Monday, September 17, 2012

"Touch" someone-make a difference

I come from a world where "touching" is a no-no.  It was a male dominated world and caution and discretion is required at all times.  Oh don't get me wrong.  It was always ok to high five on a "good deal" or hug a partner who had reached a goal or was recognized for an accomplishment...but caution first.

As I thought about that this morning, I sent a text out to a lady in my Ladies Bible Class to encourage her and let her know I was thinking about her.  When I sent it I thought "I hope that touches her."  I wanted her to know that I was thinking of her.  She is the only one I do not have an email address for so she misses out on all the emails.  Today, I sent her a text.

I have a couple of friends who are are on crutches, a miserable feeling I can relate to all to well.  I try to communicate with them to let them know I am thinking of them...I hope that touches their heart.  You see, there are ways to touch an individual without contact.  I also have a neighbor who had surgery that I have been checking on and I know she finds it touching to hear from me so often.

Sometimes it's difficult to think about, call, or visit everybody but if we can make a difference in one individual, then you have made a difference.  Jesus made a difference in our life when we allowed Him to touch our hearts.

I recall for a long time Southwestern Bell [remember them] had a slogan which was "Reach out and touch someone."  Again, you could reach someone, touch someone with a phone call.  So if you're sitting back thinking of how you've been wanting to send a card or make a phone it!

"Touch" someone in your life it will make a difference in their life and yours!

Samuel explained to the people the regulations of the kinship.  He wrote them down on a scroll and deposited it before the Lord.  Then Samuel dismissed the people, each to his own home.  Saul also went to his home in Gibeah accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched.
1 Samuel 10: 25-26

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