Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Know for sure

It is amazing how often I have heard a scripture twisted to accomodate an individual's opinion or position.  It's even more amazing how often scripture is taken out of context for the same reason.  How can one know if what they hear is true?  How can one know for sure?  I say read the Word.

I was watching a local morning show several months ago and they did a story on a product for the hair that contained formaldehyde.  They had conducted an investigation in which it was discovered that many hair salons were using this product and did not make the consumer aware of the ingredients it contained. 

Customers were paying high prices for this process without having this knowledge.  In one case, a salon owner of a pricey California salon was interviewed about his knowledge of the contents.  He was asked why he was denying  knowledge of this ingredient when customers asked.  His response was "I lied to [customers] because they [makers of the product] lied to me. If I lied to them it's because I didn't know."

There are times when we as consumers can lose out if we are not told the truth.  We can purchase a defective product, we can use products that are harmful, and we can lose in the end all because someone withheld information. 

In life, it is important for us to know the truth.  We do not know, and we can be in error if we do not study the word.  If you are armed with the word of God, then you will know the truth.  You will know for sure that what it says is true.

Jesus said "You are in error because you do not know the scriptures or the Word of God." 
Matthew 22:29

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