Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bible Drill

As I look at those words, I am reminded that when I was a youth at our church, we would always have "bible drills" on Sunday nights.  Our leader would call out a particular scripture and we would race to see who could find it first to read. 

Today as I sat in church, I recall thinking "I hope my son brings his Bible to church."  You see, I told my Bible Study class today that we must rid ourselves of "...malice, all deceipt, envy..." just like it says in
1 Peter 2:1.  However, when we get rid of something, we must replace it with something else.

We can not have a healthy spiritual diet if we do not fill our lives with God's Word.  I love that our church provides screens with the scripture on it but do you know that the more you open your Bible and the more you search and mediatate on it...the more you will learn it?  Bible Drills did that for me. 

You can usually pinpoint where a verse is because if you open it often enough, you'll become familiar with books, chapters and verses.  Our church also provides Bibles but if you're anything like me, I write all in my Bible.  I write prayers, names, sermon dates, quotes, and things that will trigger my memory.  I also know there are tabs that one can purchase and attach to their Bibles.  They guide you to the book of the Bible you are looking for.  We did not have those in the days of our Bible Drills. 

I think that's what forced us to learn the difference between where the Old Testament and where the New Testament.  Not having tabs forced us to learn the books of the Bible and where the books were and at 13 years old, that was huge. I loved those days. 

I am pleased that my son has his favorite verses although he does not have Bible Drills as I knew them.  I have long left that bible behind but my desire is that one day, I will leave the Bible I now use for my son and that as he opens it and goes through it, he will realize how much he was prayed for and how often I interceeded for him. 

If you have a Bible read it, absorb the word and don't be afraid to write in it.  But above all....carry it with you.  You never know when there will be a Bible Drill!

Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Joshua 1:8

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