Thursday, July 18, 2013

Not for one

I said I wasn't going to do it...not today.  I just didn't have the time to blog today but then my husband said something that kicked me into overdrive. 

I set my alarm early just in case I overslept.  We were going to go check on my father in law and feed him breakfast.  When it went off, I jumped out of bed cleaned up and was ready in a flash.  I was out the door by 6:15.  I normally make our coffee in the morning but I decided to let my husband sleep a little longer and I went off to my visit.  I stopped to get coffee, a necessary element in our morning and a piece of danish. 

When I left there, I returned home and my husband was already dressed ready to leave.  When I realized the calories in the danish, I opted to save it for him rather than eat it myself.  I warmed it up and asked if he had made his coffee.  He stated "No, I didn't want to make it for just one."

Wow, that got my mind going.  How many things do we not want to do because it is "just for one." I thought of all the evenings when I ate alone that I didn't want to cook because it was "just for one." How long do you wait to do laundry when it's "just for one?" 

I am thinking of my parents 50th wedding anniversary several years ago.  We decided we would go big and have it at a local hotel banquet room.  Our guest list began with one hundred and fifty and almost doubled.  We had party favors, mariachi band, dinner, dj...the works.  Would we have done it if we would have only had one guest?  Would we have done that for just one?  I doubt it.  

In Genesis, Abraham pled for the salvation of the righteous in Sodom.  Adam wanted God to spare the city for the righteous so they would not be swept away in the destruction of the wicked.  The question was "Where were they?"  Abraham began with fifty "Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked?  What if there are fifty righteous people in the city?  Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it?"  [24-24]

The Lord's reply was "If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake." [26]

The conversation goes from fifty to ten!  Ten righteous people, can they be found in this city? 

I am a Ladies Bible Study teacher.  I serve alongside many amazing teachers.  I have taught classes where I may only have six or seven attendees.  I have to prepare just as hard whether I have twenty five or five!  I can honestly tell you that if my roster for the class came back with only one name on it, I would still hold that class.  I would not only teach that class, I would take it as an opportunity to personally minister and mentor that individual. Yes I would do it "just for one!"

I am so glad Christ did not have a numeric quota when he went to that cross.  I'm so glad he didn't say "I'll do it for 500 or 5000" and while many are waiting saying "I'll come to Christ when I get straight" Christ died for us even while we were still sinners [Romans 5:8].  We were all included in that. 

I'm so glad that Jesus did not say "I'm not doing it 'just for one'."

The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is found in Genesis 18:16-33

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