Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lay down your life

The other day I read a verse that related to laying your life down for me.  It was of course a question that Christ asked.  After all, he laid down his life for us.  It got me to thinking and I questioned what that meant to me and what it meant in my life. 

When I read the verse my first thought was "Of course....Of course God I would lay down my life....I would ride this through the end because you are my Savior and I am committed to you" and then I gave real thought to what that verse might mean in my life.

 I thought of how quick I am to "lay down" the things that only Christ can control like life and death.  I am quick to lay down an illness or an event like the Boston bombing, 911, Hurricane Ike and such disasters.  I am quick to say "take them, manage them, demonstrate your power in this event" but I am not so quick to lay things down that are intimate, personal to me. 

There are just some things we want to hold on to!  That is not how God would have it but he is not going to snatch it from you.  He wants you to willingly lay it down.  Some of the most difficult things to lay down are relationships.  They are difficult because they deal with the heart. 

Some of us want to live our life "our way" and we feel like only we know how to best make it work. God calls us to lay down anything that will get in our way of worship and serving him.  In today's day and time there are many obstacles to that.  Fortunately, we can let them go....unfortunately, we don't.

We don't lay them down because 1) We feel like we "can't live without it" 2) we can justify their existance or our hold on them, or 3) It simply would be too painful to let go and we don't want to put ourselves through that pain.

God may also be calling us to lay down literature, movies, video games, and such things that are not glorifying to him.  I have never been one to read "romance novels" but I do like novels.  What we choose to read can give us unrealistic expectations in our own life.   It can make us long for things that are common place in a made up story but will never be in our life.  Could it be that God is calling us to lay that down and instead,  spend time in a true and uplifting stories found only in His Word.

Case in point, one day Christ is telling of his purpose and how soon he will "be with them no longer."   Peter did not want to stay behind.  He asked Jesus "where are you going" and Christ responded "Where I am going, you can not follow, but you will follow later." Peter's response to this was "Why can't I follow you now, I will lay down my life for you."  You can hear Peter's urgency in wanting to go with Christ at that moment. I have seen myself displaying that urgency many times as well.

What resonates more in my mind is the response Christ gives "will you really lay down your life for me?"

Yeah, I read that verse and was quick to say "I'll do it, I'll lay down my life and go to the death for you" but when I hear the words of Christ asking "will you really...." it strikes home.  When "laying down my life" means laying down that old life, that life not glorifying to him, that part of your life that constitues interference with a relationship with Him.  How quick am I to do that?  Christ did lay down his life, literally....what do you need to lay down  for Him and will you really do it?

My children, I will be with you only a little longer.  You will look for me, and just as I told the Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come...Simon Peter asked "Lord, where are you going?  Jesus replied "Where I am going, you cannot follow now, but you will follow later." Peter asked "Lord, why can't I follow you now? I will lay down my life for you." Then Jesus answered "Will you really lay down your life for me?  John 13: 33, 36-38


Monday, April 29, 2013

Be deligent

Saturday morning I woke up with high hopes of running once again.  I purchased a brand new pair of tennis shoes and they are the brightest, most neon color of green you can imagine...and I love them!  I have missed running.   I figured I would rest from my ankle injury and my fall just prior to running the half marathon.

I rested long enough and I was antsy.  I woke up, put on an ankle support and my bright shoes and ran.  Unfortunately I only went a quarter of a mile.  I was bummed!  This morning I woke up again with the desire to run and I promised myself I would not go far....one mile, just so that I would know I still can. 

I headed out the door and did better than yesterday-I got to half a mile.  Feeling good I continued.  When I hit the one mile point I went for two!  My ankle felt good, there was no pain and I went for it.  What I did realize however was that for the entire two miles, my eyes rarely left the pavement.  I was deligent about looking for "hazards."

I dodged every little limb, pine cone,  rock, lip in the sidewalk, dips, curves, and drops.  I was deligent about keeping the course.  At one point I came upon a bridge made of boards with gaps and I had to make sure I stepped just right. 

"Watch it, there's one, jump it, skip it,"  all words of caution to myself.  You see if any of those got in my way, I could take a major fall like I did last October.  I survived one, don't know that I could survive another. 

It made me realize that I should be so deligent in my Christian walk.  If I dodged obstacles that get in my way, I would be much better off.  If I remained deligent in using caution, I would stand a much better chance of not falling.  Oh if I used the same precision to avoid hazards! 

As a Christian, I am not always going to have an easy life, I'm not always gonna have success, and I'm not always going to be the best but I am going to be secure.  I may lose friends along the way, I may be challenged, I may be questioned but I will be deligent in running the race God has laid out for me and when that race is over, I will know that God has my reward prepared for me.  Do not lose your focus....be deligent!

I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge will award to me on that day.

  2 Timothy 4:7-8

Sunday, April 28, 2013

I will lift my eyes....

I have been awake since 1:00 AM.  No reason, just can't sleep.  Not restless, just can not sleep and when I can't sleep, my mind wonders. 

The other day I was restless and I told my husband.  He sent me a text with only two things on it...Psalms 121. Period!   I was taken back to a time when my grandmother use to sing in Spanish like only a God loving grandmother could sing:

"Alzare mis ohos a los montes  donde vendra mis socoro....mi socorro viene de Jeovah que hizo los cielos y la tiera."

"I will lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth."

This morning I focus on verse 3 where I am reminded that He who watches over me does not sleep, with that said, I should be sleeping.  Instead, I am thinking that this morning, I will be at church alone  as my husband has been called out on assignment, I am thinking that this morning my brother will have his weekly Sunday morning visit with my father-in-law and I am also thinking that our number two son will visit with his grandfather one last time before he heads out for boot camp.

Yeah, I'm awake and did I just say I was not restless?  At one point I opened my eyes and was met by two beautiful brown eyes looking back at me.  Our diva dog was laid out - not veritcal but horizontally-between us.  I looked at her and she looked back at me and she had no worries in the world.  She was lying between the two people that love her most in the world...why should she worry?  Not to mention she had the run of the bed! 

So why do we wake up at crazy hours thinking, speculating, trying to change things when we know God is in control and He's not sleeping! I can't change a thing but I can choose to believe it when God's word says He has it onder control.  "I will lift my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from"...time for coffee.

The Lord watcjes over you-the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.  The Lord will keep you from all harm he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and foreevermore.  Psalms 121: 5-7

Saturday, April 27, 2013

At least I never....

Ugh!  I woke up with a pain in my chest.  A severe pain in my chest.  That has happened before and I have managed to chalk it up to stress.  Today, I did the same.  You see, I went to sleep with "something on my chest" last night. 

In trying to make a point of caution, I fear my human side came out and I was critical and ungodly about an individual.  Hey, but at least I didn't call the individual names.  That should count for something shouldn't it?  At lease I didn't curse or get angry....I was just concerned for the other party that I love dearly.

At least I didn't treat the person unfairly or not acknowledge their presence.  At least I didn't.... and that's how we justify our sin.  I was very quickly reminded of Paul and rather than remember his words of "Christ died for sinners of whom I am the worst," I justified my actions.

It began with "At least I never persecuted followers of Christ"...really?  Okay so scratch that one because everytime we criticize our fellow Christian, our pastor or our church we are there-so let's move on to the next point.

At least I never "killed anyone or gave approval for their death" [Acts 7:59-8:1].  In essence isn't that what we do when we criticize another?  We can kill their spirit and rather than to take action to stop another's attacks, we join in. 

Well, at least I never.....what I "never" did was consider how my words would impact my loved one.  Although they were not "bad or evil" words, no one likes to think that their choices are being criticized.  Paul often cautioned Timothy but he did it in love. 

Often our words arrive much quicker than our actions do.  How could I display the love of God if my words got there first and they weren't complimentary?  Well I never!

I am grateful that Paul reminded me that Christ came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst even if I never......

I was shown mercy and Christ displayed his patience and continues to display his patience with me as an example for others that may believe they have no hope.  My prayer is that I may allow myself to be used as an instrument for Christ and represent him well.

Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save simners-of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.  1 Timothy 1: 15-16

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My heart bleeds

Tuesday my heart bled.  It was a difficult, trying night.  My tears flowed, my spirit was weak and my heart bled.

Sometimes in life we encounter things that require action we don't like or want to take.  This was one of those times.  Something so simple, so innocent changed in a split second.  Isn't that how things usually happen, someone in a relationship tells us they don't want to be with us anymore; a friend betrays us; our house goes into foreclosure; we lose our job.  This was an issue involving my son and it wasn't even that big....but my heart bled.

Why is it that when it comes to our children, our heart breaks when we have to stand firm and hold on to boundaries and decisions? Oh this was the stereotypical court scene for us.  You present your case, I present my case, you give your rebuttal....I win! The problem is that day, for me, there was no winning. 

I left the "court" with my head buried in my chest and my heart bleeding.  For the sake of protecting everyone involved, I will not elaborate on the situation but I get it.  As I walked away, I remembered the words from Hebrews 12:

My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son. [v5]

We don't want to discipline our "children" it breaks our heart but "broken hearts" is what has gotten our society in the mess we are in.  We have to step in and do our part....even if your heart bleeds.

Hebrews 12 goes on to say "We have all had human fathers who disciplined us and how we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live!" [v9]

The following day, when I actually got to see my son I told him "Yesterday was rough, my heart bled."  He responded with "Mom, hearts don't bleed, they pump blood."  I wanted to say yes, they do and they break too.

Instead, I went back in time....a time when we were riding our bikes on the sidewalk.  He was about four years old and we rode singing "Open the eyes of my heart Lord, Open the eyes of my heart...I want to see you."  He looked at me and asked "Mommy, do our hearts really have eyes?"  I explained to him that our hearts did not have eyes or eye lashes but through our hearts, we can often see God especially through worship.

Our conversation continued like this:

Matthew: Oh, I wish my heart had eyes. 
Me: Why son?
Matthew: So I could see what little girl he is preparing for me to marry.

I began early praying that God would prepare for Matthew the girl he was to marry one day.  I would often pray "write the name of that little girl on his heart," and he was curious to know who that was...even at four years old. 

So no, our hearts don't have visible eyes and our hearts don't literally bleed...it only feels like it.  If they did, I can imagine how our Savior's heart would "bleed" everytime we turn our backs, everytime we make excuses for our behavior, everytime we miss being in church or God's Word.

I am so thankful for the opportunity that God has given me to lead a family.  It is a responsibility I do not take lightly.  It is hard work and at times my heart bleeds but I am thankful for the blood shed for me on the cross.  It gives me direction, instruction and hope.

Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons.  For what son is not disciplimed by his father? If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), they you are illegitimate children and not true sons.  Habrews 12: 7-8

Monday, April 22, 2013

Change of Seasons

Wow....we are in for a world of change!  So much is changing in our life right now.  We have a senior getting ready to graduate high school in less than 50 days or so, we have a patriarch going through difficult changes and my parents have a third great grandchild due in two months!  We haven't had a baby in the family in years.

Each of these are life changing events.  Our son will soon be in a dorm, there will be sleepless nights and life must go on.  As I recall some of my weekly devotions God has really spoken to me through His word although many of those are what I call "preparation" devotions that I am not accepting lightly. 

I am in the majority that does not acclimate well to change.  It's not that I don't like change, it just may take me a little time to "get used to it." Today, I had a day off [I use that term lightly] and I had to drive downtown on an errand.  In taking my drive, I decided to go to a sandwich shop we use to frequent years ago.  As I got my sandwhich, I drove the back way to get home. 

Again, much like life today, I wanted to go back in time.  I wanted to go back to a simple life when I was sheltered from having to make "personal" life changing decisions.  A time when my decisions were going to affect others but not impact me. I guess you could say that I was searching for comfort.

My journey took me to 34th street where I patrolled on night shift over 30 years ago.  So much has changed!  Ugh.  Calgon take me away! There is no comfort here.  Why is the whole world changing before my eyes and I seem to be helpless to avoid it.  I am being swept away by change! 

I continue to rant and drive as I see new apartment complexes, town homes, strip centers, new shops, even new lanes on the wider street.  I take my time as I approach North Shepherd and then I see it.  Almost at the corner is the same house that was there over 30 years ago.  

Oh don't get me wrong. It looked like it had new rails and a fresh paint job but it was the same house!  How long has it been there and while everything around it changes, it remains the change. 

After I got over my inner battle and I settled down, I got the message!  I had to say "Okay God, I get it."  Things are changing all around my world and yet God's Word and God's promise is not going to change.  I must remind myself that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  [Hebrews 13:8]

Sometimes my "self" just wants to run and escape the reality of what is taking place but instead, I am called to trust Him through the changing of seasons. Times and seasons will change....I am grateful that God gave me something simple like a backstreet drive and a house still standing to deliver the message. 

He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others.  He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.  He reveals deep and hidden  things.  He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells with him.  Daniel 2:21-22

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is it saved?

Seriously! I just spent 45 minutes writing a blog and when I went to post, I saved it first but everytime I tried to get out of it, it said "You will lose unsaved material."  Really, how many times do I have to hit save before it's saved? 

I was a little upset because it was "pretty good stuff."  As soon as I completed my rant, I was reminded of Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction a haughty spirit before a fall.   So the lesson was for me!  Was I trying to glorify God or was the glory of His message going to me?  At any rate, you will never read it now.

So,  going back to my first statement.  My father and I have had pretty good discussions about salvation.  As I recall my question, it's pretty basic and straight forward.  How many times do I have to save it to know that it's saved.

I have often heard individuals ask how they can be saved.  I have heard an array of questions:

  • Can I be saved even if I have lived a dark life?
  • I can't be saved, you don't know what I've done.
  • Why would God care if I was saved?

My response would be you may live a dark life but He is the light of the world and John 1:4 says
In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

It matters not what you have done, Christ died for you while you still in sin.  Romans 5:8 says
But God demonstrates his own love fo us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

God cares that you are saved because you are His child.  His sacrifice was for me and for you.
1 John 3:1 says See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God. And that is what we are!

Unlike my mistake where I hit the saved button several times and thought it was saved, God's Word is very clear on how we can find salvation. You don't have to wonder or risk losing anymore.

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.  Acts 4:12

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I was coming back from a morning with my son when my husband sent me a text that simply read: "Boston, explosion at Marathon-breaking news."  My first thought was our daughter Charlye who attends college not near Boston.  My second was "That has to be wrong! Who runs a marathon on a Monday?"

He was not wrong.  I turned the television on to the horrible news and unbelievable pictures.  I asked my self the question..."Why?"  We may never know why.  Within a few minutes my husband texted again this time saying that our child was fine but some of her classmates had run the race.  Immediately we prayed. 

I am grateful for all the answered prayers.  Charlye was safe, stamina for the first responders, peace for the city, comfort for the injured and those who lost loved ones.  

We may never know who did this, we may never know why but this we do know....Our God is bigger!  He is the God of comfort, of peace, of compassion.  He will not fail us.  Many's lives have changed forever but our God has not and will not. 

While man might attempt to rock your world, be comforted that He is with you and his love for you will never change.

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10

Monday, April 15, 2013

There...I said it.

The other day as my husband and I were talking, he mentioned a quote he has heard all his life.  He can not remember where he heard it but it goes like this:

"I'd like to buy him for what he's worth and sell him for what he thinks he's worth." 

I get it!  There is such a struggle in my own life for tolerance of individuals that live on that almighty pedestal. 

Unfortunately, I fall prey to the very things I have no tolerance for.  There are so many hurting people and just as many stand in the shadows ready to attack.  In working with children these several months, there is an expectation of learning.  Come to class, pay attention, do your work and learn.  Then you promote to the next class. 

I never take in consideration the situation until I hear the stories. Oh the stories...no dad at home, children taking care of children, no one to guide the household much less help with homework.  Those are the stories.

So turn it towards adulthood.  Divorce, financial break downs, loss of jobs, disfunctional families, abuse, all traveled through time and landed in adulthood.  So many times, we say things without taking consideration the person's situation and there is no censorship.  It is out in the open. 

I often....often.....have to come to Christ and ask for forgiveness of words I can not recant.  I believe everyone has done this to a certain extent and I take no pride in telling you this.  It was really brought to light in my own life when I read a post by Beth Moore.  She wrote:

I’m sick of the bullying. The mud-slinging and the meanness. I’m sick of careless, idle words thrown out there in the public square and professing believers in Christ standing on the necks of their own brothers and sisters to sound smart and superior. As if it’s not enough that we are surrounded in this culture by Christian haters, we’ve got to have our own hater-Christians. It’s insane.

Wow, I had to look at myself and question whether or not I fell into that paragraph.  There it is, she said it and with no reservations.  The moment I read it, I saw myself in that group that surrounded the woman caught in adultery.  How many times had I appeared in that group with rock in hand ready to take my best shot?  How many times had criticized someone for coming in late to church when I had no idea what the situation was at home? How many times had I criticized a woman for what they wore without knowing that she might have nothing else and the clothes she had on was donated?  How many times had I criticized someone for staying in a bad relationship without knowing that the individuals self esteem was damaged and her only hope would be in Christ....the real awaking, I was the one to present that Christ. 

Oh don't get me wrong....I have been on the receiving end of that criticism but this is not about me....this is about ME!

Careless, idle words can not be taken back.  Today's society is surrounded by so much competitiveness and envy that surely it will be the demise.  No one can maintain that level of competitiveness and still remain an effective Christian....there I said it.

As Christians, we have an obligation to adhere to the Word of God.  There are no exceptions.  Not for me, not for you, not for anyone.  You are not exempt and you can not pick and choose what you want to obey.  We are to build up the body of Christ not tear it down....there I said it.

Having been on the receiving end, I make no excuses.  As a Christian woman, I have a responsibility to Christ.  Mean-girls, haters, do-gooders, there will always be around but I need to remember who I represent! 

It's ugly, hurtful, and it breaks the spirit of others.  I do not want to fall into that category.  It is often difficult to bring out our own faults because what others think of us is important.  We want to fit in, we want to be accepted, we want acknowledgement.  The reality for me is that I am not perfect, I have been in that place. I am not proud of that but I am grateful to a God who forgives me and does not hold that against me.  Trust me, this was difficult to say but there...I said it.

Do not let unwholesome words come out of your mouth only those used to build others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen.
Ephesians 4:29

Sunday, April 14, 2013

You Complete Me

"You complete me."  Those are the words I first heard in a movie several years ago.  It was the typical Cinderella story with two girls and as the script would have it, one was "up and coming" and at the arm of a propserous sports agent.  The other was a meek, single mom just trying to get by. 

The agent's luck runs out and he finds himself at the bottom of the pit with no friends, no sports prospects, no job.  His only and new best friend is this single mom.  You guessed it.  Her son loves him, they develop a relationship and when she tries to leave he belts out those words that tempt any womans heart to stay....you complete me.

The reality is that we are born complete.  We belong to the most high God and He is all we need.  Instead, we open ourselves up to relationships, material temptations, and other things that rip at our hearts in competition. 

In the end we can find ourselves empty, longing to hear those words so that someone can fill the emptiness in our heart.  Too often we fall for the sweet "surface" but when we are in it deep, we discover it is only a facade.

This morning as I was going over the lesson I will teach today, these words came to mind.  I don't know why.  Perhaps it is because I see so many looking for completeness in someone else.  Moms looking for kids to complete them, wives looking for husbands to complete them, friends looking for others to complete them....we will never fill that void. 

I heard someone say that he had a void in his heart that no one could fill.  He discovered it could not be filled because it was a "God sized void."  Wow!  I thought to myself "That explains alot."   We can not fill those God sized voids!  Only God can fill them.  Only God is big enough! 

So if you are sitting back wondering what or who it will take to "complete you" look to Him.  Only God can complete you.  Only God knows the extent of your void and what it will take to fill it. To God, the depth of the emptiness is not an issue, the depth of the sorrow is not an issue, the depth of the loss is not an issue, the lack of self esteem is not an issue, and the extent of your past is not an issue.  He is God and He can!

I am thankful that I can look to Christ and confidently say those words....you complete me!

For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form and you have been given fullness in Christ...Colossians 2:9-10

Monday, April 8, 2013

What was that word?

The other day we were cleaning out our garage and I found a cassette tape.  Remember those?  We found a ton of them.  In today's day of itunes and 99 cent downloads, who needs tapes?  At any rate, It was a tape of Selena and I didn't have the heart to get rid of it.

Back in the day, Selena was one of my favorites.  Prior to her tragic death, I listened to her music and our feet made us dancing fools.  Having a 2003 Explorer, I was fortunate enough to still have a cassette player in my car.  I found it easy to throw the cassette in there for future listening. 

Having had this temporary "long term" assignment, I was on the road every morning and I drove in with Adrian Rogers on 100.7 at 6:30am.  For some reason one morning I popped in the tape and it took me back to those days where we would swing and move to the music. 

As I was listening, I heard a song that was quite upbeat and one that I am certain I had never heard before.  Within a few minutes I was singing along.  I liked the song so much that I kept rewinding it to hear it repeatedly.  Soon however, the song became a challenge.  I was having trouble with a word.  The song was about a binge spender that owed everybody money.  I just could not remember the word for that and everytime I sang along, I got it wrong. 

Well the challenge was on!  I listened to that tape for several days to and from word.  Of course if I am listening to the tape, I am not listening to Adrian Rogers.  It didn't really hit me until I accomplished what I began. 

I discovered that not only did I now know the word, I knew every word to the song!

It got me to thinking.  If we dedicated as much time to learning the word of God as we commit to learning and memorizing other things, how big would our Bible knowledge bank be?  I learned alot of scripture through songs.  In fact, many old hymns and worship songs come directly from scripture. 

I was just trying to learn one word.  Imagine if I dedicated that much committment to learning God's word.  I am grateful that I did that, grateful that I took the time to learn the "word" because it taught me a lesson.  It taught me that it can be done if we persevere. 

I have hidden your word in my heart, that I may not sin againt you. Psalms 119:11

Note: The spanish word was parrandera and the word I was using was tracalera.