Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Water your own yard

This season, we have been studying the book by Ed Young, Jr. Fatal Distractions.  It has really been eye opener for me.  Issues that we see as "Seven Deadly Sins" but really don't apply to us.  Could they?

Last night we studied envy.  One of the questions posed was "Is there a difference between jealousy and envy?" We learned that there is. The definition as given in the book was an eye opener:

Envy-being sad about someone else's successes or blessings and glad about someone else's failures or troubles. 

Jealousy-to have a desire for something that is rightfully yours.

Big difference I would say.   As I think of Cain and Abel, I have often heard that Cain was "jealous" of his brother but I would venture to say that Cain was envious.  Young also stated in the book that "Envy sets up a person to lie in order to get what others have and what he thinks he should have."

When God looked on Abel's offering with favor, Cain's anger began to surface.  He was not happy at Abel's "successes or blessings" and he made a move to kill him. He deceived his brother to going into the field and then killed him.   Cain then lied to God when God asked "Where is your brother?"

Like many of us, Cain's envy overpowered him to the point of "taking out his brother."  How many times do we allow that to happen to us?  Many times for things not really worth the effort.  Oh we don't literally kill them but with words and actions, we may kill their spirit and it doesn't even faze us. When it's all said and done we discover that many times the consequences of our actions are much greater than our desire to have what we want. 

In Genesis 4 after God decleared Cain's punishment, Cain cried out "My punishment is more than I can bear." We might be envious of someone else's possessions, positions, or status and we might actually go after them in search of gaining what they have. 

There was a story of a genie in the book where a man was given a wish.  He was told "...whatever you wish for,  I will give double measure to the person you envy so much."  The man thought it over for a moment then said "I wish for one blind eye."  That is the spirit of envy!  He would continue to see while the one he envied most would be blind. 

Envy has a driving force.  Today's society of bigger and better feeds that drive.  It is ugly!  So before you envy your friend, family member, coworker, or anyone else, stop and think of what the consequences might be.  I would venture to guess that had Cain worked a little harder and had a heart for God like Abel did, God would have honored him to. 

Envy is rightfully called the "green eyed monster."  Instead of "eying" what others have and being sad that they are successful, we could put that effort in to our own successes. 

I heard someone say "Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but that's because it's being watered!"

So water your own yard and then you won't have to envy what someone else has. 

Therefore rid yourselves of all malice, and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind
1 Peter 2:1

Fatal Distractions/Envy, 2000-Thomas Nelson, Inc. Ed Young, Jr.

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