Sunday, October 14, 2012

In this very room

Whew! Again, another busy week.  My father-in-law was in the hospital, I worked a couple of days this week, bible study classes, school functions,  and so on and so on.  Everything ran to the very last minute.  I was off to support our son at a football game while my husband was waiting to have his father discharged from the hospital and somewhere in the night we met. 

We also had an unexpected trip we had to make this weekend-again, rearranging our schedule.  As we returned home, we unloaded and I went to see my father-in-law as my husband went to the grocery store.  I decided to change his sheets.  I went to the linen closet and pulled out fresh sheets as he waited in the living room. I stripped his bed and for some reason, as I pulled the fitted sheet onto the side where my mother-in-law slept, I felt the mattress, closed my eyes and thought "In this very room." 

"It was in this very room that I lost you.  In this very room you had a massive stroke that took your life ten days later.  In this very room your husband recognized what was happening and tried helplessly to come to your aid. As I stand here, I miss you because I know you would make things better-in this very room. "

I felt sad.  I know there is nothing more in the world that my-father-in-law would want than her.  A love so true, so pure, so missed.  As I continued to make the bed, the tune and words to this song led me through the assignment.

In this very room-there's quite enough love for one like me,
And in this very room there's quite enough joy for one like me,
And there's quite enough hope and quite enough power to chase away any gloom
For Jesus.....Lord Jesus, is in this very room. 

At that moment I felt like I needed joy and hope and love.  I needed that power to chase away that gloom and I realized that only her memory was there and she could no longer comfort me but Jesus...Lord Jesus was in that very room and He could. 

In This Very Room was a song I sang with our church choir several years ago.  It was beautiful then and it was beautiful today.  Since I always sang it at church, "This Very Room" was always a sanctuary filled with numerous people.  Some needing comfort, some needing joy, and others needing hope.  But today, for me...."this very room" was my father-in-law's bedroom, and even there, Jesus....Lord Jesus, was in that very room. 

Do not let your hearts be troubled.  Trust in God; trust also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you.  I am going to prepae a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.  John 14:1-3

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