Yesterday we had an appointment set up at the medical center for my son. We have been dealing with an issue since he was a child and it was time for a follow-up.
I thought of emailing a dear friend and asking her to pray for this appointment but as you can imagine, I was overwhelmed with the events of the day and it simply slipped my mind. As we sat in front of the doctor with his milky white lab coat and we heard the diagnosis come out of his mouth, I heard it in slow motion. I remember it ringing in my ears as I watched the expression on my son's face.
I, however, felt a sense of tremendous peace. The first thing that came to mind was his favorite verse: Philippians 4:13. We left that place in separate vehicles as his father had driven him to the appointment. I struggled for thoughts, in fact, I had only one-email a friend.
I pulled my phone out and emailed a friend who has loved and prayed for my son for years. I recall one day having a prayer service at my church and she and a pastor were standing at the front. My husband and I took that long walk down the aisle and I held her hands as we prayed for the very thing that set this issue in motion. My son was eight years old.
I have updated her through the years and she is my "go-to" when it comes to my son. Perhaps it's because she shared that she has a grandson that she prayed for from birth and God completely healed him. Yesterday after the appointment, I emailed her and asked her to pray for my son. She informed that she has been praying most recently for his transition from high school to college and then she with some very impacting words that laid in my heart and I processed them all night. She said "I continue to pray...I want to be on Matthew's prayer team."
How real! I thought "We [as moms] can not do this alone. We have prayer teams in bible study class, we have prayer teams for events, we have prayer teams in church...why not have a prayer team for our children?
Society has a huge impact on us and sometimes we can overlook or overcome the pressure but our children are struck from every direction. Then there is their circle of friends. As parents we can control some of that but when our children get older, their choices affect their lives. I have seen this country rally together to overturn decisions, change policies, or create a new law, can you imagine how our children would be changed if we rallied together and prayed for our children? I don't mean "pray for our children" but literally pray for Matthew, Victor, Josh, Brittney, Jason, Emma, Taylor and so many others. Not a general prayer but praying by name.
So following through with that idea I ask "Who is praying for your child? Who is on your son or daughter's prayer team that you know will pray for your them often if not daily? Who is helping you carry your child to God in prayer?"
I have to say thank you to my friend not only for praying for my child all these years but also for placing a seed in my heart that I hope will flourish in the lives of many parents. My question to you if you have a child is "Who's on your team?"
And she said to him "As surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the Lord, I prayed for this child and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. So now I give him to the lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord" 2 Samuel 1:26-27
Thank you to my dear friend Elaine Hastings for her continuous prayers and support and for being on "Matthew's prayer team."
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