Sunday, July 27, 2014

Let go

Since my father-in-law's passing in November, we have sorted through many, many things.  We have located things from eras past and relished the memories of  yesterday.  We are not quite through all of it but have moved a lot of it out and to other hands.

One of the things I held on to was a sewing container that looks much like a modern day ottoman with storage.  It has a lid that pops off and it was filled with afghans, threads, needles and such items.  I emptied it and set it aside not wanting to send it off or give it up just yet.

This fall, our youngest will be living in an apartment just off campus and I thought he might want it.  Not as a sewing container but as a place to store books and rest his feet.  I held on to it and it was just sitting in an empty living room at my father-in-law's place.

The time came to clear the room so we moved it to our house.  I placed it near our stairs still thinking our son would want it.  When he came home he said he could not use it and would not be taking it.  So...I kept it...for me!  I wouldn't have to let go of it after all. 

Then I heard a friend was in the same situation with college apartments so I "took inventory" and decided that I didn't really need the piece.  I was going to give it to her.  I picked it up and then said "NO" I want to keep it.  Why?  It was never mine, I had no attachment to it, it didn't even belong to my father or mother-in-law.  I just liked it but something kept telling me to "let go!''

When I took it to my friend's house I simply and easily gave it to her.  No attachment, no drama, no anxiety.  It was now hers to do with as she wished.  It was hers to decorate or change any way she wanted.  I had let go.

Many times I am that way with my life.  It is not and never has been but yet I want to hold on to it.  I don't want to give it up.  I don't want to let go because I know if I let go and give it back to God, He might change it, He might use it in a way different from my own plans. 

It is not often easy to let go and let God take control but like that piece, I must remember that my life was never mine.  It is God's and He created me to glorify Him.

So if you're still fighting for control over your life...let go!

Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. 
Matthew 10:39

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