Thursday, July 31, 2014

What does your heart say?

I am a very sentimental person.  I love nostalgia and vintage.  I hold on to the precious and believe me, there is a fine line between that and hoarding.  I find it interesting to see what people hold on to, what defines them.

I also love buying those things.  I find it interesting that long ago, people had plates [saucers] with matching cups on them where ladies served coffee and cookies on the same plate.  I have many of those-I love them. 

But to tell you the truth, this is not about what I have in my cabinet, its about what I found in my kitchen cabinet.  I went to get a large plastic cup to pour myself a good helping of iced tea and when I opened my lower cabinet I found a Dickie's Bar B Q cup...and another and another. 

There were about ten yellow Dickie's cups in that cabinet!  The first thing I thought was "Well, there's no lying now! Everyone will know we eat Dickie's Bar B Q and that we eat it often!"

The deal is that my husband introduced me to it a few months ago and I loooove their pulled pork sandwich with pickles.  It is delish and on occasion we share it.  Of course with our meal we have to have ice tea so that means two cups. 

What amazed me about my discovery was that I have always heard "Your checkbook will tell what your true love is."  My cabinet told what made our belly's happy. 

I wondered what God could tell about me when he looked into my heart.  Would he find bitterness, anger, envy, or would he find contentment, commitment and a desire to serve him.  People can not see into our hearts anymore than they can see through a closed cabinet.  However, when that door is opened we can see what is really inside. 

So when you go along life's daily grind remember that whatever you are putting in your heart will eventually define you.  Open that door to your heart and discover what it would say if others could see inside.

Don't judge me for loving pulled pork and I promise....whatever is in your heart, if it is something you need to turn over to God, he will not judge you. 

I still love Dickie's and I'll continue to drink their tea but I pray that God will reveal to me what my heart says to others and I pray that it will honor him.

The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart.  For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks. 
Luke 6:45

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