When making a purchase I often hear "debit or credit?" I know you may find this hard to believe but at one time it was "cash or credit?" At any rate, the lone one standing is "credit." It is so easy to just whip out a credit card and take care of the purchase. The credit I want to talk about today however, does not have to do with a purchase.
As we prepared for Vacation Bible School, I saw that it takes alot of individuals to make that happen. One does not just wake up and "poof" it's done. Someone or some group comes in and lays out the plan and then makes it happen. Alot of people, props, electronics and odd jobs....who gets the credit?
I teach Ladies Bible Study during the week. It requires alot of preparation and studying on my part before the class. I am not alone, every teacher there has to prepare to lead and teach the class of ladies. There are copies to make, ladies to call or email, places to set up...who gets the credit?
It's great when we have full classes of individuals who come to learn the Word of God or "hear a specific teacher" because they like her teaching style or are interested in a specific topic. It takes alot of hard work...who gets the credit?
I was reading my Bible one morning this week and ran across a verse that literally jumped off the page for me. I could literally feel God speaking these words and I begin to think about what it was saying. Of course my first question was "you talking to me?"
I have been at the heart of saying "I did it." I usually find myself using those words with my father. Whatever it is that I did, I want him to know that I did it and I want credit for it! Why would I have to do that with my heavenly Father? He will not share the "credit" with anyone.
If lives are changes because of a church event or a bible study God may use us to make that happen but trust me....He gets all the glory!
I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. Isaiah 42:8
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