Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where there is no vision...

I have a very dear friend that was diagnosed with macular degeneration several years ago.  This disease attacks the eyes and slowly takes your eyesight closing it from the sides to the middle until you can only see shapes.  Bright light is required in order to see anything at all. She requires large letters and dark print.  

When my son was little, he had a prayer box.  The innocence of a child as he came to me and asked about my friend.  In this prayer box, he had his special prayer requests and each night we would sit in his room and pull out a prayer request from his box.  He had heard me pray for my friend before and he asked if he could put her name in his box.  Of course I let him.

One day, he pulled out her name and I listened intently as he prayed that God would restore her sight.  I prayed with him as my friend is very dear to me.  After his prayer, my son asked "Mommy, what's wrong with her?"  I erroneously responded "She has lost her vision son!"  As soon as the words came out of my mouth I knew I had spoken in error.  You see, my friend is losing her eyesight...not her vision

She has not lost her zeal for Christ, her love to mentor women, her desire to lead in the church.  She has not lost her love for God's Word nor has she lost her ability to challenge me in my love and knowledge of the Word.  Yes, she is living through a trial of slowly losing her eyesight but today she and her husband are involved in a church called True Vision.  I did not understand the irony of it until I began to write.  She has not lost her vision....her vision is still directed at her love for serving her Savior. 

Many of us still have our eyesight but we have no direction, we have no vision, we have no church, we have no fellowship, we have no desire to read God's Word...in a sense, we remain blind.  Blind to the truth!  Don't close your eyes, don't stray, don't go your own way because "where there is no vision..."

Where there is no vision, the people perish.  But he that keeps the law, happy is he.  Proverbs 29:18

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