Thursday, September 27, 2012

Changing Colors

On February 13, 2012, I wrote a posted titled True Colors.  I wrote of a cup that I had purchased at our church during a particular sermon series called Counter Cultural.  The cup was one that changed colors with the temperature of the beverage in it.  For instance, with my morning coffee, it turned white.  With iced tea it remained black.  Heat caused it to turn white and it was a pretty, bright white. 

This summer I carried my cup in my car and left it out a couple of times.  When I went back to my car it was obvious that the temperature had caused it to turn white.  What I noticed however, was that the color "white" was a little more dull and a little less bright.

I was saddened that leaving it out in high temperatures had affected the effictiveness of the cup.  Again, it reminded me that we who are in Christ are different.  We shine bright and show his radiance by staying in His Word and honoring and obeying Him. 

It is unfortunate that when we slip up, we become like that cup.  It was in the unprotected elements long enough that it finally lost it's brilliance.  It became dull and although it still reacts with heat, the change is a gray, dull color rather than the bright white.  It changes colors but you have to look close to see that there is truly a difference. 

Can't that happen to us?  Can't we fall out of fellowship and wonder off into the ways of the world to where we eventually just fit in to that element?  Rather than shining and being different, we merely begin fitting in and it is diffiult for others to see the difference. 

I pray that my life will never lose the radiance of Jesus Christ.  I pray that I will remain obedient and honor Him in all his ways.  I pray that it is obvious to others that I serve the one true God.  I don't want to be a part of the element that causes others to question my who I serve.  

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning for there are some who are ignorant of God-I say this to your shame.
1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Water your own yard

This season, we have been studying the book by Ed Young, Jr. Fatal Distractions.  It has really been eye opener for me.  Issues that we see as "Seven Deadly Sins" but really don't apply to us.  Could they?

Last night we studied envy.  One of the questions posed was "Is there a difference between jealousy and envy?" We learned that there is. The definition as given in the book was an eye opener:

Envy-being sad about someone else's successes or blessings and glad about someone else's failures or troubles. 

Jealousy-to have a desire for something that is rightfully yours.

Big difference I would say.   As I think of Cain and Abel, I have often heard that Cain was "jealous" of his brother but I would venture to say that Cain was envious.  Young also stated in the book that "Envy sets up a person to lie in order to get what others have and what he thinks he should have."

When God looked on Abel's offering with favor, Cain's anger began to surface.  He was not happy at Abel's "successes or blessings" and he made a move to kill him. He deceived his brother to going into the field and then killed him.   Cain then lied to God when God asked "Where is your brother?"

Like many of us, Cain's envy overpowered him to the point of "taking out his brother."  How many times do we allow that to happen to us?  Many times for things not really worth the effort.  Oh we don't literally kill them but with words and actions, we may kill their spirit and it doesn't even faze us. When it's all said and done we discover that many times the consequences of our actions are much greater than our desire to have what we want. 

In Genesis 4 after God decleared Cain's punishment, Cain cried out "My punishment is more than I can bear." We might be envious of someone else's possessions, positions, or status and we might actually go after them in search of gaining what they have. 

There was a story of a genie in the book where a man was given a wish.  He was told "...whatever you wish for,  I will give double measure to the person you envy so much."  The man thought it over for a moment then said "I wish for one blind eye."  That is the spirit of envy!  He would continue to see while the one he envied most would be blind. 

Envy has a driving force.  Today's society of bigger and better feeds that drive.  It is ugly!  So before you envy your friend, family member, coworker, or anyone else, stop and think of what the consequences might be.  I would venture to guess that had Cain worked a little harder and had a heart for God like Abel did, God would have honored him to. 

Envy is rightfully called the "green eyed monster."  Instead of "eying" what others have and being sad that they are successful, we could put that effort in to our own successes. 

I heard someone say "Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but that's because it's being watered!"

So water your own yard and then you won't have to envy what someone else has. 

Therefore rid yourselves of all malice, and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind
1 Peter 2:1

Fatal Distractions/Envy, 2000-Thomas Nelson, Inc. Ed Young, Jr.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

He's my son

The other day, I sat with my son in his room and we had a good discussion.  He has come to the point in life where we have to expand our boundaries.  He is a senior now and next year he will be going off to college.  I have always told my self "I'm ready."  "I really am ready!" Who am I kidding?

As parents, we often think on the day when our kids will eventually leave our home.  We have had two leave already and he is our last to go.  The day we sat and talked, I knew he was injured about an incident that had taken place.  He was feeling a mix of emotions and together, we worked through it. 

I recall watching the movie The Green Mile where the prisoner (Michael Duncan) took on people's ailments, injuries and hurts.  He got a hold of the correction officer (Tom Hanks) and "took on" his ailment and relieving Hanks of his pain and trouble.  As a result, a great friendship was formed even to death.

I wish it worked that way.  I really do.  I would take on my son's pain, injury, hurts, and ailments so that he would not ever suffer.  Unfortunately, God's Word tells us that's how we grow, it's how we are refined, it's how we build character. 

I recall going to bed that night telling God-I want it!  Give it to me....give me my son's pain but relieve him of it.  Yes...we all make mistakes, we speak to much and often listen too little but when the reprucussions come, we just want relief. 

I told God "give me his pain, I don't want to see him sad or troubled.....he's my son!" and as soon as the words were out of my mouth, I heard "..and HE was MY son!"  Jesus IS God's son and he did suffer to the point of death for us.  He sufferred ridicule, pain, injury, troubles, criticism, and still he went to the cross to give me eternal life and our Heavenly Father watched as his son did that for us. 

We don't want our children to suffer even for a moment, but it is inevitable.  My prayer is that my son will recognize that through it all, the God who gave his own son, will never leave him.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose....He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all-how will he not also along with him, graciously give us all things?  Romans 8:28 & 32

I love you Matthew Eller!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Can you hear me now?

Several weeks ago I almost got myself in trouble.  I took a  trip to Dallas and as I left the city, I was driving behind a pickup truck.  It was older and had "junk" in the bed of the truck.  Upon closer examination, I discovered that there was an old pay phone in the mix of the stuff. 

Of course I am intrigued by things of the past.  I love antiques but even more so, I love the story they tell.  I followed this truck through red light after red light contemplating what my next step would be.  I thought that I would approach the driver, an elderly man, and offer to pay him for this "old" pay phone.

I was adamant that I was to have that pay phone.  I already envisioned in my mind, teaching a Bible Study lesson using that phone.  I just had to have it and I needed a plan.  I even prayed about how to get it.  I drove on and it just appeared that it was destiny that I get it.  We stopped at every light!  It was early in the morning about 6:30AM and the sun was peering out so bright.  It was a good morning to benefit from a great find.

Then just for a moment I thought that with every passing day, our technology changes more and more.  I remember when bag phones first came out and how everyone longed to have one.  Then came flip phones, razors, iphones and the growth continues. 

It got me to that old pay phone in that truck, are we stuck on the old when we try to communicate with God?  Do we do fail to grow in our prayer life?  Are we so busy, tired, or pre-occupied to pray.  Do we say thank you for my food, thank you for the day or thank you for the weather and then end it? 

When Jesus spoke with the Father, He went to a place where He was alone and communicated with him.  Not by making demands or His own wish list but by asking for God's will to be done.  We have become a society so busy that there is hardly any down time.  We are on the phone when we wake up, at the grocery store, at public restaurants and yes-even in public restrooms!  We are always talking on the phone.

I wondered if we calculated the time we are on the phone how it would outweigh the time we talk to God.  I also wondered if in talking to God, I was stuck using an old pay phone when all along, the iphone5 was available. Today, we can even talk face to face on a phone.   How do you communicate with God?  Are you really talking to him or are you stuck on the "Can you hear me now?" God stands ready to listen for those who are ready to meet and communicate with him. 

Call unto me and I will answer thee and show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not.
Jeremiah 33:3

By the way, I did not approach the man.  Instead, I left him at a red light and turned right as I headed for the freeway.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Leave the stump

When I write in my blog, I usually do not use material or scripture that comes from my own personal devotion.  God usually shows me material that does not require me taking from somewhere else but I have to share something with you.

A couple of "seasons" ago, my friend Peggy Pickens told me "You just have to do the study on Daniel."  Of course being a teacher myself, there is never time in my schedule.  This season however, I decided to take the Beth Moore Study facilitated by my friend June Richards.  "God has a word for you" is what June always tells me.

In just four weeks, I have learned so much.  Proverbs 9:10 says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."  Let me tell was I got some knowledge!  You see, like many of us, I went through the fire.  I say I went through the fire because I have finally come out on the other side. Many of us fight the fight of "why me" or "when will it end" or "God please save me."

Mine was "I just don't understand."  In my self righteous attitude I didn't know why God would allow who was serving, singing, teaching, loving God, why he would allow me to go through this fire.  I probably would not have survived had I not completely, absolutely, and without reservation relied on God.

Today, as I read the story of Nebuchadnezzar's dream in Daniel 4, God did speak to me!  He showed me how in my fire, he did not leave me nor will he ever leave me.  My faith needed to be refined.   

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a large tree that was strong and great.  It had to be brought down in order to expose his pride and arrogance. Like this king, the evidence of God not leaving me is found in verse 23 "Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump..."

You see, God was not "taking me out" he was refining me.  In the process however, he had to expose and get rid of the junk!  I have to tell you my heart leapt when I read this.  It leapt when I realized that God desired to use me not have me taken out.  He left me hope when I was cut by leaving the stump with deep grounded roots. 

It makes me sing Halleluah when I look at it that way.  My prayer is that I have been faithful in my re-growth.  Many of us have full schedules...I do as well but if I had stayed at home or cleaned house or run errands, I would have missed this word and today, the word was for me.

You O king are that tree! You have become strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.  You, O King, saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, "Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground." Daniel 4:22-23

Monday, September 17, 2012

"Touch" someone-make a difference

I come from a world where "touching" is a no-no.  It was a male dominated world and caution and discretion is required at all times.  Oh don't get me wrong.  It was always ok to high five on a "good deal" or hug a partner who had reached a goal or was recognized for an accomplishment...but caution first.

As I thought about that this morning, I sent a text out to a lady in my Ladies Bible Class to encourage her and let her know I was thinking about her.  When I sent it I thought "I hope that touches her."  I wanted her to know that I was thinking of her.  She is the only one I do not have an email address for so she misses out on all the emails.  Today, I sent her a text.

I have a couple of friends who are are on crutches, a miserable feeling I can relate to all to well.  I try to communicate with them to let them know I am thinking of them...I hope that touches their heart.  You see, there are ways to touch an individual without contact.  I also have a neighbor who had surgery that I have been checking on and I know she finds it touching to hear from me so often.

Sometimes it's difficult to think about, call, or visit everybody but if we can make a difference in one individual, then you have made a difference.  Jesus made a difference in our life when we allowed Him to touch our hearts.

I recall for a long time Southwestern Bell [remember them] had a slogan which was "Reach out and touch someone."  Again, you could reach someone, touch someone with a phone call.  So if you're sitting back thinking of how you've been wanting to send a card or make a phone it!

"Touch" someone in your life it will make a difference in their life and yours!

Samuel explained to the people the regulations of the kinship.  He wrote them down on a scroll and deposited it before the Lord.  Then Samuel dismissed the people, each to his own home.  Saul also went to his home in Gibeah accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched.
1 Samuel 10: 25-26

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bible Drill

As I look at those words, I am reminded that when I was a youth at our church, we would always have "bible drills" on Sunday nights.  Our leader would call out a particular scripture and we would race to see who could find it first to read. 

Today as I sat in church, I recall thinking "I hope my son brings his Bible to church."  You see, I told my Bible Study class today that we must rid ourselves of "...malice, all deceipt, envy..." just like it says in
1 Peter 2:1.  However, when we get rid of something, we must replace it with something else.

We can not have a healthy spiritual diet if we do not fill our lives with God's Word.  I love that our church provides screens with the scripture on it but do you know that the more you open your Bible and the more you search and mediatate on it...the more you will learn it?  Bible Drills did that for me. 

You can usually pinpoint where a verse is because if you open it often enough, you'll become familiar with books, chapters and verses.  Our church also provides Bibles but if you're anything like me, I write all in my Bible.  I write prayers, names, sermon dates, quotes, and things that will trigger my memory.  I also know there are tabs that one can purchase and attach to their Bibles.  They guide you to the book of the Bible you are looking for.  We did not have those in the days of our Bible Drills. 

I think that's what forced us to learn the difference between where the Old Testament and where the New Testament.  Not having tabs forced us to learn the books of the Bible and where the books were and at 13 years old, that was huge. I loved those days. 

I am pleased that my son has his favorite verses although he does not have Bible Drills as I knew them.  I have long left that bible behind but my desire is that one day, I will leave the Bible I now use for my son and that as he opens it and goes through it, he will realize how much he was prayed for and how often I interceeded for him. 

If you have a Bible read it, absorb the word and don't be afraid to write in it.  But above all....carry it with you.  You never know when there will be a Bible Drill!

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Joshua 1:8

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

It's not the's the value

Yesterday I went to my weekly Bible Study at our church.  We are studying the book of Daniel and it has been awesome.  It is my opportunity to visit with other women and get to learn the Word of God. As I left the building to go check on my father in law, I made a restroom stop.  What happened next surprised even me.

As I entered the restroom, I placed my workbook and my Bible on the shelf but I carried my ipad and my purse into the stall.  I did that because a dear friend told me that her's was stolen from a restroom.  Worse, it was stolen from the restroom stall that she had just left. 

I hung my purse on the hook in the door and laid my ipad across the straps to hold it in.  Upon doing that, I immediately thought "What in the world would posses me to leave my Bible and carry my ipad?"  The answer for most of us would be value.

You see, materialisticly speaking, that particular ipad with all it's bells and whistles was quite pricey.  The Bible was under $100.00.  This is an excellent example of how no one can put a value on the Word of God.  Each contains a wealth of information, each can provide that information at your fingertips, each contributes to society, each let's you access history, and each can be used for growth.

The difference however, is that the ipad can not save you.  Oh yeah, it can pull you out of a crunch but what eternal value does it have?  Yet I clutched it for dear life and very comfortably laid my Bible down.  There are notes and prayers in my Bible that are priceless and yet I had no fear that anyone might take it.

Last night, I saw that friend in class and she had a brand new ipad to replace the one she lost.  It's that easy.  If it's lost or taken, it can be replaced but if I lost my Bible with all my notes and all my prayers, that would be worse than losing anything!  I discovered quickly that sometimes, it's not in the price... it's in the value.  Lesson learned.

Losing ipad....$700.00
Losing Bible...$ 75.00

Keeping notes on how God has spoken in my life.....Priceless

Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Proverbs 8:10-11

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Growing Flowers

Years ago I lived in Atascocita in the Humble area.  I recall driving past a little "taco truck" parked just off of FM 1960.  This was the way an individual lived out their dream of a restaurant.  They began with a good cook, a mobile place, and a visible or populated location.

Many could not afford the expense of running a full restaurant or chose not to for reasons such as leasing space, family obligations or because it was too much of a financial burden to maintain.  As a result, they would take their mobile trucks or small trailers and operate out of them.  Most would do so in peak hours such as breakfast or or lunch for employees.

I would often see the mobile truck on 1960 drawing quite the crowd.  The drive-to location soon placed chairs and small tables just outside of their location.  Then came the cover to block the sun from those choosing to enjoy their meal outside.  They serve nothing more than tacos but options were never an issue. The name Flores Tacos gave me the impression that it was a family run business.

The other day as we drove past that location, I saw that it had indeed grown.  Gone were the small tables and chairs and the truck.  In it's place was a restaurant that could accomodate many times more the customers than those at the truck.  The building was brand new with a mocha colored exterior.  Outside were large letters that read Flores Tacos.

I told my husband that they worked and worked and worked until they grew to what they are today.  They consistently must have put out  a good product, and established a reputation for flavor, and they must have been exceptional at pleasing the customer.  This is what caused their growth.  They never stopped trying.

In looking at the name, flores is spanish for flower and like a flower, this business grew.   Like a flower however, it did not grow without attention.  We must be deligent in watering  flowers and occassionally add a growing product to help them grow fully and beautiful. Last summer we took a vacation and were gone for seven days.  With the drought we were experiencing, our flowers did not get watered and we lost all of them.

So it is with our walk with Christ.  We can not expect to grow if we are not in His Word.   We can not expect to grow if we do no participate in personal and corporate worship.  Neither a restaurant nor flowers can not survive if they are neglected and neither can our relationship with Christ. 

We all start out small.  We take baby steps towards our relationship with Christ but we never stop.  Like a baby, we begin with milk but with growth we crave more. We keep growing by nourshing that relationship with the Word of God.  So if you feel like you are not getting anywhere or you're not growing like you should, nurture that relationship. The more time we spend with God in the Word of God, the more we will grow. 

Flores Tacos never gave up but in looking back they can say "I remember when..." and in looking forward, they look towards success and growth...shouldn't we?

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.  2 Peter 2:2

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's free

Before my father-in-law got sick, I was at a mall making a purchase.  I went to the second floor and was for some reason just watching people.  There were many people and I recall that was strange in the middle of the day with school already in session.

As I watched, I saw a cookie vendor in his kiosk cutting cookies into small slices and then placing them on a tray for people to sample.  There were many taking the free sample but no one was purchasing the product.  In fact, he could hardly keep up with the demand.  He would cut, display and replace and that became his routine.

As I eventually walked past his kiosk I wondered why people would take what would satisfy their tastebuds for a moment but would not purchase an entire cookie. 

So much like the gift God offers us.  He offers us a chance at eternal life and the gift is free.  Many want the free gift but are not willing to commit to a lifetime of walking with Christ.  They want that free gift when they are in a crisis or when disaster hits or when their life appears to be spiraling out of control. 

Yes, the initial gift is free but there is an opportunity to accept more than a taste....there is an opportunity to experience a lifetime of this free gift of eternal life.  That requires making a commitment and living it out. 

Don't settle for a sample...the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ is free!

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.  He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life.  1 John 5:11-12

Saturday, September 8, 2012

I ain't leaving my stuff

We have had alot going on this week.  My father in law seems to be recovering and it appears he will be heading home soon. 

Despite that going on, a hurricane named Isaac wreaked havoc through Louisiana.  The destruction was substantial and families had to be moved and relocated.  The news stations covered the loss and damage often interviewing individuals. 

Many had to be rescued by boat and many at the last minute due to their refusal to believe that the hurricane would be severe, or they are just set in their ways and would not leave.  One TV station interviewed an older gentleman and asked why he was not willing to leave despite the threat of danger to life and property.  His response was "I ain't leaving my stuff."

He had worked all his life for what he had accumulated and he was not willing to give it up to a hurricane.  Unfortunately, we think much the same way of our material things.  We are not willing to turn our backs on the world to follow Jesus.  We strive to make a name for ourselves, live in the finest homes, drive in the most stylish cars, wear the best clothes and then don't want to give up that lifestyle.  Not there there is anything wrong with that at all, the problem is that we build our treasures here and don't work on building our treasures in heaven.

How many times have we shared the Word of God with others?  How many have we invited to church? How many have we dedicated time to?  Those are the thing that count because in the end, you can't take all that other "stuff" with you.  You won't see your fine home or your stylish car or your best close...but you could see someone you invested time in, some you planted the seed in, someone you took time to minister.

So when the time comes, leave the stuff behind and put your time and efforts in the kingdom because I promise you, God has enough to replace all our stuff....and then some.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:19-21

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The sun was shining on them

Forgive me for my inability to post the last few days.  We had a family situation that required immediate and constant attention.

On Friday, my 97 year old father-in-law had a stroke.  We received a call that while checking his mail, he had a stroke causing him to fall into a ditch.  Some passerbys found him and assisted him to getting back in to his house.  A neighbor called us.

We immediately went to his side.  He would not go to the hospital and in respecting his wishes, we honored that.  He suffers from mini strokes and has always recovered within a few hours.  True to form, within 2-3 hours, his speech was restored although he had no memory of the incident. 

We got him to bed and went home for the night as he refused to have us stay with him.  In the morning, when I returned, the early bird was already up and dressed sitting in his chair.  We talked for a bit and he told me that he had lost his glasses.  He feared they were in the ditch and would be ruined by a mower.  I proceeded to walk out to the ditch and I looked everywhere but could not locate them. 

My husband arrived shortly thereafter and I told him about the glasses.  He also went out to the ditch and glasses.  He came in with the bad news and my father in law was saddened because he said that he can not read the paper, write or watch TV without them [you know he was better if he wanted to watch Gunsmoke].

I told my husband "Let's go back there and look again!  We have to find those glasses."  As we neared the ditch, I began praying.  I prayed that God would open our eyes so that we could locate those glasses.  Once there, I went into my "investigator" mode.  I told my husband that if the stroke was so serious that it brought him down, his arms probably flung out making the radius of the landing wider.  Having said that,  I prayed in open voice, "Father, help us find those glasses."  With that, I looked wider and saw the glasses shining in the grass.

My husband said that when he heard me yell "I found them," he immediately saw them. He said "I saw them because the sun was shining on them." 

I would venture to say that we found the glasses not because the sun was shining on them, but because the "Son" was shining on them [us]!

Who is it that overcomes the world?  Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.  1 John 5:5

We are grateful for all the prayers as my father-in-law continues to improve.