Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I was coming back from a morning with my son when my husband sent me a text that simply read: "Boston, explosion at Marathon-breaking news."  My first thought was our daughter Charlye who attends college not near Boston.  My second was "That has to be wrong! Who runs a marathon on a Monday?"

He was not wrong.  I turned the television on to the horrible news and unbelievable pictures.  I asked my self the question..."Why?"  We may never know why.  Within a few minutes my husband texted again this time saying that our child was fine but some of her classmates had run the race.  Immediately we prayed. 

I am grateful for all the answered prayers.  Charlye was safe, stamina for the first responders, peace for the city, comfort for the injured and those who lost loved ones.  

We may never know who did this, we may never know why but this we do know....Our God is bigger!  He is the God of comfort, of peace, of compassion.  He will not fail us.  Many's lives have changed forever but our God has not and will not. 

While man might attempt to rock your world, be comforted that He is with you and his love for you will never change.

"Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the Lord, who has compassion on you.
Isaiah 54:10

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