Friday, July 18, 2014

Justice vs Mercy

How many times?  How many times have you asked "God when are you going to see their sin and punish them?" I am so quick to want God to handle situations with discipline....for someone else, not me.  You see, I can always justify my actions.

I recall a few years ago when New Orleans was struck with Hurricane Katrina.  There was much loss of life and property and at that time, public servants in our city were called to additional shifts and heightened security.  All the while, their mayor was in the limelight making arrogant, accusatory remarks.  According to him, no one was helping, no one was doing enough, no one cared.

The issue was the arrogance and the stirring of situations.  God gave him a voice as an individual in authority and he misused it.   I know it struck my heart every time he told the people that no one wanted to help them or no one was making an effort to rescue them.  In situations like natural disasters, you want to encourage and help people but he consistently brought negative attention to himself and his city. 

I recall thinking "Stop it! Our city has opened its doors to help don't tell the people that no one cares!" I was very discouraged with his attitude and lack of leadership.  The days, months and years passed and a new mayor was elected, the city was restored, and many rebuilt their homes. 

Yet the thought of the damage done by reckless words loomed in my mind.  Until two weeks ago. 

Two weeks ago, I saw where the former mayor was indicted in federal court receiving 10 years for fraud and bribery.  This individual who used his voice to criticize and belittle every leader in this country was himself living a double life, a life of luxury received illegally. 

It is sad to believe that we could think that our sin would not be found out.  It is even sadder to be the innocent victims of these lies. 

You may still be sitting there wondering "when" God will take action against those who have harmed you.  To you I say "God is not slow in keeping his promise!"  While justice prevailed in this case, God is still a merciful God and this is one of his children.  All of us are.  As I examine myself and hope for justice for those who have hurt me, I pray that He extends mercy to me in my own actions.

The Lord is a God who avenges.  O God who avenges, shine forth. Rise up Judge of the earth; pay back to the proud what they deserve.  How long Lord, will the wicked, how long will the wicked be jubilant? They pour out arrogant words; all the evil doers are full of boasting.  Psalm 94:1-4

I invite you to read the entire chapter of Psalm 94

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