I don't like who I have become
  • I don't like that my spouse has changed
God has expectations too.  It is an expectation of walking together in marriage, it's an expectation of honoring your spouse.  How can we say we honor God and yet continue to say "I don't" in marriage?
Some would even consider saying "I don't want to do this anymore!" and just walk out. 

The difference is we can quit our job if we don't like it or it's too stressful, or it doesn't meet our expectations....we can't just walk out on our marriage. 

When "I do" becomes "I don't" in marriage, cling to God and His Word.  Only He can change you and/or your circumstances.  You said "I do" in marriage, say "I do" to God and trust that He has the power to change your "I don't" back into "I do!"

Another thing you do:  You flood the Lord's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands.  You ask :Why?" It is because the Lord is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant.  Has the Lord not made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his.  And why? Because he was seeking godly offspring.  So guard yourself in spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth
Malachi 2:13-15

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Slow down

What a most hectic week.  My father-in-law is still in the hospital, requiring most of our time.  I look back and wonder why I took a long term assignment.  The timing could not be worse.  Of course, you know that if I knew this was going to happen, I would have never volunteered to do it.  On the other hand, I have met the best kids and formed a relationship with so many of them and I would have missed that.

So everyday when I drive to school, I have to pass two school zones.  There are two schools side by side that I must pass before I get to mine.  This morning, I was doing my usual 20 miles per hour when some guy pulled right out in front of me.  He pulled out of the middle school and pulled out at 5 miles per hour. Of course you know that caused me to have to slow down.

Immediately I said "Now why did you get in front of me. You slowed me down!"  The words had no sooner come out of my mouth than I thought of the experiences of the last fourteen days.  All the events that have "slowed me down" came to mind.  It slowed me down and sped up my life. 

I had to wonder if my pace wasn't so fast that God said "slow down girl!"  There will be things that get in our path to slow us down  just like that car.  When it happens, don't ask why.  God had a reason for slowing me down...maybe there was a lesson I needed to learn-maybe there still is.

While life is being lived in the fast lane right now, my prayer is that I will slow down long enough to recognize the lesson yet to be learned. I cherish those I have learned on this journey. Slow down...live life, enjoy the view.

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.    2 Peter 3:9

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I wish it would just happen

Wow....January 21st was my last post.  How does that happen?  Well alot has gone on.  My father- in law has been in the hospital and it has consumed us.  Unfortunately,  I also committed to a "long term assignment" at a school and that has really taken up all of our time. 

Yesterday, while driving home from the hospital, I told my husband "I wish whatever was going to happen would just happen."  He replied with a "Me too."  I was not however, referring to my father-in-laws situation.  I was talking about life itself. 

I have blogged about the troubles with my computer often being down.  It happened again.  Three times in thirty days.  I'm sure my provider is tired of hearing from me but they are not near as tired as I am of calling them.   I just want to scream.  Pleaseeeee fix my computer!  Whether we need to get a new provider or if we need to get a new computer....I wish it would just happen so we don't continue to waste our time.

Next, my printer went out.  Don't ever "jerk" paper out of a paper jam.  We said we would take it to the tech to look at but life took over and we never got around to it.  A week without a printer and with our computer only working part time, it put me in a jam.  I told my husband, if we're taking it to the tech let's do it.  I wish I would have just gone and purchased a new one because after being without for a week, we were told to buy a new one.

Our youngest child has a decision to make...what school will he go to.  He has been accepted to a few already but he is holding out for the number one in his heart.  We really wanted to hear from them weeks ago but still have not.  Meanwhile, we can not move forward with plans because we don't know the direction where he will land.  And I really just want to say "Work with me here..." We really need a decision as it is three months before graduation.  I wish it would just happen so we could plan accordingly.

I was told I would be working as soon as a lady had her baby.  She was due January 7th. I was told "keep your schedule clear because she will have it then." With anticipation, I waited.  I was sure I would be working by the first of the year.  She did not have her baby and I found myself saying "I wish it would just happen so I can move on with my life." 

Why don't things just happen and allow us to go on with life?  I truly believe that it is because God is trying to teach us something in the interim.  For me, perhaps patience.  That is not a strong point for me.  I have found however, that during that time, when I settle down and delve into the Word of God, I am more at peace and God speaks. 

My provider installed a new modem and my troubles with the computer are done and I have a new printer.  It has finally happened and life goes on.  I never realized how dependent I am on technology. What I found is that during that "down-time" I had plenty of time to read and depend on what God wants to show me. 

God does want to show you....we just have to slow down and not be in such a hurry.  There may be pain in the wait, there may be disappointment in the results, there may be answers we didn't expect.  In the end, there may be a waiting period...while you are asking for things to "just happen" God is growing something....maybe it's you.

Be patient, then brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop and how patient he is for the autumn and spring rains.  You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near.  Don't grumble against each other brothers or you will be judged.  The judge is standing at the door.  Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.  As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered.  James 5:7-11