Saturday, February 16, 2013

But You He Loved!

I have spoken to many individuals that have told me they "don't feel loved."  In today's society with both parents working and the divorce rate so high, I can see how individuals might feel that way.  Some are children that grew up feeling like that and now as adults, the feeling lingers.

It reminds me of the story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel.  The story is found in Genesis 29.  Jacob sees this lovely girl and as was the custom back then, he had to work for her father for seven years in order to win her in marriage.  Jacob loved Rachel so much that he was willing to do that. 

He worked his seven years and prepared for his wedding.  The father prepared a large feast and as you can imagine a feast going into the wee hours of the morning, when Jabob woke up, he woke up next to his wife Leah.  He felt like he had been tricked.  You see, Leah was the older daughter and had "weak eyes."  Rachel in turn was "lovely in form and was beautiful."  Not much has changed relative to how society gagues women. 

The real issue is the love Jacob had for Rachel.  He was married to Leah but "Rachel he loved."  He loved her so much that he was willing to work another seven years to get her as well.  This is not just a story about two women and a man, this is the foundation for the nation of Israel.  Rachel was the mother of Joseph with the "coat of many colors."

I can't imagine Leah's heartache as she continues to have children with a man who loved her sister more.  Today, so much is based on how we look, how successful we are, who our connections or contacts and love can be the last thing factored in. 

I am so glad that when Christ took that walk to the cross he was thinking of each one of us as he gave himself so that we might have an opportunity at eternal life.   I'm glad he said of each one of us....I'm doing this because "you I love!"

So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because he loved her.  Genesis 29:20

Read the story of Rachel, Leah and Jacob in Genesis 29:15-30

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