The other day we were cleaning out our garage and I found a cassette tape. Remember those? We found a ton of them. In today's day of itunes and 99 cent downloads, who needs tapes? At any rate, It was a tape of Selena and I didn't have the heart to get rid of it.
Back in the day, Selena was one of my favorites. Prior to her tragic death, I listened to her music and our feet made us dancing fools. Having a 2003 Explorer, I was fortunate enough to still have a cassette player in my car. I found it easy to throw the cassette in there for future listening.
Having had this temporary "long term" assignment, I was on the road every morning and I drove in with Adrian Rogers on 100.7 at 6:30am. For some reason one morning I popped in the tape and it took me back to those days where we would swing and move to the music.
As I was listening, I heard a song that was quite upbeat and one that I am certain I had never heard before. Within a few minutes I was singing along. I liked the song so much that I kept rewinding it to hear it repeatedly. Soon however, the song became a challenge. I was having trouble with a word. The song was about a binge spender that owed everybody money. I just could not remember the word for that and everytime I sang along, I got it wrong.
Well the challenge was on! I listened to that tape for several days to and from word. Of course if I am listening to the tape, I am not listening to Adrian Rogers. It didn't really hit me until I accomplished what I began.
I discovered that not only did I now know the word, I knew every word to the song!
It got me to thinking. If we dedicated as much time to learning the word of God as we commit to learning and memorizing other things, how big would our Bible knowledge bank be? I learned alot of scripture through songs. In fact, many old hymns and worship songs come directly from scripture.
I was just trying to learn one word. Imagine if I dedicated that much committment to learning God's word. I am grateful that I did that, grateful that I took the time to learn the "word" because it taught me a lesson. It taught me that it can be done if we persevere.
I have hidden your word in my heart, that I may not sin againt you. Psalms 119:11
Note: The spanish word was parrandera and the word I was using was tracalera.
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