Thursday, September 27, 2012

Changing Colors

On February 13, 2012, I wrote a posted titled True Colors.  I wrote of a cup that I had purchased at our church during a particular sermon series called Counter Cultural.  The cup was one that changed colors with the temperature of the beverage in it.  For instance, with my morning coffee, it turned white.  With iced tea it remained black.  Heat caused it to turn white and it was a pretty, bright white. 

This summer I carried my cup in my car and left it out a couple of times.  When I went back to my car it was obvious that the temperature had caused it to turn white.  What I noticed however, was that the color "white" was a little more dull and a little less bright.

I was saddened that leaving it out in high temperatures had affected the effictiveness of the cup.  Again, it reminded me that we who are in Christ are different.  We shine bright and show his radiance by staying in His Word and honoring and obeying Him. 

It is unfortunate that when we slip up, we become like that cup.  It was in the unprotected elements long enough that it finally lost it's brilliance.  It became dull and although it still reacts with heat, the change is a gray, dull color rather than the bright white.  It changes colors but you have to look close to see that there is truly a difference. 

Can't that happen to us?  Can't we fall out of fellowship and wonder off into the ways of the world to where we eventually just fit in to that element?  Rather than shining and being different, we merely begin fitting in and it is diffiult for others to see the difference. 

I pray that my life will never lose the radiance of Jesus Christ.  I pray that I will remain obedient and honor Him in all his ways.  I pray that it is obvious to others that I serve the one true God.  I don't want to be a part of the element that causes others to question my who I serve.  

Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character." Come back to your senses as you ought, and stop sinning for there are some who are ignorant of God-I say this to your shame.
1 Corinthians 15:33-34

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